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Everything posted by VoicesInMyHead

  1. Postman... seriously, man. Give it a rest. You missed the opportunity to make it big. We all get it. Now, quit keeping your eyes on your neighbor's money and keep it on your own.
  2. I have had a DirecTV TiVo (aka DirecTiVo) for many, many years. Don't look for one... they don't make them anymore... but, it is a Tivo through-and-through (just with an integrated DirecTV receiver built-in). TiVo is fantastic. Not only is it incredibly easy to use, but it is very reliable and the service behind it is equally reliable. I would never settle for anything but a genuine TiVo DVR.
  3. The frequencies and SAME codes for Paulding County haven't changed in a number of years. The SAME codes never change... the frequencies sometimes do as new transmitter locations are brought online and old ones are taken offline. In any case, the proper frequencies and SAME codes can be found here: http://www.weather.gov/nwr/CntyCov/nwrGA.htm
  4. The First Amendment doesn't apply (at least not the way it was intended, anyway); this isn't a matter of Congress making a law "abridging the freedom of speech". But... I agree that it is the business between the flasher and the flashee, and the police have no part in that. I flash my lights at every opportunity because more often than not it is nothing more than a revenue stream hidden under the premise of "safety".
  5. Wrong. You can open an older Word document in Word 2010. I do it all the time. The issue is that you didn't actually install Word, it appears... considering the only two things you see are Powerpoint and OneNote. Run the Office demo setup again. Make sure Word is installed this time.
  6. Unless you have a high performance, high compression engine, you don't need high octane fuel. The engine will produce less power and will use more fuel using anything more than what the manual calls for. In times like now when fuel is so expensive, you don't want to throw money away.
  7. Wiki And, the dollar cost is nowhere near single trillion, much less your "trillions" assertion. As of 2011, it looks like it's not even half a trillion TOTAL since the war began. If you want to argue spending, the Afghanistan war pales in comparison to domestic spending. It's a popular to blame the war (even both of them) for our deficits... but, they're small in comparison to the actual other spending going on. Chew on this... Obama's stimulus plan cost nearly TWICE the entire cost of the Afghanistan war since it started just after 9/11. http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/feb
  8. I keep hearing the term "Gang Bangers" on the radio, the television, and in print (this thread was another example of it: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/274655-graffiti-in-n-paulding/page__pid__3499510 ) Where in the world did that term start, because... well... you know...
  9. No, I don't enjoy it. But it's better than trying to guess what 3 other pretend traffic cops are trying to do. Four well-acquainted people who are all standing right by each other can't even easily decide where lunch will be... much less four people in four separate cars going in four different directions with four different ideas on how they are supposed to go through an intersection. Again... don't play traffic cop. Just go through the intersection like you're supposed to.
  10. ... inventing road rules as we go along. THAT is why there are accidents. If everyone would stop trying to play traffic cop and just follow the freakin' rules, things would go a lot smoother.
  11. The right turning people should stop *only if their light is red*. If the yield sign is gone (and let's all thank God for that), if their direction of travel has a green light, they're clear to go. This is the way ALL right turn lanes should be. But, Georgia's got to be different. When I grew up in Tennessee, it was common to see out-of-state drivers from Georgia doing all sorts of wacky things. The grown-ups would make fun of "those Georgia drivers". Now that I live here, I understand why. Stopping at yellow flashing lights... stopping to allow left-turners to go... do these thin
  12. Georgia insistence on adding yield signs to right-turning lanes is not only inconsistent with with nearly every other state, but also incredibly stupid. It makes the left-turning vehicle have to overly-analyze the situation and actively have to look for a yield sign facing the opposite direction in order to determine if they have the right-of-way or not. Every other state I have ever been to gives the right-of-way to the vehicle who is crossing the least number of lanes in their travel if they have a green light. There is *no need* to give left-turning vehicles the right-of-way when ther
  13. I'm 40, but I'm concerned about it... have been since I was in my 20's. Pubby... typical response... tax us to solve their spending problems. No thanks. We don't have a tax problem, we have a spending problem. Oh... and taxing corporations but not individuals. I suppose those evil, rich corporations will just absorb that and play like their costs to do business haven't risen. Pubby, you're smarter than that.
  14. I've owned three different Verizon Droids (original Droid, Droid 2 Global, and now Droid 3) and my son has a Droid X, and our reception is just as good as any other phone.
  15. I think the jury made the right choice. Those of you who (without being on the jury or having been there) are calling for her execution based purely on your emotion... I hope you never get seated on a jury... you're dangerous to society.
  16. Where do you think the money that makes up the difference so that Peach Care can be affordable to you comes from? It's not affordable to the rest of us that pay for it via taxes *and* pay our own private premiums.
  17. That makes me sick. People like him give us that drive naked and look at porn a bad name.
  18. I've followed Dvorak since the early 80's, and honestly, he's becoming somewhat technologically senile in the last few years. BUT... the government never let's a good crisis go without taking advantage of it. I don't believe this was all a sinister setup by the government in order to require online identities, but I can see the government using the situation for precisely that reason.
  19. That is the exact recipe my mom used to make... without a doubt the BEST peach cobbler ever. The way it turns out... it's like nothing else.
  20. Just curious, what was so bad about DirecTV? We've had them for nearly 10 years with no issues at all.
  21. 10+ years of zero infections and zero problems begs to differ. As for paying, you truly do get what you pay for when it comes to anti-virus software. Malware of all types are generally not for fun; they're for profit. These nefarious developers spend great amounts of effort and money to take over computers and steal information, not because it's fun... but because it is profitable. Because it is so profitable, they spare little expense to innovate and defeat protection. It costs money to stay ahead of these criminals and out-smart their technology with better technology. It's a nev
  22. Just go buy a good, commercial anti-virus application like Norton Internet Security and be done with it. I've been using that for 10+ years on 4 computers that are constantly turned on, constantly hooked up to the Internet, and browsed all over the place by four individuals and have never had an infection of any sort; no virus, no spyware, no nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Install it, let it do it's thing in the background (which, by the way, does NOT hog resources as many would claim... this is not the old, bloated Norton of 15 years ago). Keep the subscription up-to-date, and you will e
  23. ... and let's not forget, famine resistant!
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