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Everything posted by BH87

  1. use a word for your phone I came up with 770 WHP FLO0 or 770 WIP FLO0
  2. So now that you decided to run you are against them? You seemed to be kissing their a** up until now. As for you as a candidate I think some things will come out. My first allegation would be you had a commerce member on here with the address and name of a business that did not exist. This same member would later be arrested for manufacturing drugs. Later another was arrested for counterfeit items, in both cases you first came to their defense until the evidence was just too strong. You used intimidation methods on local businesses when they refused to pay for months of ads that they d
  3. One other thing to try I just had to do on one of my lab computers. go to control panel, networking, protocols and delete tcp/ip. reboot and go to that same place and click on install and re install the tcp/ip. You sometime get what is called a corrupt tcp/ip stack and this rebuilds it. One other thing to try I just had to do on one of my lab computers. go to control panel, networking, protocols and delete tcp/ip. reboot and go to that same place and click on install and re install the tcp/ip. You sometime get what is called a corrupt tcp/ip stack and this rebuilds it.
  4. Also if your wireless has a dedicated uplink port and additional ethernet ports try the up link going into one of additional ports. The biggie is restarting it all. Turn on the modem, wait until everything is on, wireless router and last the computer.
  5. check control panel- interent options and click on the connections tab and at the bottom of that panel click LAN, in the panel that opens make sure auto detect settings is checked. May not be it but this is common, also check you ip setting to be sure they are set to dhcp
  6. Wow, Hard to believe that much time has passed!
  7. Your info on recording is VERY misleading at best. There are laws when phone calls cross state lines that have serious consequences. Georgia is a one party state where as you mention only one party to the conversation has to be aware of the recording. That does not apply on incoming or outgoing if the other party is out of state.
  8. I hope those that run ads here see this before he wakes up from the drunken stupor and deletes this post.
  9. And don't you love the spin? Pubby exemplifies the difference in news today, growing up it was unbiased reporting. Now the news is nothing more than opinion and attempts to soften the blow of serious allegations.
  10. I will need a kidney someday, I may not get one because I have an enlarged heart. There is criteria and as cold as it seems there has to be.
  11. http://wellstar.org/locations/pages/practice-detail.aspx?lid=d57a56c6-e465-4ea8-9fa3-116a7deffe61 she rocks and it at the facility attached to the new hospital.
  12. I once had a door kicked in and a group of black men came running up the stairs. So glad I did not have a gun, it was a misunderstanding that being white and given the situation it would have been justified. In the end we had cook outs etc... and laughed about what happened. Now this guy who could be dealing with a warm fuzzy feeling for getting a disoriented old man home safe has to deal with the fact that he unnecessarily killed a father, a son, a brother and so on.
  13. Poor girl was just trying to get some Italian in her.
  14. It could be something old that is new.
  15. I will tell you what I tell myself and have told my girlfriend, get over it and stop making your kids suffer. She would then tell me what a jerk the Dad was, I would tell her then take responsibility for a dumb mistake you made when you married that jerk. It is also a HUGE turn off to guys when the woman is still so wrapped up in all that with their ex. I look at it as a good thing, I often will say we had it easy with 4 parents. When my ex had quads I accepted them as family, they are my children's siblings. There were times like that when I pulled all the weight with our two and times she
  16. For the same reason you can be getting public funds to build a road while you personally profit from land deals around it. Up north we called that profiteering, the meeting would have not been legal without proper notice. But you guys tell us to go back if we like it so much..... The mob has nothing on southern politics
  17. I need to read it a couple more times but to me the letter seems to say we need to stifle competition so we can charge the max for everything. He justifies this by offering that they need this revenue to keep growing this facility.
  18. Counsel withdrew with some interesting recommendations, legal words for my client refuses to work with me to keep them within the law. The documents asked for are not available through "open records act"
  19. There more you know the more the plot sickens http://www.scribd.com/doc/181691854/Motion-to-Withdraw-redacted
  20. My son got a ticket, the cops writing looked like a toddler's so we call and get the court date. Show up on that day and there is no court so they reschedule him. Today the Hiram judge was excessively rude in many ways including offering that they don't give out the wrong dates. She then offered she could throw him in jail for saying the extra $50 fine is bogus and he should not have to pay it. I would welcome you to throw him in jail for expressing thoughts and simply using his first amendment right. You obviously think your lying ways scare kids, big educated judge has to lie to cram your op
  21. Very good thing for Georgia, Technology and Engineering are where many high paying jobs reside. UGA is taking on engineering, this will give the state multiple campuses with these disciplines. Even more important it attracts out of state and international students that pay much higher tuition allowing in state tuition to remain low.
  22. Dr Jeffrey Tharpe at WellStar. He is actually the Dr in the WellStar commercials. Great guy, I can always get in with a nurse practitioner when I am sick or my back is out. I have seen him since around 95 and everyone I send loves him.
  23. Is it happening when you load a new site, I think it may be a Java or asp error. If it only happens while browsing the internet update your browser or try another. Also update Java and run MS updates.
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