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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. Thats what I call a good ole fashion come to Jesus meeting. You wanna have a party kiddo, fine you can dance to the beat of this belt on your hiney! I am not all about corporal punishment, but teens these days get up in their parents face and keep on walking when a parent says no. Guess who she is gonna come cryin to to buy some pampers.
  2. Pubby was simply demonstrating the lack of security associated with the document, as in fill in the blanks any way you want with an unsecure document. I am sorry that people don't appreciate the way he chose to demonstrate it. One thing is for sure you won't forget and hopefully everyone else will question these types of PDF's in the future, just because this one turned out ok does not mean it can't happen. People generally believe what they want to, and will make excuses to hold on to their initial judgement even when given overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Nothing wrong with doubt
  3. If it where a fake you would have known 5 minutes after the government offices opened this morning.
  4. I don't think it is fair that you have not included JK Rogers in your remarks or consideration. It really does bother me when when people dismiss a candidate out of hand because he is not slick enough, experienced enough, or rich enough. It becomes obvious when other candidates don't even find him worthy of criticism or perhaps there is not much to criticize. Nobody is digging around in his background or have they? and found nothing. If your criteria is what is best for all the people of Paulding or those playing a type of lottery through campaign contributions. Politics is a gam
  5. I wanted to shine a little light on this proposal. You can click on the links to read the PDF's of the bills as they are long I will copy and paste the summary for you. I believe that everyone that signed the pledge and support did it in the spirit in which it was intended. Further scrutiny of this is enough to send you rolling out of your desk chair laughing with tears streaming. I will to admit that in true peroxide blondness I did not bother to ask simple and relevant questions before jumping on the band wagon. I never ask $100 per, family members, per hour, per minute, per da
  6. A little background to start with. I had very little interest in politics before I came to work for Pubby. My interest in national politics came and went with presidential elections. I basically voted the way I was taught to Republican. Now I concentrate more on local politics, one of the biggest reasons is I believe that our national problems start at the local level, all politicians came from main street somewhere and the lack of diligence on that level got us in the mess we are in. So the more I learn the weirder it gets. Many of our elected officials are in debt generally fr
  7. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I think I recognize a few others in there
  8. It's so top secret that if I tell you, I have to kill you
  9. It is a very valid point, we also understand these forms and what programs are used to view them, it is more likely that this is exactly what it appears to be.We would be remiss if we did not point it out. I give it a 90% chance that it is presented in it's authentic form therefore it stays. We pointed out the slight possibility and allowed it to remain as is.
  10. We have to challenge it because it is a credibility issue. The document is in a changeable form. We require copies on the desk before we release this type of thing. A member posted it, posted the documentation in what could be an easily manipulated format. It would be irresponsible for us not to point that out to the people reading it. We are not claiming it to be a fake only that in this form the possibility exist. This is a serious matter, we are anxious to verify it also. Our intent is not even to discredit the OP, we simply found ourselves in this position. We honestly try to make s
  11. Here is the most current list! Senator Josh McKoon, R-SD 29 Scot Turner, R-HD 21 Regina Quick, R-HD 117 Rep. Mark Hatfield, R-SD 7 Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver, D-HD 83 Clint Smith, R-HD 9 Senator Donzella James, D-SD 35 Jo Ellen Smith, R-HD 44 Senator Nan Orrock, D-SD 36 Rep. Elena Parent*, D-HD 81 Rep. Margaret Kaiser, D-HD 59 Rep. Jason Spencer, R-HD 180 Rep. Tommy Smith*, R-HD 168 Rep. Kathy Ashe*, D-HD 56 Rep. Tyrone Brooks, D-HD 63 Rep. Robert Bryant, Sr, D-HD 160 Rep. Stacey Evans, D-HD 42 Mark Gorman, R-HD 96
  12. Can you post the feta/cream sauce, feta is one of our favorite cheeses we buy it in bulk. I am interested in how you prepare it.
  13. Just a little bump, we have been validating a lot of new folks this week!!!
  14. It has about 15 minutes left on the upload and we will publish.
  15. The debate last night was very good. We will have the video up later today, as you can imagine it was a little over an hour. I hope that everyone that is going to vote in the race will take the time to watch it. It was very informative, you learn a lot about candidates when they debate, you get to see them in action rather listening to a speech. There were also other candidates for other races there and it was a great opportunity to meet them. I will be working hard in the next few weeks to get you as many candidate interviews as I can, especially for those of you that work and can't g
  16. LPPT

    Green Door

    Downtown Dallas, go straight down Main street and instead of going around the curve in front of the First Baptist Church bear right just before the park. You will see it on your left about 1000 ft. before you cross the RR tracks.
  17. Building stations in not the issue, the cost of manning,maintaining and upgrading equipment is the issue, and will remain the issue until we broaden the tax base with business. Their is zero issue with the fire department other than our homes losing value in this market, that can't be blamed on our local government. The only way the local economy is improved is through businesses and local wages. It takes the stroke of a pen to fix the problem, as in raising taxes. It takes work, commitment and money to improve the local economy. Raising our taxes on our homes is the easy way out
  18. I never really wanted to be anything, I just knew I wanted to enjoy whatever I was doing and I often did. The job of dreams fell in my lap a few years ago. I still enjoy it, I never go to work anymore. I don't dread a single day. I never even considered what I do today until I was forced into when my husband graduated and we discovered there was more to a practice than hanging out a sign. I have a passion for helping businesses, especially small ones succeed. Most people don't realize when they see the ads on this site that I genuinely care about everyone of these businesses and how rew
  19. I envy those that saw an increase, mine went down another 10,000 I am 20,000 below what I paid for the house new 15 years ago. The houses on either side of my sold this year, one for 40,000 and the other 30,000. It makes me nauseous, we have put a lot in this house, it is beautiful and perfect for a large family. We wanted to sell it and build a ranch for retirement. I hope that we can still climb the stairs when the market improves enough for us to break even.
  20. Most everyone on p.com knows about the law suit against the county. It stems from a land dispute with a builder during Jerry Shearin's administration. The suit has not been settled as of yet. You can contact either Melissa or Thad and they will be very candid with you about the details. Melissa has been working with the state at the AG Dept for the last few years, sorry I don't know the exact number of years. She recently retired. You could research this site under Surepip and get all the details you want about the nature of the suit and their struggles. Neither one believes that s
  21. Love me some Whitey! I can't wait till he brings Pubby some maters, I am the help he referred to at the office, help blahh, thats gonna cost him a hug :rofl:
  22. Minimum wage without benefits is what has allowed restaurant and retail to proliferate to being almost 1/4 of this countries economy. 1/4 of the population of this country is in survival mode, add 10% unemployment, welfare, disability, and retirement. That plan seems to be working out really well, maybe Walmart can start importing consumers to keep our economy moving, because lord knows we have a serious shortage of them. It is a myth that lower employee wages are better for business and the economy, a myth on paper, we are living the reality and it sucks.
  23. I have made it easy for everyone to request Paulding county reps support this legislation. Here is a letter you can copy and paste with the link to the site for them to sign up. Simply click the email link for the candidates and paste the letter with the link. I am a citizen of Paulding county. I would like my representitives to sign the pledge for more ethical government. Please click the the link I have provided to learn more about the bill limiting gifts to $100 to legislators. http://www.commoncause.org/site/pp.asp?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=8051367 Disrict 19 Paulette B
  24. I wanted to remind everyone about this, it is a wonderful opportunity to be an informed voter. Attendance of these events are encouraging to those motivated to organize them for the community.
  25. It may have been Mrs.G, she posted some with a new monument in the new park across from the First Baptist church.
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