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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I bought about 15 lbs and I ended up dividing it into 1.25 lbs each.... Put mine in the Ziploc Freezer bags... and I rolled mine into tube like so they stack better in my freezer. We already had Taco's with ours yesterday. LadyRaider.....the sale ends today.
  2. As someone who benefits from the Cobb County SPLOST program........ I hope nobody listens to highcreek! Especially for the CC SPLOST!! The 1 % in Cobb is awesome... Lots of money being paid by OTHERS... Now...Pauldings SPLOST is a horse of a different color. We don't have lots of people coming and spending money in Paulding. How much has Paulding actually spend on transportation around this county??? Besides the money pit of an airport..
  3. I talked to one of the paper men and he told us that they are being 'ran off' and not allowed to set up. They said this is really happening in the New Georgia area. The stores don't want them selling them for a $1 because nobody will come in and pay $2 for theirs. This came from one of the ladies that runs a store here in New Ga. She said that the AJC won't let them sell it for a $1
  4. WOW...so you mean the kids have their own carts to run over the backs of your ankles with now........
  5. Sleep how many kids do you have?
  6. Most important is the business license, bonded, and VALID insurance. I won't do business with who work out of their backyard for car type repairs and tree removal or anything major like that. But if it's just to get my lawn mower fixed... I will... I just have a problem with the 'what if's'? If my car falls off of a lift.....will your insurance cover it. Most homeowners insurnce won't. If my tire comes off going down the road while you are test driving it...do you have the proper insurance to cover my vehicle if something happens? Just like I won't use a builder who has never b
  7. What ever is on the menu at Fatbacks......... I ain't cooking
  8. Welcome to Paulding.com Farmallcublady48
  9. Judges can sign the orders....... and even do a contempt order....and be served.......and all he has to do is file bankruptcy and list you as a creditor..... yeah... I found out the hard way!
  10. Prayers for the family. Glad I could do my part.
  11. Prayers for your family...... been there and done that at 16 weeks. I can completely understand the situation they have at hand. God Bless your family right now.
  12. I am one of the nicest most giving people you would ever want to meet.
  13. They man did tell me that they are 'trying' to and have already got most of the old Winn Dixie / Saverite stores. It was alot of people there...but it went really smooth! I was impressed. LadyRaider......they do accept coupons but they don't double or triple them ....YET...but they will follow suit of the other Food Lions...
  14. It is the owners of Baileys in Powder Springs. They use to also have the Iron Horse.....before it was the Iron Horse..... it didn't make it either Charles Brock ownes the building and they have been fighting with the county to get it opened back up. I still prefer Fatback's over them...... I have ate at the one in PS and this one..... it's alright... but NOT the CFD that we all know and love.
  15. I voted.............. and I'm in the boat with everyone else........
  16. Sorry...I'm on my iPhone and THAT is toooo much to be typing on that thing.!
  17. There was a lot of folks there around 7:30 last night. They didn't run out of anything that I wanted that was on sale. My total before the MVP card was $120 +/- my total after was $60. I got the paper towels, bacon, drinks, Mac and Cheese, Kraft Cheese, popcorn and a bunch of other stuff. I was pretty impressed with the store. Yea, I know it was it 's first day open. BUT with that many people there they did a great job keeping it stocked. Now for the good new. While I was there me and the dbf got to chatting with a rep. of the store. This is his 6th store. He said that by the end o
  18. TRUCK N A !!!!!!! GLW......... you're my new hero...... Can I touch it.... LPPT likes bows on hers.......... Pubby don't like them.... he prefers POTs LIDS
  19. YOU are my NEW BFF.........
  20. but...but... I love this spoon it makes me feel....ummm sehzy
  21. Do they HAVE to be black? I don't have a black kettle.......mine is kinda copper-ish But my Spoon.......fits !
  22. I'm so miserable and Spoons just bring me such Happy Happy Joy Joy
  23. Yea...I started one about spoons........... that's what I liked talking about....... :shrug:
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