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Everything posted by ThornwoodMom

  1. Oh I'm sure she was/is a ROYAL pain on the a$$! No question! But now she's a convicted felon with no rights to vote or own a firearm, not to mention the difficulty trying to get a job...and that is not the correct penalty for being a pain in the a$$!
  2. The kid wasn't on trial, the mother was. And the case really had nothing to do with what happened in the principal's office, it was about whether or not the mother gave a false statement to police and therefore, obstructed justice. Everyone got so caught up in what a brat the kid is, that they missed the real case! The mother never showed the Facebook picture to police, nor is there any indication that she exaggerated the injury to police. So what was the false statement to police? Where is the obstruction? A Facebook lie now equals lying to police? Tundra, you fell for the same thing the ju
  3. How on earth did the jury make the leap from a Facebook post to making false statements to police? This is wrong, the jury was mislead by the prosecutor, and somehow the judge allowed this?? Because the kid is a brat? This is wrong. For once I agree with you Pubby. One more thing: if we are going to start imprisoning people based on Facebook lies, we'd better get busy building a lot more prisons!
  4. If you get the shock collar, maybe you can get a couple of volunteers to run around the back yard so you can zap her at the right time, maybe that's all it will take, a couple of times. I've always hated the idea of a shock collar, but it sounds right for this situation. Two of my rescues are barkers, at every little sound and every car that drives by and everyone who comes in the house. It's driving me nuts, but unlike your situation, it's at least tolerable. They run like the dickens if anyone besides me steps toward them. Good luck, at least you're trying to do the right thing. Most peop
  5. I like this theory...except...why didn't the pilot get on the radio if he was being escorted under duress? You know, mayday mayday mayday...even if he had changed the flight plan and had evil intentions he could have played it off as temporary insanity or something...or anyone on the plane with a satellite phone...hey mom? Something's not right on this here airplane! But nothing, we are told. Complete radio silence, we are told....pass me one of those tinfoil hats, I think I'm receiving a message!
  6. I went to an allergist 20 years ago with the same problem you are having, I was allergic to everything in Georgia. I went through 2 years of shots, it took a long time to start working but by the end of that 2 years it was a lot better. I have only had to take medication for allergies during the worst part of the spring and fall pollen season since then. The last couple of years it has gotten somewhat worse, but like you said, getting old..... Oh and Mrs. G, I go to GA Lung or whatever they're called now as well, I feel your pain.
  7. McVeigh was not a Christian and did not blow up the federal building in the name of Christianity. As much as liberals want that to be true, it's just not.
  8. It shook the pictures on our walls. Hubby was sitting on the floor, it shook him, too. In Acworth.
  9. In the first place, why is this girl being questioned about where she goes to college? In fact, it's none of his damn business where or if she goes to school she doesn't have to answer his questions. Do we no longer have any rights in this country? What a power tripping little prick with a badge. If she was my kid, I wouldn't be mad at her for getting locked up for that. I would instruct her to next time be quiet and tell him that she's not answering any questions without her attorney present. In the second case, it wouldn't let me watch the video but i read the story. I hope those troope
  10. There is an "open letter" to the media from Jahi's mother if you google you can find it. It is wrenching and raw and although tragically misguided, will give you some insight on how she feels about it. It is very heartbreaking and I pray the best for this well meaning and loving lady. I hope comes to terms with the situation soon and is able to let Jahi go.
  11. It's a Chevy alright I drive one just like it. Saw this on Facebook and sure hope you catch them!
  12. So you know where he buys drugs down the street? Maybe you could give him a little "Christmas" money, and put in a call to law enforcement. You could be rid of him pretty much permanently that way. She doesn't seem the type to stand by her man while he's doing time for months. It would be worth the money.
  13. I'm very sorry for your loss. May God's love be with your family at this difficult time.
  14. Bummer. Great that you called it in, though, before she killed someone.
  15. Yes, and obviously you are correct, based on the law and the convictions. This is a cautionary tale for all youngsters. Situations like this are why the legal drinking age is 21, kids and alcohol do not mix. Yes that's what I said, PM!
  16. Ya know...what the boys did was wrong and inexcusable. But I saw a tv show about this, and the friends of the girl were interviewed. They said they begged her to go home with them, and she flat refused several times, because she wanted to be with those guys. Was what they did rape? If it is, then rape is something different than what I thought it was. I'm not saying this is a case of, "she was wearing a short skirt so she was asking for it." But some of the witnesses said she was literally asking:for it... Does she not bear ANY personal responsibility for what happened? The way the media po
  17. Worrying about the turkey thawing out too fast or not fast enough is always the hardest part of this holiday for me.
  18. Tomorrow night is the full moon (if my moon app thingy is right lol) so I guess we won't get to see it!
  19. Damn right. I would take the kids, steal a car, flee the state and change our names before I would leave them in the hands of an animal. I'm shocked that there are mothers on this board defending this woman. ...and mental abuse is just as bad as physical abuse? Try telling that to Eric Forbes! ...oh, wait...you can't...
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