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Everything posted by ThornwoodMom

  1. It will be interesting to see my alma mater handle this situation. i bet they are furious that its in the press. Hope these students don't expect to be allotted campus space for meetings, that's not going to happen. I guess they can always use the library.
  2. It was unconstitutional to keep him in jail without due process. Unfortunately, we can't keep a freak like him behind bars because of what he might do. He might have been a victim of bad timing. The Kristoval case in December probably had many judges on edge, especially Cobb judges.
  3. OMG look at the head on that thing!
  4. Wow that is a stove to get excited about! It really was "years ahead of its time"with the double oven. Not sure why she's wearing the Burger Kings crown lol. Eta: I see now. Because it makes you feel like a queen. Great find!
  5. Wow. Just wow. I don't spend much time here on pcom anymore, probably have been here more in the last few days combined than in the last year. Is this the same person that has always used this name? What I've seen in the last few days does not match the poster I used to know as lppt. Granted, I don't know hardly anyone here in person. Maybe I missed something or maybe someone else took over that name.
  6. Good Lord I wanted this to be true so bad
  7. Black folks have a name for whites who jump to their defense when it is neither needed or wanted. They mean it in the most derogatory of terms. If you are a white who feels that you must step in and win the race war for the "poor ole black who can't think for themselves" and you hear this word directed at you by a black person, it does not mean they think you love them. It means shut up, stupid. I guess everyone knows the word. Some whites use it, too. Same derogatory tone, somewhat different meaning.
  8. I haven't seen any hatefulness, but I don't look at ALL the comments. There are so many, no one could possibly read all of them! I have seen, interspersed with all of Tripps messages, comments to the effect of... " we are supporters of Tripp as well, but could someone please take a look at little (insert name here) site? He really needs some support right now..." It always breaks my heart There are so many sick kids out there...
  9. I have heard of the numbing cream, but I don't really need it. I would have loved to have had it years ago when I kept getting nurses who couldn't find a vein. The nurse I have now is male and Nigerian. I almost told the company not to send him, being male and a foreigner. i was just uncomfortable with that, but he is by far the best nurse I've ever had and one of my best friends. Thank you anyway!
  10. Geesh ladies. Due to my condition I have to get an infusion every week. I've been doing this for years. My nurse sometimes leaves a mark or a bruise but its always gone within a couple of days. Why all the marks?
  11. Somebody passed me on one of the Harmony Grove curves the other day!I saw my life pass before my eyes! At least there's a fire station now.
  12. RIP George. It's the end of an era.
  13. Hmm...My dad told me in 1970 that the tower on the edge of town was put there by the Baptists to block FM signals coming from the big city. It's all making sense now....
  14. As far as I know everything is still the same. At one point they were trying to standardize how the license looks over all the counties, so the new one MIGHT look a little different.
  15. They are the same here in Georgia. There is only one license for carry..
  16. There was just a bad wreck on 92 going toward 41 at the intersection of Old Stilesboro. Happened right in front of my husband, he's down there talking to the cops. It was a head-on, he said the guy moving was going about 55mph. The other guy was waiting to turn left.
  17. YES! (Dang it's hard to post when you're handcuffed face down in the driveway! )
  18. How ridiculous. Ladies, NEVER open the door to a stranger. If you have to shoot, it is a lot safer to do so the way this lady did it as opposed to an armed confrontation with a male at the front door. So many things could go wrong. The lady did exactly the right thing. Safe room? She's already got one. PS: So you would have shot him also? I doubt it. You might have been found beat to death with a crowbar at the front door, though.
  19. Thank you, Postman. I am safe now but it changed me. I'm a freak about locked doors, loaded firearms and awareness of my surroundings. I guess that will never go away.
  20. I had happily missed this story in the news. As someone who has stood before a judge and made the same plea, it turns my mind back to that dark place. I believe that it was my tormenter's knowledge that I was terrified, armed and extremely dangerous, not the court order, that saved me. I wish someone/something could have saved her. RIP Donna.
  21. I think it could also be that "assault weapon" is code for "Going to be banned in the near future, hurry and get yours now!" Not bad as a marketing tool given the current environment.
  22. Neither of those are specifically mentioned in the constitution. Therefore, they are open to interpretation. If you think gun control laws are constitutional, you really need to take a break and read up on the intentions of the framers of that document.
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