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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. HEY! The Brush and Roller Cleaner is here for ya. Just let me know when you want to come by. I have several doctor's appointments the rest of the week but I can leave it outside for ya if you want to come by. Just want to be sure and tell you (in case I forget when you come by or I do not see you) DO NOT get it on your skin. You will know it is not denatured alcohol if you do!!!! OUCH!!!! Let me know which ones you want/need and I will see what kind of deal I can on them for ya.
  2. He still has a radio show, too! A very busy - and RICH - man!!!!! (Gotta get while the getting it good.) I like Ryan, he adds a lot to Idol and they make enough money to definitely pay him $45 Million.
  3. They are a good brush but Wooster makes a good brush and actually a better oil brush than Purdy. When we owned our paint business we carried both (but the Purdy vendors give better perks and throw better parties. ) At times, it is better to just chunk the brushes and buy new. But, I understand with them belonging to your neighbor. OUCH. DH said he will bring you some Brush and Paint Cleaner home tomorrow and give it to you to try.
  4. Okay, I just have to share. As most of you know, I have two adorable DGD's, 8 (Erin) and 5 (Anna). The youngest one is so comical and is always bringing a smile to my face. DD and the girls were over here tonight and Anna got her sand bucket and filled it with water to help Pop water THEIR FLOWERS AND PLANTS. (She "played in the dirt" and many of them she planted from seed) She "accidentally" spilt the bucket of water on her dress and was soaked. So, for the second time this week she told her Pop, "Come on Pop let's go shopping. And for the second time she found her a complete outfit in her s
  5. DH is a Paint Pro (has sold paint & supplies for all the big box stores and now ACE) and his recommendation is a product you can find at ACE in a quart size called "Paint and Brush Cleaner". Soak in that and they will be like brand new. "The best stuff in the world. " LOL. (Yeah, I have always said he could sell ice to the Eskimos.)
  6. Honey, I have to SELL some of this stuff before I can BUY more. I got some Florida Shirts!!! Woooooooooo-Hooooooooooooooooo a Rocky Top fan!!! PM being sent.
  7. The Ole Miss tote bag is GONE. All the others are still available!!!! You WILL NOT beat these prices. WHOLESALE is hard to come by.
  8. Fried cubed pork Gravy & Biscuits Rice Cole Slaw (I was going to bake a cake today, but have spent it right here on p.com instead. UH-OH)
  9. Great Advice!!! If you don't have to have the money now (which I can understand) you might want to wait a few weeks. Probably selling it now, you will take a beating.
  10. SHUCKS!!!!! No, we have Comcast, Thanks tho.
  11. I certainly hope so!! It has been quite some delay.
  12. Awww.......flute......many memories. I picked it when I joined the band b/c it "looked easy." I was only in the band b/c I had to be to be a majorette. FretNot will buy used instruments. I know someone who sold a saxophone that had only been used one school year and was about $600 new. He got $100 for it at FretNot. You might want to try Craigslist or even Ebay. GOOD LUCK.
  13. I LOVE IT!!!!! Yeah, I will get my "designer" bag personally made for ME soon. But, at the moment, I am enjoying DS's pleasure in my carrying the one he gave me.
  14. You got it............remember I was living in rural, AL where there was only one Chevrolet and one Ford dealership and Buster took good care of you. And, it WAS - and still is - AGGGGGNERRRRRRRRRR.
  15. 4-5 boneless chicken breast, cut up 1 can cream of chicken soup 1 soup can milk 1/2 green pepper, chopped 1 small/medium onion, chopped (use to your taste) 3 Tbs Worcestershire Steak Sauce 3 Tbs Lemon Juice Salt/Pepper Mix together and cook all day in crockpot on low. Serve over rice. YUMMMM. The steak sauce and lemon give it a little kick that is missing in some recipes. (You can add more if you like, just be sure to use equal parts) I do this too and it works with country style ribs in place of pork chops. When I do a chuck roast, I put a large can of
  16. In my "former life" I carried only Etienne Aigner purses and had several pair of shoes. That was "the brand" of the time - about 25 yrs ago - and in hindsight those items were just a few among the many material items I used in an attempt to fulfill an otherwise empty life. (Aren't you impressed with my self analysis and use of my psychology degree???? ) During the past 2-3 years I have owned several Vera Bradley bags, but have never paid full retail price for any of them and some I received as gifts. (I cannot justify paying even $60-$90 for a purse, much less 100's of dollars for some bi
  17. mom2dachs


    Yes, that is what they were when we were there and they had them in stock. Wow, a number of questions.
  18. AMEN!!!!! Sorry about the switch but I am THANKFUL ya'll and the house are okay and it wasn't any worse.
  19. That was my thoughts, too. When I joined p.com YEARS ago, I was mom2dachs (I did and still am Mom to 2 dachshunds) I had several people ask me to explain what it meant (I thought it was self-explanatory. LOL) so I changed to 3nascar8. I LOVE NASCAR and am a fan of the Earnhardt's so I added their numbers at each end. THEN, I had to change it when Junior went to Hendrick Motorsports and changed his number from 8 to 88. THEN, I changed it to our business name when we began actively selling again and became a Commerce Member. There is my p.com life history. LOL Hope you enjoyed the
  20. Yes, Comcast does provide a phone service. But, it is not the same as OP is referring to here: "On a side note, it can't be an internet based provider such as Vonage." Vonage, T-Mobile and Majik Jack all fall under the same type provider. Like I said, I would have canceled my landline but it actually saves me money to keep it. We have always been pleased with all the services of Comcast. I think the OP was looking for something other than AT&T, Comcast and Vonage. I cannot suggest any other providers.
  21. Since she said she cannot use an internet based provider like Vonage, I don't think OP could use T-Mobile. I have a friend that switched to the T-Mobile landline since she had T-Mobile cell. She is having all kinds of problems with it. I am glad it has worked for you and saved ya money!!! I heard Skype recommended on one of the morning shows and was surprised to hear it. I had thought it was just for webcam. (Shows ya how much I know. LOL!)
  22. Comcast. We "would" be a cell only family but it is cheaper to keep the landline in the 3 service bundle than to drop it and keep our cable and internet. Plus, if my cell rings I know it is someone I have given the number to and want to talk to. Our landline we seldom answer b/c it could be - and usually is - just about anybody. We have been pleased.
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