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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. They had fresh fried chicken just pulled up at Kroger so we got the 8 pc deal for $5.99. DH made a great salad with mushrooms, yellow and green peppers, cucumber and a fresh tomato one of his customers brought him. The salad is chillin'. We got some jalapeno ranch dressing in the cool dressing section. We'll put some crescent rolls in the oven when we get ready to eat. We never eat until late and today is not going to be any different.
  2. I am near ya and I love listening to a summer rain - and the thunder!!
  3. God Bless this little angel and hold her gently in His arms. I cannot begin to imagine what the family is going through. Thoughts and prayers with them all!!!!!
  4. THANK YOU!!! If you find it, would you please PM it to me?? Topics get buried so easily on here and I don't want to miss it. DS LOVES THAT STORE and has a good bit of their stuff. Thankfully they have lay-a-way. I probably wasn't on much when it was discussed on here before. (OR it didn't catch my attention as I was not introduced to the brand until May) SORRY. THANKS, I will check those stores next time we are in Austell. Who woulda thought??? Not me. THANKS!!!!
  5. NO. Have you seen them locally? Of course, I doubt I could afford them, but...... Yes, you should be. The brand is rather pricey - ebay is my best friend. DH was looking on ebay last night and told me about a gold crusted hat for something like $5,000. YIKES. I typically get items about half price. The t-shirts "start" at $62.00 retail and I've bought them for $30.
  6. WOW!!! That IS a great deal. Give me a shout if you come across any young men's stuff at that kind (or any kind) of bargain. I have never seen any at Belk's, but then again I am not sure I have looked for it. Thank you for the heads up. I cannot say I have ever been in that store. Yep, that is the background for the craze. ~~~Throwing out a life saver ring~~~Hang on~~~ DS is VERY picky about what he wears of it. He does not like the skulls and the ones with the death phrases. His NYC shirt does have a skull on it, but it is not predominate and since he LOVES NY, h
  7. I haven't been able to find any t-shirts there, but Marshall's is where Wade got his tennis shoes.
  8. If you do any more of the roosters, I would like TWO please. Just send me a PM and let me know if you are able to do them. THANKS.
  9. Ed Hardy! WOW..........I have been introduced to this name brand in the last few months. We got DS a Ed Hardy NYC shirt to take on his trip and a hoodie, then he bought some tennis shoes. I got what I bought off ebay so I did not pay full retail price. Wasn't about to go that route!!!! Anywhoooooo......DH and I were in Target last night and they have notebooks, folders, pencil holders, all types of school supplies that are Ed Hardy. DS wants a hat but the one he wanted ended on ebay for $60 - needless to say I was NOT the buyer. LOL. This has got to be one rich man about now with hi
  10. Glad I could be of help. I never dreamed it was this common!! ETA: I never realized it was fatigue. I had decided I was just extremely lazy.
  11. Thank You. I will PM you. I talked to gc1010's sister at length about it. I had to go off Cymbalta (I was given it b/c of depression my neurologist blamed on my strokes and the complete change in my lifestyle, as I would say, I wanted my life back, but that ain't happening) The Cymbalta would make me SOOOOOOOO agitated, ill and irritable I could not take it. I was getting concerned b/c I was taking so many tylenol and ibuprofen (because of my transplanted kidney and kidney disease), yet they were not helping. Fortunately, I have a DH that has always done the housework. The good th
  12. I had no idea you had been diagnosed!?!?!? Poor baby.
  13. THANKS EVERYONE!!!! At this point, I am self-diagnosing. http://www.webmd.com/fibromyalgia/default.htm I have 13 of 16 symptoms. (and the 14th I am too old to have monthly problems. LOL) Many of them I had attributed to the lasting affects of my strokes. The joint and muscular pain is almost unbearable at times (especially trying to get out of bed in the morning) so last night I got online and tried to see if I could figure out what it might be. When I read about Fibromyalgia I was amazed at the similarities. I do appreciate all the suggestions and information. I will contacting
  14. THANKS Bruce and you would know with all the nice purses/bags ya'll carry. Thanks for the compliment and passing the word around. Like I said, this is wholesale. I really need to move some stuff out of my office. I just need to break even on some of these items. I am sorta torn, tho, because in a few weeks when football season starts, my business will be booming. But, at the same time, that doesn't pay for my medications THIS week!!!!!! I am sure you can relate. We are hanging in there. I just told a friend, "I woke up this AM breathing, so I have no complaints." Hope all is well down yo
  16. I have reduced the price of these bags to WHOLESALE, what I have in them. If interested, please send me a PM. THANKS!!
  17. If so, can you give me some information about it?? What symptoms do you exhibit? What treatment? What doctor do you see? Thanks for any information you can provide!!
  18. I didn't sleep well last night so I am slow moving today. I had HOPED to get out and go to some yard sales but no one else was interested and I have to get someone to take me. So, at the moment I am surfing the web and watching the "Deal or No Deal" marathon an GSN. Gonna do some relisting and listing for the first time stuff on ebay. Maybe I'll actually "make" money today instead of "spending" money - so I can go to yard sales next week-end and spend.
  19. It don't take much to thrill us, does it Dahlin'.
  20. No question - I would have asked to speak to the manager. I would have explained the problem with the food and while acknowleging it was no reflection on the waitress and she did a good job, there is a problem with the personel in the kitchen. If I frenquented this establishment, I would have pointed out that as a regular customer, you know this is not the norm and would be returning. But, you thought the manager would like to know there is a problem "today" and if it were to be a customer's first visit and they received this same order, it would probably be their last visit. I would make sure
  21. THANK YOU! And, you are absolutely correct, they did say it would never last. And, not only were we married 5 months after our first date, we met on a blind date. We are living proof "Love at First Sight" DOES exist. I honestly think we are more in love today than we were 20 yrs ago. (and that is saying a LOT because we were madly in love then) I am extremely BLESSED!!
  22. I haven't noticed Tow or his bride on here in awhile. Might be my oversight, tho.
  23. I been a slackin' today. My awesome children and beautiful granddaughters trumped p.com today.
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