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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I thought so, too. Yeah, I've had several people ask if they can use it. LOL. I guess I need to copyright it.
  2. Yep, that is how those fish stories go. BTW, when is the fried fish dinner????? I LOVE me some catfish.
  3. Glad to hear everything went well and he is home.
  4. :lol: And, I didn't even notice while you were here.
  5. My neurologist (brain doctor) had told me about a new program they had at Emory Eye Clinic and referred me to go and see about it as he thought it might could help me. (He really did not know a lot about it but from what he had read he thought I might benefit from it) When I went to Emory I found out this particular program is on the computer and it teaches you how to compensate for sight loss. I explained to the eye doctor at Emory I was already doing that. For instance, if there are two people talking to each other on the TV, standing side by side and I look at the person on the right, I do
  6. That is AWESOME and Very COOL - Good for you!!! My daddy died in 1970 but he would always say, "The two worse things to ever happen to America were The Beatles and LBJ." He was not a huge fan of the hair style the Beatles brought with them to America. LOL.
  7. I hope it works for your daughter and you see good results. After my strokes last summer, my neurologist referred me to Emory Eye Clinic for a similar program they have there. But, it would not help me and there would not be any benefit for me to do it- plus it was $6,000 and insurance would not cover it!
  8. Okay, I have gotten quite a few comments and telephone calls about my status from last night. SOOOOOOOO.......I thought I'd share it with those of you who are not my friend on FB. Karen Crumpton Lowman: missed my calling as a comic. I always cook green beans for a couple of days and had them on the stove all day today.......only to let them burn to a crisp this afternoon. Doug comes in and asked if I burned something and I told him yes, the green beans. THEN....he ask "did you forget about them?" My response? "Nahhhhh. I meant to let them burn because I cannot find that fragrance on the
  9. I have never been a fan of instant potatoes - they are okay with enough doctoring up, but what I do like that is EASY, EASY is the frozen Oreida Potatoes. They are cut up just like you would do to mash, put them in the microwave - bag and all - then you actually mash them, add butter, salt & pepper and sour cream. YUMMMMM!!!!!
  10. Ohhhhhhhhhh, Gotcha............LiTeral not LiBeral. :lol: I would LOVE to go and hear Victory Road, but it won't happen tonight. Maybe before long I can hear them.
  11. Yep, we joke about that as "Yep, it is Friday night in Paulding County"- I've never lived anywhere that going out to eat on Friday nights was such a phenomenon. We will have whatever DH brings home, I think. Haven't really given it much thought.
  12. Well, I would not refer to that DH of yours as " the old man" but there isn't a dad-gum thing happening on this side of the world. Hope someone comes up with an interesting option for you - and let me know - we might jump right in, uninvited and all.
  13. AMEN!!! That was me who said I had never known a man who could quote scripture the way Jay could. He KNEW his Bible like none other. And the way he quoted the scripture and the intense method of preaching was like none other. Every time I heard him preach, I received a BLESSING and knew I was in the presence of God as Jay was His instrument. My heart breaks for the huge loss to the family but as you said, everyone knows where he is and that has to be a comfort. Bro. Ricky (Jay's brother) used to preach about getting to Heaven and running down the Streets of Gold with his nephew who was
  14. My thoughts exactly!?!?!?!? (or do I REALLY wanna know???)
  15. Where was this screaming father (or the mother) when that sweet baby was being chewed on? That is just HORRIBLE. What REALLY upsets me about stories such as this - we have some very dear friends who have gone through lengthy and expensive fertility treatments and have now given up. It appears they will go through live without being parents. They have a good stable Christian home with a wonderful support system in place and no financial worries. What would they (and many other infertile couples) give to have been able to raise that infant???????? RIP
  16. DS is working hard on this show and I have heard everything today from "Chicken Fried", "Johnny and June" and "Getting You Home" on the Country end to Broadway tunes and everything in between. He even brushed off some of his old MJ and Elvis CD's. Some of the music he has sung today even I have not heard him do before. For those of you who are devoted fans and have heard him on numerous occasions - you are in for a treat. For those of you who have never heard him sing before - you are in for a treat. This is going to be a show like non other. Totally different from what you ha
  17. I do not mean to be discouraging but for a lot of people the epidurals do not help - or at best they help temporarily. DH had 3 and with each one they became less effective for a shorter period of time. Maybe he is the exception to the rule in this situation. He ended up having 2 back surgeries and although it has been about 8 yrs, he CONTINUES to have pain. Some days are worse than others and he has just had to learn to deal with it. He can forecast rain much better than the meteorologist. Once the rain gets here, his pain lessens. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!
  18. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I will have to make a note of it or I will forget. THANKS again!!!!!!!!
  19. YES, you were a GREAT business owner and it was always good to order from you because I knew I would get what I expected and it would always met or exceed expectations. You provided a good and quality service. I called and left Monkey Doodle a message on July 3rd to try and get with her to get the July 4th dress for DGD. She also is remaking dresses for both my DGD's that did not fit the first time. I had just checked my sent PM's before getting on the topics and the one I sent her on July 13th has not been read.
  20. DH made homemade chicken nachos for an appetizer. Then he made a dish with kielbasa, cabbage, fresh mushrooms and green onions. Served with garlic bread. I am stuffed!
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