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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. True. I didn't realize we were so close to school being back in session (considering Graduation was only ONE month ago tomorrow) until I saw all the supplies being set up in both K-Mart and Wal-Mart this week-end. We are past that in our house but our youngest DGD begins Kindergarten this year and is so excited. Life through the eyes of a child.
  2. Nahhhhhh??????? I've been loving the trip down memory lane. It is amazing when they put all the clips of his videos together just how amazingly talented he was.
  3. ..............I haven't been on much today and I am the Top 4th Poster. Not to mention I have the last post on the majority of the threads on the Page 1. Think it means I need to get off here. Think it also means most everyone has a life and is out enjoying July 4th activities while I sit on p.com, watching the race listening to DH and Snickers snore. But, I am Thankful and Love the Life I have!!
  4. I just saw this. But, it is just as well. Funds are tight, so I would have been ill that I couldn't come by and take advantage of the sale to get some pet items!!!! Hope you had a lot of customers and sold a lot of stuff!!!
  6. DD and family and DS were going. They always have a good fireworks show.
  8. Ummmmmmmmmm...........You are welcome. I think that is one of those back door compliments (as I do have a lot of medical experience).
  9. I always feel badly for the wife and family in situations such as this that bring the dirty laundry to the surface and is flooded in the media. Agree with all statements above.
  10. It was probably coming from my house: DH cooked ribs and pork chops on the grill/smoker. Had fried cabbage, my famous baked beans, fried taters & onions and garlic bread Watchin' the big boys rubbin' and racin' (And WRECKING) under the lights in Daytona. Life is Good!!!! Happy 4th Ya'll. God Bless America and Southern Traditions
  11. 2 c sugar 2 can evaporated milk 2 c milk 1 t. vanilla fill rest of way with water (I could always remember it b/c of the 2-2-2 LOL)
  12. PRICELESS!!!! Yep, she had you on that one. I hear the song from time to time but since I am seldom in the car to listen to the radio, it isn't often. Wish I could meet someone like that old man. But, it would have to be somewhere other than a bar. He left his family MAD. LOL!!!! They should have treated him better than a stranger in a bar! There is a lesson to be learned there.
  13. Hey Girl! Do you by chance know if you have any by Mary Higgins Clark?? Since my strokes I cannot read a book, magazine, etc and am Thankful to be able to see my laptop. I LOVE Mary Higgins Clark books and have read them all until her last. But, someone suggested I try the audiobooks and I figured it has been so long since I read them even the older ones might give me something to do. Have a great holiday week-end. Thanks.
  14. Typically our dachshunds stay under the covers all the time. But, when fireworks or thunder is happening, Riley WILL NOT go under the covers. For some reason he thinks he has to be outside the covers so he can look around. Bless him.
  15. HEY Girl! Long time no talk to. You know I have two dachshunds. They don't really bother Snickers except to disturb his sleep. But, poor Riley, our 14 yr old, goes nuts. He doesn't bark, just looks around and shivers. He is pitiful!!!! Fortunately we haven't had many around here - YET.
  16. Yep, that is what it sounds like. When I had that problem, I couldn't put any weight on my right heel. OUCH!!! I had my spine out of alignment because of slinging my hip out and putting my daughter on it as all us mothers do - and with your sweet babies, this might be what you have done, too.! Obviously this was YEARS ago, but, I have been to a chiropractor on other occasions throughout the years for different ailments. As others have said, it does not necessarily have to be an on-going intensive therapy. But, you will be amazed at how quickly the relief will come. As far as it being painful w
  17. THANKS! I haven't seen anything reported on TV since we have been watching sports all day. That is strange. It will be interesting to hear the outcome. I really liked McNair when he played ball. Just so much sadness these last few weeks.
  18. Yes, I picked up on that, too. But, I haven't picked up in anything I have read this: "apparently dead of a murder/suicide." Where did you find that? Just curious. Everything I have read indicated they are still investigating and didn't know the circumstances of their deaths. I've lost count on the "3" wives tale. Looks like it is going to be an unending summer of deaths.
  19. I've never seen the ones in Cartersville but I can say PS puts on a great fireworks show. That is where DD and her family will be this evening.
  20. I don't drink but 2 outta 3 ain't bad............ GOD IS GOOD PEOPLE ARE CRAZY
  21. You are right. But, they are a wild creature and there is always the possibility of it becoming agitated and aggressive. I hope the officials are able to catch it and relocate it back to it's natural environment. Poor thing. With all the excitement in the next couple of days with fireworks, etc it will be scared and confused.
  22. I saw her on the show. She is a HOOT!!!!
  23. I thought July 4th was the Celebration of Independence - NOT giving up Independence? (Sorry I couldn't resist)
  24. Very true!!!! DH drives 120 to and from work 5 days a week. Very SELDOM does he drive it that he does not see AT LEAST one Cobb Co Policeman. During many trips he sees several with cars pulled over. They pull the buddy system a lot where one will have the speed gun and his buddy will be just down the road ready to pull out and stop the car. I have known several people who contested their ticket based on faulty speed gun and WON. I have also known people who asked to see the speed they were clocked and the officer refused to show it to them the gun. HUM???
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