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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. From personal experience, I cannot answer all your questions but can tell you it can be VERY expensive to get the rights to a song - especially one this popular to use for personal use. After the initial expense, in some situations, you will also have to pay a fee each time the video you post is viewed. I think you have a good idea and objective, but I also doubt it would be profitable to do. JMO. Sorry I cannot provide more positive information, but maybe someone else can.
  2. Lil RaceGirl I am so sorry for your loss RG! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  3. I am not Subby, but I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Thanks for the Sunday chuckle.
  4. Are you implying it is NOT?????? BEAUTIFUL photos Fotogirl and G & Mrs. G. Very impressive.
  5. I had yard sale this week-end, Friday and Saturday in Marietta and it was the BEST ONE EVER!!!! The last several yard sales we have had I felt the same way as you - it wasn't worth the trouble. But, this one was at a friend's house a few blocks off the square. The trick to it was ADVERTISING: I posted on p.com and my friend posted on Craigslist under yard sales and then specifically under clothes, furniture, etc, etc and we had good signs. There was a constant stream of people for both days with few lulls. I made enough to more than pay for my vacation in PCB next week. And, the best part is m
  6. VERY SCARY!! Thank you for sharing your story and for the reminder. Glad you are safe.
  7. I am surprised to read this as they are typically real good about making payment arrangements. More and more people are having to do so these days. I know several families that have had to make arrangements to pay their bill in installments. I am sorry you are having difficulties. Good suggestion.
  8. ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! You can see those girls are smitten, too. What is Heath's middle name?
  9. Your gut won't lie - you were right to be suspicious and freaked out. Next time tell the couple you'll gladly call DFCS as they have a Community Fund for assistance such as they are seeking and could help them out a lot more than you could. Excuse yourself to go make the call (but call 911) and lock the door behind you. Then, see how quickly they no longer need your help.
  10. Ummmmmmmm................and the National Anthem was sung by Wade Lowman. The other gal was Layla Southern aka Lil RaceGirl. Wade will return tomorrow night to sing the National Anthem as well as do a complete set 5:45 - 6:30.
  11. ME ME ME for Saturday night. (I am not sure I will make it tonight but will try!!) Wade will be doing the National Anthem on both nights as well as a full show on Saturday night at 5:45. So get there EARLY!! See YA then.
  12. That came outta no where. As long as he isn't with Atlanta, I don't really care.
  13. :lol: Yeah, I am ready for the Mary Jane storyline to END and move on - and take Adam with her!!! I get so aggravated with Ashley so easily blaming the former housekeeper for everything. USE YOUR BRAIN, WOMAN!!!! I will miss it tomorrow b/c of our yard sale. So, I am depending on my peeps on here to let me know what I miss!!!!! (AND, if anything exciting happens on B&
  14. CONGRATULATIONS - and yes, Shawna IS a very nice lady!!!
  15. This used to be a locally owned bank? WOW - the cameras got a good picture and if anyone knows him, it should be pretty easy to recognize.
  16. This video is of Mallary Hope, an up and coming Country singer originally from Dalton, GA. Mallary has been signed by a major record label and this is her first video release. She co-wrote her single, "Love Lives On" and it was released on radio this week. We are SO proud of our long-time friend and enjoying watching her dreams coming true! http://umgnashville.com/artist/media/media...339&aid=214
  17. WOW - that sounds great - Oh Yeah - except I am looking for my 18 yr old DS.
  18. An escort in a tow truck? Now that is a different angle.
  19. Don't ya know it???? LOL. CONGRATULATIONS! Hope all goes well and you have a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
  20. I use it for my "Son", too. It isn't a problem for me since I don't have a Sister-In-Law
  21. I have to agree. Both DGD's went and LOVED it. They had the same teacher (3 yrs apart) and DD was extremely pleased. I like the Lunch Bunch option, too.
  22. I have expressed my sorrow in PM's but I wanted to do so publicly. May God hold your husband and his family in His loving arms during this difficult time and meet the needs as He knows what needs there are. DS and DH will be seeing you tomorrow to get the tires put on the Explorer. THANKS!
  23. Good thoughts and prayers for guidance sent your way. I am sorry your family is faced with this.
  24. :lol: You always make me smile, Girlfriend.
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