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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Advice: Stay away from and ONLY use as a last resort and ONLY if you will be able to pay them back IN FULL within 30 days. If not, you will pay an enormous amount of fees/interest and will be indebted to them a long, long time. The interest is 10% - 12% and the only way you do not pay interest is to pay the loan off within the initial 30 days. The people I have known who have used them get in a pattern of paying only the interest each month to keep from having their car repossessed. For instance, if you take out a loan for $2,000 the minimum interest/month is $200. Before you know it, you have
  2. I've never heard of them either, but haven't looked at the site.
  3. It is ALWAYS BOGO or has been forever every two weeks when we go. Take it home and you can put the entire thing in the microwave or just as much as you need.
  4. THANKS!! I wish I were going to MB - hope you have a great time! When Wade was performing up there Summer 2007 we made ELEVEN trips!! I didn't think I'd ever crave to go back, but I do. Just a couple - I will try to post a couple soon. THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE KIND WORDS AND ANNIVERSARY WISHES!!!!!
  5. Whatever you call it, I definitely qualify.
  6. Kroger always has the Mexican Cheese Dip BOGO FREE. They keep it up front near the deli and bakery. We get it all the time - it is reasonable and GOOD. You can buy only one (and it is half price) or you can get both to have extra. Last time we bought one with jalapeno's (for DH) and one without (for me). He made chicken nachos yesterday with the cheese and some of Mrs. Jack Russell's homemade salsa.........YUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. We ended up going to Plan B and had pizza and cheese bread instead of cooking - I didn't complain, but means it is only delayed another day.
  8. Me too - reminds me of spending time in the summers as a child at my grandparent's house in rural Chambers Co, AL.
  9. Yes it does. And what becomes of our bodies in the ground is they become ashes/dust just as the cremated body becomes ashes/dust. AMEN!
  10. I don't do the walking but I do hope Jordan's foot is okay and not broken. Bless her heart.
  11. Absolutely NOTHING - DH cooked breakfast and then made us a great afternoon snack of chicken nachos. I have sat here online and watching the Braves all afternoon. I will be cooking a good dinner here in a bit, tho.
  12. Yes it is - 13 days 3 hrs and 36 mins until kickoff against Virginia Tech at the Ga Dome - ROLLLLLLLL TIDE ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! I sleep with my bedroom window open every night. (I know, it is murder on the power bill) But, I love to listen to the rain when it falls and the birds chirping in the mornings. I LOVE Fall - my favorite season of the year!
  13. Country Fried Steak w/ Gravy Mashed Taters Fried Okra Baked Squash & Onions Cole Slaw Cornbread Brownies
  14. Congratulations to all of them - and Thanks Tona for the update! I love the name, too.
  15. I often think of my HS sweetheart of 7 years and it is funny how an old song, smell, etc can jog a memory of times together. And, those memories are precious to me. I often think of the Garth Brooks song that says "Thank God for unanswered prayers" as it pertains to Dale. At one time, I thought he was my world. But, it is funny - we went on to marry others, have children and divorce. We dated again and found we had absolutely nothing in common. The "love" we once had no longer existed. But, as happy and as in love as I am with my Soulmate I am married to, a memory of Dale still makes my heart
  16. Aren't you a Sweetie? Congrats Oscar.
  17. How Adorable - and a perfect fit for Patty!
  18. I know several attorney's in AL if you need one, Sweetheart. I hope you have gotten some rest and let your brain recover today. Take Care. Ya. Oh, BTW, if Elliott wins tonight at Bristol, the Children's Medical Network gets a Million Dollars!!! I am pulling for your man tonight.
  19. This was not a problem as my two are 10 yrs apart and DD graduated from EPHS in 1999 and DS from PCHS in 2009. My youngest DGD started Kindergarten this year and has the same K-teacher. DD told her when the oldest DGD advanced to the 1st grade that she was going to request her for the younger one. But, warned her then that they were/are two totally different children and gave her the example: if you threatened Erin with moving her clip she will cry. If you threaten Anna, she was just look at you and say, "Sooooo.......it is only a clothes clip."
  20. I know you don't but she just doesn't realize "who" she has crossed this time!!! You have every right to do what you need to do. Let me know if I can help in any way. And, a FL attorney is only a phone call away, too, if needed.
  21. I saute' onions when cooking the ground beef and add garlic salt & pepper. I boil elbow macaroni and add whole kernel corn and whatever else is handy or sounds good. Then I bake in a casserole dish covered with grated cheese. Haven't done it in awhile. Thanks for the reminder.
  22. DH is cooking his famous chicken fingers with homemade gravy, mashed taters, cole slaw, peas and biscuits.
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