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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I was a Social Worker for 18 years and although it is the most under appreciated, under paid and over stressed job out there, it was "who" I was. There is nothing more rewarding than saving a child from an abusive/neglectful situation and then seeing that child thrive and prosper. I didn't return to work when I had my kidney transplant in 2000. When I got sick May 2008 I was working for a personal injury attorney and loved it!! I think maybe both are similar in that I enjoy interacting with people and helping to improve their lives.
  2. Gotcha. I just noticed the date on the photo of law enforcement on the scene was August 29th. (People have different definitions of when the week starts and ends. I've always seen Sunday as the 7th day, the Sabbath, and Monday as the first day of the week. I say Tom-A-to you say Tom-a-to. )
  3. Huuuuuuuummmmm.....YES, very much so!!!!!! And I don't know that those family members/friends were not just visiting. BTW, I haven't heard a time of day the murders occurred. My point was - just as the person who asked WHY was it necessary to identify the trailer as "dingy" - that tidbit of information was not necessary to the crime or the reporting of such. I'll just blame it on the Social Worker in me that has seen a lot of "poor" people who were "good" people and would be offended by being identified in newsprint as "poor." But you are right - it is what it is. I'm just saying.
  4. And, WHY was it necessary to identify the man as "a poor resident"??? Bad journalism, IMO. Didn't this just occur yesterday, August 29th??????
  5. I am always saying "that *and up* will get ya every time!!!!!" Me too.
  6. Ours dropped $44 from last month - which was basically the same as the prior TWO months together!!! So, I was pleased. At least it is heading in the right direction.
  7. What award was that? What two won it? I've never heard of that happening, either. I was watching the Red Carpet and the discussion of who was expected to win. But, we are watching the Braves game so I am missing the actual awards show.
  8. I was always Thankful DD did not get the scissors to hers. Her hair was below her waist when she was in elementary school and she hated it. Now, DS - he got the scissors to his - ONCE.
  9. You've got it. Please keep us posted when you hear back from her.
  10. Thoughts and prayers being sent your way.
  11. I second this recommendation. Simple Gospel helps a lot of people in the community with food. They have a monthly yard sale to raise funds to buy groceries for those who need it. Give Darlene a call - she is a sweetheart, too!
  12. I saw John Parker playing for just a second. WAY TO GO FALCONS!!!
  13. Didn't do much today - just watched the Kennedy funeral while surfing the net. Went to Jalapeno Joe's tonight and had a GREAT time - one of the best evenings out I have had in a long, long time. The entertainment was even better than usual (and it is ALWAYS good), many, many friends and family came and made some new friends. Just an overall great evening!!! About to head to bed b/c the clock is about to strike midnight - and we don't want that to happen. (I might turn into a pumpkin. )
  14. So he will be selling the Saturday edition of the Sunday paper tomorrow and not the paper that is printed tonight for Sunday? Just wondering.
  15. I am SO glad to hear she is going to be okay. And, glad things are not going to be made difficult for you, too!
  16. ALL FLAGS ARE REDUCED FOR FOOTBALL KICK-OFF WEEK SPECIAL. THE 3' X 5' ARE REDUCED $3.00; SELLING FOR $12.00. THE SMALLER FLAGS/WINDSOCKS ARE REDUCED BY $2.00; $6.00 EACH. GET 'EM WHILE THEY LAST. THIS IS A WHALE OF A DEAL. The College Football Season begins next week. Show your school PRIDE with the following FLAGS. Take advantage of these great deals and please send a PM if you are interested in anything shown here. THANKS!! I have one each of the following Collegiate flags measuring 3' x 5'. NEW IN PACKAGE. Officially Licensed Collegiate Product. Premium flag carefully crafted of
  17. FYI: The Colts & Lions are playing on the NFL Channel on Comcast now. Georgia's Matthew Stafford is playing.
  18. Another quick reminder about tonight at Jalapeno Joe's. This will definitely be the LAST time Wade will be performing locally for awhile as other opportunities are going to be keeping him busy. So, I hope everyone will come out and enjoy the great music, family atmosphere and some really good Mexican food!!! The fun starts at 7:00. See Ya!
  19. I will get to work on that and let ya know what I can find - you need to post a pic of her in the little Alabama outfit!!!!
  20. Well, I have met you and NEVER would have guessed. You are mature well beyond your years. NO WAY!!!! You aren't much older than 27 yourself, are you??? People would be surprised to learn: I am really a nice person. I was a skinny child/teenager/young adult. I was a majorette for 4 years in HS. I can still twirl a baton and a fire baton. I have had a kidney transplant. I have 36+ inches of kidney's in my belly. I can talk down any man when it comes to NASCAR.
  21. What BEAUTIFUL blue eyes! I know you are proud of her, she is adorable.
  22. Hope your tournament is successful and I REALLY wish DH did not have to work today. He would have loved to participate.
  23. Prayers for you and your husband. God is the Ultimate Physician and CAN protect your husband from the disease when the doctors cannot.
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