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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I can not speak of your work from a professional standpoint, but I can say in meeting several of you at the Paulding Rodeo you present yourselves professionally and are absolutely some of the nicest people I have ever met! WELCOME TO P.COM!!!!!
  2. I agree!!!! Charlie and his family work hard and give of their time endlessly to provide food for those in our community who are suffering and in need of food. They have helped SO many families and would make good use of your contribution!! Good luck to you on you move.
  3. I agree!! I liked him when he was Snapper Foster on Y&R!!!! And WHAT was that song all about??? Even creepier - he should stick to rock. WHO do you think the Judges will put through
  4. How Nice - that is a sweet offer.
  5. AWESOME!! Ya'll have a grand ole time. She is so down to earth and cute!
  6. Guess this is a good reason why I don't drink coffee - just give me ICE in my sweet tea. (I say that b/c recently I ordered ice tea at a fast food drive thru and I was given a cup of HOT tea - not a drop of ice in it. )
  7. That sounds W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L !!!!!!!! Good for you.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't see them initially, either. CUTE.
  9. DS went into the Terrible Two's when he was 16 months and didn't come out of them until he was FOUR!! I remember very vividly taking him for his 18 mo check-up and talking to the pediatrician about it. He told me "if you cannot afford a babysitter, stay at home." He explained how this is a time in a toddler's life where sometimes logic and/or punishment does not prevail. And, he said it wasn't fair to take him to a restaurant and make myself AND him miserable. So, I took his advice when I could. And, when I couldn't and he went with me and DH in public, we dealt with it. I think he turned out
  10. That is what I was thinking.
  11. SCARY!!!!! Individuals are also knocking on doors to see if anyone is home - if not, they enter and burglarize the home. Either situation is not good. Thanks for sharing and for the reminder.
  12. You've got me beat. I get a $.67 dividend check every 3 months from some GE Stock.
  13. True. I had a check that I lost and found it TWO YEARS later. I thought, "what the heck" and figured it was worth a try. I deposited the check, they accepted it and it cleared. Recently, DS signed one of my checks (with my knowledge), BUT...........he signed HIS name, gave the merchant HIS driver's license, they wrote HIS information on the front of the check (next to DH and my names) and MY bank accepted/cashed it. Not once did anyone take notice that no one authorized on the check had signed it. DUH??
  14. ME!! I love some good Mongolian Beef and crispy noodles.
  15. mom2dachs

    OH MY

    What is it the Bible says, "Make a Joyful Noise?"
  16. Yes, I am fine. It is just one of "those days" and I am dragging. Just wasn't up to it. Thank You for your concern and for asking. Maybe one of these days we'll both be able to go to the same lunch.
  17. I hope ya'll had a good and fun lunch. I REALLY was looking forward to seeing everyone and trying out the restaurant. (I have never been) I just wasn't feeling too well this morning. "Maybe" next week. I miss seeing my p.com peeps.
  18. Awwwww.....how heartwarming. Good for Lucky!
  19. The man was in the wrong - plain and simple and I am hopeful the Court will make sure he is punished for hitting a child - much less ANOTHER persons child. But, one thing that has ALWAYS baffled me, even in Social Work: WHAT makes people think hitting a child and causing that child pain is an effective way of making the child be quiet??? My experience has been: inflict pain and the screaming gets louder. Just sayin'.
  20. Ya think????? :lol: Obviously I don't either. I often say everyone has a life but me........guess I just proved it.
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