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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. CBS News at 11:00 tonight said the boy was riding on a sidewalk and turned into the road and hit the side of the bus, being drug under the wheel. That does not make it any less tragic or horrible. But, those are the details.
  2. THANK YOU!!!! I am still giddy with excitement. I just cannot believe people would say such sweet things about me and think I deserved this honor. I APPRECIATE IT SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!
  3. Helicopter, lots of ambulances & fire trucks??? That sounds like a lot of activity for a medical call - especially an 83 yr old stroke victim. Hope whoever it is they are okay - prayers said.
  4. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO saddened by this story. My prayers are with this family even though I do not even know their names....God does. I just cannot imagine the nightmare this family is going through - from the happiest of magical times to this........... http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gdeUvi-1SiXq7DcmTcEJbDPe2tewD9EQGQGO2
  5. That is the way we actually came home ONCE we were able to get to 92!!! I am glad you were not in that traffic. It was horrid.
  6. As I said earlier in another place in cyberspace - I am sorry to hear of your closing but choose to look at this as a step in a different direction toward the future rather than a step back. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. {{{HUGS}}}}
  7. OMGOSH!!!! I AM IN TEARS - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALLON SALON and to EVERYONE for your kind words. It means MORE than you will ever know!!!! I am just in AWE and SHOCK!! I REALLY cannot believe this. But, I can tell you Allon Salon and all those who nominated me, I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! I never spend money on me (isn't that the way all of us Moms/Nanas are???? LOL) And, Allon Salon when you see me, you will KNOW you have your work cut out for you. I just cannot express how stunned yet appreciative I am. HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN. :wub:
  8. Like I said I have no experience in the eligibility side of DFCS but was a social worker doing investigations for 17 yrs and a foster care worker for one year. The Federal Government said the maximum caseload list for foster care was 17 children - during that one year I NEVER had less than 45 children on my caseload. But, the law is very specific as to the number of times the case manager has to physically see the child every month and as someone else said the paperwork is MASSIVE - none of which can be avoided - you HAVE to see the child "X" times and HAVE to do the paperwork - regardless of
  9. We were just stuck in that mess. Traffic was backed up to Bruster's. We were sitting in front of Bruster's at 5:37 and we are now at home at Bus 6 & Macland Road - at 6:30!!! HORRIBLE.
  10. Stars & Strikes $5.00 Gift Cards T-Shirts for their favorite ball teams
  11. Wishing you a WONDERFUL and BLESSED Easter and hope you enjoy a BEAUTIFUL week-end.
  12. Thanks for the reminder. I didn't realize it was due in the mail tomorrow until last night's news. It is sitting on the table beside me. Can still include DS since GA is his legal residence even tho he is currently living in Orlando??? He didn't get one.
  13. I am looking forward to purchasing a new laptop with it. I have Vista.
  14. Roast & potatoes cooked with mushroom gravy in the crock pot all day Corn Bread (A friend from AL surprised me and we stayed gone all afternoon. Good thing I had the roast already cooking. But, no time for anything else much. )
  15. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I NEVER win anything, either. I won $50 groceries about 25 yrs ago but that is it.
  16. Crystal just proved AGAIN why she WILL be the American Idol 9!!! AMAZING - that girl can do it all.
  17. My favorite part of AI tonight???? Momma Garcia going after Simon!!! I could just hear DS saying exactly what Andrew was saying - when I would go after him. Just too funny!!!!
  18. I have to agree with ya on that one!!!!! We are having BBQ ribs, french fries, bread and then Red Velvet Twinkies for dessert. Another late night at work for DH so something simple!
  19. Thank You. She probably has all of that other than proof of income - there is none.
  20. WELCOME TO P.COM and I hope your business finds lots of new customers here. Good Luck!
  21. Ok, I am confused. Are these the dogs we are voting on this week?? It doesn't give me the option to vote again since I voted last week. Thanks for help directing me in the right direction.
  22. How does she know what to take with her? (TAKE ALL PAPER WORK REQUIRED) You would think I wouldn't be so ignorant about this after being a social worker for 18 yrs. But, my experience is in investigations, not eligibility. THANKS for the help I will pass along the info.
  23. Monday & Tuesday it is usually 8:40 (DH's late nights at work + hour commute) Wednesday & Friday it is usually 7:10 Saturday it is usually 7:45 Thursday & Sunday it is whenever (DH's off days)
  24. I was told some of Paulding County applications are being managed in Rome.
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