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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. That is to dang funny I have heard from friends that are Grandparents that you think you love your kids.. but those grandkids make you feel love you never knew you had... I of course would not know this yet...
  2. I have seen pictures of you, you look great...
  3. I think she looks great... I remember when she started that program, and I believe she also works out.. if she works out a lot then she toned some as she lost... that is what I am doing,. I have lost 54 pounds but I have been exercising everyday so that I am not so flabby LOL and it has helped a lot..
  4. cutting grass LOL and raking leaves
  5. keep a check on the thrift stores... The Endless yard sale gets some really nice furniture in and she sales it really cheap..
  6. same here... but I usually take my items to the Endless yard sale
  7. I think the stone mountain idea is great.. they could spend the day there and then watch the fire works at night... There is so much do there....
  8. it has changed some, I noticed that also when I had to upload some pictures the other day..
  9. sounds like your year is starting off great...
  10. we were thee about a month ago. not much going on there...
  11. I watched some of it last night.. she was showing the behind scenes of her show.. pretty interesting of how much work goes in to her show..
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