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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. Naturgirl I am with you on this one
  2. I watch this sometimes... I like the house wives shows.. but sometimes all I can do is shake my head lol
  3. I gave you a positive for that one after I was through laughing
  4. well dang I already have supper cooking....
  5. I met some friends there today..
  6. Looks like Austin is defending his reasoning for doing what he did..
  7. Good to know.. my husband has complained to them every chance he has got. lol in fact he told them we would be moving our business else were.. so maybe they had enough complaints and closed accounts to re think this decision. wells fargo was suppose to start today (nov 1)
  8. what all did you have for sale? I was out this morning and went to a few but I must have missed yours
  9. I was down that way and did not see this until now... I will have to stop in the next I am down that way.. best of luck to you
  10. I need to get caught up on that show lol
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