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Everything posted by nschur

  1. Did he not say, And I am going off what I heard earlier, " I did not know how old he was or that he was unarmed". You call that justifing? He was laying out the facts. He was saying that, basically, in his mind that he was dealing with an armed adult. Did you not understand that part? Hind sight is 20 / 20. Many details come out later that he was not privy to at the time. That makes for a bad situation in the present that turned out badly for both of them From your postings here, I hope they find him guilty and hang him by his testicles until dead because that is the only thing that wil
  2. Much hype has been raised over Trayvons age and the fact that he was unarmed. You think it was inappropriate for him to speak to that during the apology? What is it that you do not understand about his apology?
  3. Probably the same as the letter I got from the family of the man that shot me. It was to express sorrow over what happened. In my case it made me feel better knowing the man's family did not hold what happened to their son against me.
  4. You are the one living in la la land if you believe what you just wrote.
  5. That is why kids like Dis Jr. are in special classes. They are not in with Gen Ed holding them back. You are somewhat correct though, but I would say more parents should do like we did and look at the BIG picture and actively engage in doing what is best for their kids AND the others. Your (the other parents) stigma over having your child put into a "special needs" class should not take precedence over doing what is right for the kids. Too many parents feel like the child will always be "marked" if they allow this to happen.
  6. I was told by Allstate that there is a base increase on the claim and a % of the accident cost that is added to your rates after an accident. Again, just what I was told by my company.
  7. It will mean that the insurance companies will "split" liability in some fashion. Just because the other driver was cited for 40- 6 - 391 does not absolve your son of his violation. He is either guilty of that or not. the surcharges you will be assessed by the insuance company should be lessened though.
  8. I have a question or two. please pm me. Thanks
  9. I cheered the kid that hit Dis jr. when he deserved it. ( I can't remember what it was that jr. did but he deserved it) I felt bad because I knew the other kid was gonna get punished as well. I told jr. how I felt about it and that he got what he deserved and that the older he got, the more he could expect this to happen until he changes his attitude.
  10. And if there had been a majority of minority children would your tune stil be the same. In all honesty, I have no clue nor do I care if any or all were minorities. I think that the best balance of punishment and leniency was pretty much served up by the DA. You apparantly do not and your comments tend to make me think that no minorities were involved and therefore are more apt to want to see harsher punishment for your own personal satisfaction. Have fun with that.
  11. Or they may be like I was. In front of DEFACS for "properly" punishing my child. Whe I called them out on it and told them to take him in their custody for a day, they dropped the case. I take a belt to Dis jr. regularly. I also take things away, use time out or whatever other means that I think might help. He would much rather take a whipping than lose some of his more cherished belongings or activities. More beatings are not always the best thing nor are they the most effective. And right now I am speaking with 6 years of experience with an ADHD / ODD child. Who I will gladly loan to you for
  12. My one day subbing at Dobbins I had a 6th grader come back from lunch going GD this and GD that and then flipping a desk across the room. He was a WHITE boy and I still detained him, called the staff and wrote him up. I'm a truly at a loss as to why some here think that only Minority children get in trouble. Especially by White staff and employees.
  13. I never carried "kiddie" sized handcuffs. I kept 1 pair with a chain that was able to lock smaller in my vest for the women but nothing that I think would work on a 6 y/o. Was it a zip tie type cuff? And Dis Jr is in a class for kids with anger issues. The staff generally lays across him if he gets out of control. If handcuffs were needed on him I would be the first to slp them on him. And he is white. I do not see race as an issue here only the lack of ability to control one's temper. My favorite quote from Dis jr to staff. Reference being laid on " I've been working out and you won't
  14. nschur

    Need advice

    If you have ever looked at an ER bill before, you would realize that what you he has is really quite low. The whole problem with our healthcare system is the folks that use the ER as a doctor's office for stuff like the sniffles and have no insurance (for whatever reason, many are like your son and do not plan on getting sick but do not realize that accidents can happen anytime or anywhere)and do not intend to pay. I believe that you and your son intend to pay. This cause the ERs to transfer those fees to others that do have insurance and do pay. That makes everything cost more. The ERs do no
  15. Sounds more like Failure to tield to me. Even though they charged your son that does not mean the other driver had ZERO responsibility. If he was arrested for DUI then he will be at least partially responsible. With that said you must remember that the legal courts and civil courts are totally seperate entities. You want to do everything that you can to minimize what the legal system says your son did on his side and hope that the other person's is maximised. When it comes to who pays what on the insurance claims, you will have moved into a totally seperate court system. They (you insurer) wi
  16. Looser Pays would do more good for the legal system than most care to admit. That is why it will never be put in place. It is ohh so much better for a local government like Cobb to look at the case and say "it will cost the tax payers $250,000 to prove their (complainant) case was meritless but if we just go ahead and offer them $100,000 for their meritless case's settlement then they will go away". It saves the citizens $150,000 to do this!! Where I come from, this has a name. It is called extortion and it IS ILLEGAL. LOOSER PAYS!!! :drinks:
  17. Man... still nothing from the OP. You would think that since this ruling was going to be among the worst in the fist part of the 21st Century, that she would at least have some form of input to explain how or why. Oh well...
  18. If is just as big a word in the statement "what IF it was not" that you seem to favor.
  19. Sounds good, especially since you thought good enough about the event to save them. Could you maybe take him to the next one?
  20. That's what I'm saying NG. Why in the world would someone think that they can make a statement like that as the opening post of a topic and have absolutely NOTHING to back it up?!? :wacko: And then to keep saying that they did by using a link to an article that in turn says absolutely nothing in relation to their comment. So it was obviously a comment that the OP came up with. And is totally unwilling and / or unable to back up or elaborate on! But then again that does seem to be the motus opurandi for many (not all) of those on the left that just want to cause a ruckus to promote their agenda
  21. Not to be flippant but something old or nostalgic. Something that would provoke a memory of a precious moment of a time long past. Something that he liked to do, listen to, "play" with. (not as in a toy but maybe a tool or other cherished item)
  22. Anyone else besides me wonder how the OP could make such a grandiose assertion but have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of their own to back it up? "This ruling, along with Citizens United and the Hein Decision, will go down as some of the worst of the early 21st century." Was not even in the original linked article.So it surely came from the mind of the OP.
  23. I do not know you or anything about you personally and I wish to keep it that way. I have not sent you any PMs nor have I stated anything that could be in the least way be deemed hostile. I am sorry that you can not bring yourself to own up to your mistakes but that is YOUR problem not mine. Everyone that cared to, can easily see this in your responses in this topic.
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