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Everything posted by nschur

  1. Many facts and statements indicate that he did what you said he should have.
  2. Did Zimmerman suffer an injury? Did you say he did not? That is all I am concerned about in this topic. You want more, dredge up an old topic or start another of your own This makes the third time I told you what this topic is about. Got it?
  3. You are still trying to go down the other road. I am only discussing the fact that Zimmerman did indeed suffer injuries from an assault by Martin. And Martin, as far as I know, had no other injuries than the gunshot wound. That is not consistant with Zimmermann "laying hands on" him or assaulting him first. Following someone is not an assault. Bu that is not the story here, his wounds are. And for the record... I think both men acted foolishly. Martin more so than Zimmerman.
  4. Let's try to keep this about his injuries, that many here claimed did not exist. The reason for the confrontation is not the issue here. His injuries proving he was attacked are.
  5. It seems there really were. A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation. http://news.yahoo.com/abc-news-exclusive-zimmerman-medical-report-shows-broken-204911351--abc-news-topstories.html
  6. I'm guessing they used Kroger 10 cents cumulative to $2.00 / gal off. That's my best guess. Good for them though.
  7. And how do you think our economy would have reacted to sustained prices of over $4 / gal? And crush our economy does not mean the same as destroying our country now does it?
  8. Do you think that Kill a market rally = Destroy us Come on now... You don't think anyone else on here believes those are the same thing. And I should also point out that I said sustained prices ABOVE $4 / gal. That is also not the same as gas AT $4/gal for a short period. Bur I will say that I am truly surprised (and happily at that) tht prices have come back down some.
  9. You are mistaken. I NEVER said that. I know you have it bookmarked somewhere. Now go back and look it up. And then come back when you are prepared to make accurate true comments.
  10. 1. Was there a VIBRANT economy or not while gas was at $4 / gal? 2. I stated that I thought gas would go over $4/ gal. Did it or dod it not? 3.I never said that the prices would not go back, some, and then likely go back up. Did I not? So if you answer all those questions HONESTLY ( and remember it is all a matter of record here) Then I believe you comment "You really just don't know what you're talking about" Was just about as dumb a statemen as you could make now wasn't it?
  11. Oh yeah we had an absolutely VIBRANT economy with gas at $4 / gal now didn't we. There is an absolute difference between enduring a 2 -3 month surge and sustained prices. And I am sure theere are many out there who are still ttrying to figure out which bill to not pay right now just to fill up their tank.
  12. I know that in WM, IF YOU USE The self checkout lanes your debit card will be declined if you try to use the card as a credit even though everything is fine. It is a glitch in WMs system.
  13. I may have missed something mrnn. the stats that I saw were saying that we are at negative 2 million jobs NET since Jan 2009. You are saying we are not only above that but positive as well?
  14. Halo 2... If you told Zoo the sun rises in the East and sets in the West she would tell you, you were wrong if it did not fit HER agenda.
  15. $85 - $125 / sq ft. the last I heard. You have to remember there is a bug difference in trim levels for some homes. That can add up quickly. And do not forget that build and rebuild are not the same thing. It is far simpler and cheaper to build a home than it is to repair or to tear down, remove and then rebuild a home. Face it, the footings and foundation do not cost too very much. And then imagine if they had to redo the foundation due to damage.
  16. Something is wrong with that date.
  17. Military personel have to abide by rules that the rest of us do not. One of those is about making comments about your Cin C. Those comments (true or not) can land you in big trouble or even dismissed. He got what he should have but I still wonder if it may have been on purpose.
  18. Wow... idid not know you lived inside the city limits and walk to everything from your home. But something tells me that is not the case. With that in mind I will just say... You move to Atlanta first. i'll be there soon. Go ahead and hold your breath.
  19. The vehicle is insured not the driver. They will use the stats for the listed primary driver in addition.
  20. You be the first to move into the crime ridden city. Most of us chose to not live inside the cities for a reason. That means an average commute of about 20 miles and is just a wee bit further than most people can "walk" each way everyday and be expected to perform our jobs. But your article never even mentions that fact. It just drones on about moving sidewalks and airorts and such. Oh well, just another brilliant NPR article.
  21. Martin had a vehicle and Zimmerman got into it?!? And I have said it before and I will say it again. The dispatcher said "we do not need you to do that". It IS safer for the citizen not to follow. Duh. But it also absolves the Sanford PD from a law suit from Zimmerman's family if the bad guy hurt or killed him. They told him it was not required for him to follow them. How Fu**ing simple is that. As an LEO responding to this situation I would be hoping and praying for additional information to be relayed to me from the citizen but at the same time it is not right to ask the citizen
  22. Wow... How would I ever get anything done if I shouldn't get out of my vehicle. I guess the barber coud cut my hair from the back seat huh. But wait... he would have to get out of his vehicle in order to do that. But he would be getting right into mine. So how long are we allowed to be outside our vehicles before we have to get back in again. Per your rules TJB? You are misinformed. The DISPATCHER asked George if he WAS following him. That is when he said yes. He never asked the dispatcher if he should follow him. You need to at least get your facts straight. And y
  23. Having your own opinion is fine. Jumping on anything (in this case the "meaning" behind his words) that you think justifies your side of the events shows where your predjudices lie. I would be ok with him getting off from the legal charges. I believe the cilvil suit that would follow would surely go against him. Just think about OJ. I think the case for Murder 2 is a far stretch, but I do not have access to the evidence. If he is found guilty, you will not find me attacking the legal system or saying he was framed as long as the evidence supports it. I am about as neutral on this as you can ge
  24. I have NEVER proclaimed his innocence. I have stood squarely on the principle that the Facts of the case will prove what happened. You on the other hand have steadfastly stood by ANY thought that put him at fault. Just think about the photos at the jail. Does that ring a bell? You said there was no injury. I said they did not prove that at all and you refused to here it. Now we have "better" pictures that prove the injury but yet it is still ALL his fault. I am trying to be the voice of reason and not take sides. It is that simple. Again I never said he was not guilty of bad decision makingor
  25. One of the first things that they taught us about juveniles is that they are much more likely than an adult to "pull the trigger" because "loss of life" is not as real to them. It is simply beyond the comprehension of many teens that when you are dead, you are dead and there will be no "do overs", respawns or going back to a previous saved game.
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