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Everything posted by nschur

  1. I have said nothing to you ANYWHERE on this site except for in this one topic. I'm sorry that you feel that way but I have every right to continue to ask you for the information that supports your claim in this topic. Good God Zoo... Do not bring something up that you are not prepared to discuss or defend. that is basic ADULT level logic.
  2. You deleted your post too late Zoo. I captured it in my reply in my previous post. Nice try though. :rofl: eta... An apology... You did not delete the referenced post. I lost it in the page change and between other posters. See... I will apologize and own up to MY mistakes.
  3. Are you educated? If so then answer. But I guess you are not really as bright as you thought huh? I tried to be reasonable but you just would not have any of it. So You basically made me point that out and prove to everyone that you were really clueless and did not have the least little understanding of this topic but some how you felt qualified to proclaim to the world... This ruling, along with Citizens United and the Hein Decision, will go down as some of the worst of the early 21st century. So please enlighten us as to WHY that is the case! But in reference to your 2
  4. IfI had them in front of me I WOULD ask them. However, you are the one that kept stating that "we" were wrong and the ruling could easily be abused. I would be very interested to hear how YOU FEEL it could be abused. I would love to here it from them as well but they are not here and THEY are not the ones telling all of us on Pcom that we are wrong. That would be you Zoo. It seems to me that you got nothing. But you have plenty enough to tell us that we are wrong but are unabe to post even one single example. Come on now Zoo... Admit it. It's ok. All you have to do is say "I can't think
  5. You know, I was thinking. From everything Zoo has said about this whole strip search thing being open to abuse and we should not be strip searching the "leash law" violators before they go to jail. It seems to me that Zoo MUST HAVE a very different view of what jail life is like. I believe Zoo thinks that each prisoner has his very own dorm room complete with toilet, shower and sink with a solid front wall and door that they can lock at their own convienence. Why else would Zoo get so bent out of shape about someone being forced to get undressed / NEEKID in front of someone else? Well
  6. No they will not. They are protected by the use of "fighting words" in the law. IF you call someone an SOB and they pop you in the nose, then the law says you got what you asked for. If they escalate it much beyond that though there could be a problem. OCGA § 16-11-39(a)(3), which provides:A person commits the offense of disorderly conduct when such person ․ [w]ithout provocation, uses to or of another person in such other person's presence, opprobrious or abusive words which by their very utterance tend to incite to an immediate breach of the peace, that is to say, words which as a matter
  7. Sorry, I took it as meaning you thought the smokers were being unfairly persecuted. My bad...
  8. I thought the same thing. Let Zoo guard the jail where strip searching before admission of the inmate into general population is not allowed. She did not seem to like that idea either. I wonder why.
  9. Why? What is wrong with asking those who smoke while driving to be mindful about not throwing their lit cigarette butts onto the road where they can be blown to the side and start a fire. Is that an unreasonable request? Maybe we shoud be going around and throwing "Napalm" balloons out the window as well ? They both can set a fire.
  10. YOOO HOOO... former member. I know you have been on the boards today. Have you come up with an example of how YOU BELIEVE LEOs MIGHT ABUSE THE STRIPSEARCH LAW yet? :pardon: :pardon: :pardon: :pardon: :pardon: :pardon: :pardon: :pardon: :pardon: Just wondering...
  11. I think the non-smokers demand the cars not come with ashtrays excuse doesn't hold water. It is more likely just a way to save a few extra dollars while making the cars. Still, no ashtray in your car is not reason enough to throw your burning garbage onto the public roads and at the very least littering or starting a fire like today. they still come with cup holders and a soda can can double quite well as an ashtry. Smoke away in your cars if you like. Keep your windows down if you like. Tap your ashes out the window if you like. Please do not be a careless litter bug and throw out lit cigare
  12. While on my way to a job on Ridge Rd. this afternoon I had to stop and put out a brush fire in the makings. A smoker had thrown out their cigarette butt. With all the tree "droppings" and such on the side of the road along with the wind and dry weather, there is plenty of tinder to start a fire from the cigarette butts. PLEASE DO NOT THROW THEM OUT THE WINDOWS Thank you Let's talk irony for a momment too. I stopped my truck and trailer on the road shoulder prior to the fire to put out the fire. A blue Mustang had also stopped but pulled into the driveway ahead of me.
  13. I this.k you should give folks who cut their grass a little more slack in the morning. I very rarely start before 0830 or 0900. I think that since most folks jobs start by then it should be acceptable. I would have to check the county noise ordinance but I believe it is almost the same.
  14. Put me in with the group that says painting 2012 or something like that on the roadway near the school is fine so long as it does not interfere with safe driving. It is not legal but I would place it in the cause no harm therefore I'll allow it category. I say that but I also understand full well the presedant it sets and that would have to be kept in strict adherance to laws elsewhere. Southern tech always had the rock to claim why not allow the kids to mark their year on a "predetermined" stretch of local road. North Cobb used to do this on Blue Springs all the time. The biggest issue to me
  15. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of this ruling being abused. Exactly where are these folks expecting an LEO to strip search these folks other than at the jail. We know Zoo believes this but she will not elaborate on the concept.
  16. Putting a contract for murder out on someone is in itself a crime. It should fall under Conspiracy, but I am not a lawyer so I would not say I am 100% positive on that. A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances. For exampl
  17. How would I know, I'm not talking to them. I do not care about them, I asked you for how you felt it might be abused. was that not clear enough the last time. I thought I made it pretty clear. So in short... if you do not know of any then by all means say so. And for your information your link takes me to Nature girl and Markdavid posts.
  18. Tick Tock Tick Tock... Where is Zoo with that "expert" opinion that she says she has given us? ANYBODY SEEN ZOO?!?!? :pardon:
  19. Some of us never said we did. We just want everyone to play by the same rules. Why is that so bad.
  20. Come on Zoo!! You have had 24 hours to formulate an opinion and yet we still do not have it, EVEN though you kept saying that I was just ignoring it and that you had posted it here. I guess I was right and you were wrong. You never did. You just want to continue to deny others of their right to an opinion and you will just go running and curl up in a fetal position in a cornner when asked to logically present your side. :rolleyes: bye bye now Zoo
  21. So when was the last time the KKK put out a hit on a specific black person? I do not know because I never followed or paid attention to them
  22. Well... seeing as Zoo can't seem to post her own opinion... I guess it was just more important for Zoo to deny others their right to have an opinion than to actually have one of her own. I guess she must have just been jealous because some of us could actually formulate and articulate an opinion all of our own.
  23. Of the Black Panthers orchestrations against Zimmerman. http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/09/zimmerman-family-challenges-holder-on-new-black-panthers-says-no-arrests-based-solely-on-your-race/ http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2012/04/george_zimmermans_family_membe.php http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2012/04/george_zimmermans_family_membe.php This is the same as the voter intimidation charges. Holder again covers for the Black Panthers where any caucasion person or group would be thrown in the sewers under the jail.
  24. Oh where... oh where has our little former member gone?
  25. This poor guy is sooo far underground right now it isn't even funny. Guilty or no, charged or not matters not one little bit. Those yahoos out there get a hold of him anywhere, he is a dead man. I would have left the country if I could. When all this is done he will still have to leave the country if he is not found guilty in a criminal court.
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