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Everything posted by TJB

  1. Perhaps she can become a spokesperson for the pill,
  2. It doesn't. People are freaked out by gay people having sex, but in reality, how much time do people really spend time having sex. Most married couples are too busy keeping a roof over their heads and paying their bills. Other than sleeping with a person of the same sex, there really is no difference.
  3. Gotta love the N.Y. Post. http://nypost.com/2015/06/24/shawskank-had-closet-sex-with-killer-4-times-a-week-ex-inmate/
  4. I'm so terribly sorry she's going through this. My wife has struggled with life threatening infections, but Kennestone and Wellstar have good Infectious disease doctors. I hope they can get it under control.
  5. How would people react if someone chose to fly a flag or wear clothing with the swastika on it?
  6. The creators of South Park would be proud.
  7. As someone who has watched their spouse struggle through life threatening health issues the last few years, my heart goes out to Melissa.
  8. My thoughts and best wishes go out to Thad and Melissa.
  9. I don't know Surepip and his family, but it makes me sad and angry knowing what they've been through. I hope he gets better.
  10. Ann Coulter must be jealous. On the bright side, maybe Lindsey Graham will have a date.
  11. My heart goes out to the Morrison's.
  12. Regardless of how people feel about him, he's endured unspeakable tragedy. My heart goes out to his family. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/joe-bidens-2012-advice-to-grieving-families-is-all-the-more-poignant-now/ar-BBkrnXo
  13. I'm so sorry to hear this.
  14. Here's another.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8TsAh-zYFI
  15. Check this out. http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/22/oprah-cancels-josh-duggar-molestation-chicago-taping-19-kids-and-counting/
  16. I meant to give him a shout out a couple of weeks ago and I forgot.
  17. A few weeks ago, I bought a used, self-propelled Toro mower from Subby AKA Glen Jiles. The mower was inexpensive and runs like a top. He even delivered it for me and picked up my old mower. I just wanted people to know, if they don't already, he's great to deal with and honest.
  18. I can't begin to imagine what shows like South Park and SNL will do with this. People should listen to this as well. http://www.salon.com/2015/05/22/audio_lets_revisit_what_michelle_duggar_said_about_lgbt_people_being_child_predators/
  19. They were married 61 years.
  20. This is funny and interesting take on a rock classic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO52UqeCzYk
  21. However, if someone lobbies for the Family Research Council, as Josh Duggar did, molestation charges become problematic.
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