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Everything posted by TJB

  1. If you're passing moral judgment on others, expect the same in return.
  2. Most people gay or straight are not shoving their sex lives in people's faces. This is a civil rights issue and equal protection under the law.
  3. Given your virulent reaction to this issue, I suspect you've had many things shoved in your face.
  4. TJB


    My heart goes out to Melissa and her family.
  5. I remember hearing this in high school when learning about the Great Depression and Keynesian economics.
  6. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/days-before-he-was-fired-comey-asked-for-money-for-russia-investigation/ar-BBAZ6m1
  7. If nothing is done, this is the beginning of the end of our country.
  8. TJB


    I'm sorry to hear this.
  9. TJB


    My thoughts are with Surepip and his family.
  10. I understand your dilemma. Purchasing insurance on your own is prohibitively expensive, and even worse with a preexisting condition. However, this has been a problem long before the Affordable Care Act. My father was a self-employed mason contractor and my mother had kidney disease. In the late 80s, my father's premiums were around 800.00 monthly; this didn't include medicine or copays. However, a return to insurance of old, will only exacerbate this problem. With single payer, it would vastly expand the pool of insured people and lower rates. While it may not be perfect, hospitals would be
  11. So, if a family member is stricken with a catastrophic event or illness, they will go to the hospital and receive medical care you cannot afford and the public pays for it? The hospital gets nothing and those with insurance pay for it.
  12. Especially the child support deadbeat Joe Wilson
  13. Very sad, I always watching him. I was a fan of his HBO series Big Love
  14. I didn't get one this year, but the last couple of years before, I did. My wife was hospitalized for long periods around other sick people; as a teacher, I'm exposed to germs and viruses daily, and I felt as a precaution for my wife and students, it was best I received a shot/
  15. I threw it in there because they happened so close together, but you're right, he deserves his own thread. It looks like 2017 is picking right up from 2016.
  16. Butch Trucks from the Allman Brothers has passed.
  17. Great show. This past week's episode with Gerald McRaney was terrific but sad.
  18. http://gadnrle.org/sites/uploads/le/pdf/Special-Permits/Wildlife_Rehabilitator_List.pdf
  19. I'm sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  20. Aspen in Marietta is nice. It's expensive, but not 300.00.
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