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Everything posted by TJB

  1. I teach in a metro area county that has done this and the results have been terrible; the custodians are terrible and the schools aren't nearly as clean. You get what you pay for.
  2. This is proof there are two sets of justice one for the rich and everyone else doesn't stand a chance. What incentive is there for people to follow the law?
  3. This was pretty damn funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXvo6ksBHnI&feature=youtu.be
  4. I just read an interesting article by Kareem-Abdul-Jabar http://time.com/3662152/kareem-abdul-jabbar-paris-charlie-hebdo-terrorist-attacks-are-not-about-religion/
  5. Especially when I was younger, like most of us, I believed and still do sometimes, that I corner the market on truth and justice. This song came to mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JVSvLyWXLs
  6. Awesome. I thought innuendo was an Italian suppository.
  7. I'm goin' to hell for this. Toys for Tw**s.
  8. Perhaps it should be called Dil-doh by Play-Doh.
  9. How did this get past company executives? http://www.mediaite.com/online/play-doh-under-fire-for-deleting-complaints-about-toy-that-looks-like-this/
  10. The GM should be fired as well.
  11. Too much cuteness for one video.
  12. This might make someone stop eating beef. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5H7uMq3mS8
  13. Here is a great performance with other all-stars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abX3PZDZ1bk
  14. I saw this article today and thought it was interesting, especially the line describing Cocker as Ray Charles on acid. http://thinkprogress.org/culture/2014/12/24/3606829/why-shouldnt-a-white-guy-sing-the-blues-joe-cocker/
  15. A friend of mine posted this on FB. If Mrs Claus wore super tight pants would you be able to see her mistletoe ? Just wondering
  16. I posted this because of what the mayor said. I know the Koz is a lefty publication. but I liked what the mayor had to say.
  17. Isn't it Chuck Connors in The Rifleman? I think it's a Winchester, but I know very little about guns.
  18. Regardless of the source, what the mayor had to say was perfect. Regardless of political ideology, the reporter asked a stupid question and was put in his place.
  19. She's a great singer and knows how to blend with another singer.
  20. Bill DeBlasio handled this asshat perfectly. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/22/1353650/-Bill-de-Blasio-shows-how-Liberals-should-take-control-of-Right-Wing-planted-reporters#
  21. TJB


    I feel a munching on carpet joke coming, but I'll refrain.
  22. He was a great interpreter of other artists songs.
  23. http://6abc.com/news/eric-garners-daughter-offers-support-to-families-of-slain-nypd-officers/446927/
  24. I know Alec Baldwin isn't a favorite on pcom, but this is funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9t5AJNF0so
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