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Everything posted by TJB

  1. They make a great steak.
  2. I've always paid for my insurance. As for any large corporation, we get better rates because the costs are spread out over a large group. I pay close to 500.00 monthly for insurance, so I'm not getting it for free.
  3. I hope he can start to make a recovery. If anyone deserves good news, it's the Morrison's.
  4. It's sad that someone who has so much has this sickness and the lives ruined because of this.
  5. Did he offer them a Coke or Jello pudding? Even if he offered these women drugs, it wasn't right for him to have sex with them if they weren't conscious.
  6. She's jealous that Caitlin Jenner is hotter than she is.
  7. This is pretty funny.Donald Trump gets into Twitter war with Modern Family writer. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/07/06/1399563/-Donald-Trump-gets-into-Twitter-war-with-Modern-Family-writer-is-obliterated
  8. My thoughts are with them.
  9. I was taken aback by the kid's anger and was prepared to defend myself if needed, but I knew I wasn't his issue; there was much more going on. However, I remember the father was on a teleconference saying what his child did wasn't a big deal and that was more frightening than how his son acted. As a society, if we don't do a better job of protecting and caring for the mentally ill, we will have far more school shootings, massacres, and acts of random violence that will fill our jails with people who need help beyond the expertise of law enforcement.
  10. I had a student who was bi-polar totally lose it on me and instead of instigating the situation, I let the student vent, stood, a safe distance from him, and sent him to the office. He slammed some doors and damaged some hinges, but nobody was hurt. The following year, he apologized to me and said he wasn't taking his meds. I worry he'll wind up dead someday, especially if he has a confrontation with the police. Perhaps, the police need more training in dealing with the mentally ill or be allowed to carry sedatives to subdue people with psychological issues or be accompanied by mental health
  11. I recently watched comedian Jeff Ross perform a roast at the Brazos County Jail in Texas and the jail warden spoke of the mentally ill being a significant part of their jail population; directly relating to the policies of the 1980's that put the mentally ill out of institutions and into the streets.
  12. I met him when I was getting my car serviced and he seemed like a good guy. My heart goes out to his wife and family.
  13. I saw this video and it is touching. These kids are great people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=33&v=xdeuivQYnas
  14. She made 262,000 last year preaching abstinence; if she laid low and didn't try to capitalize on her family name, it would be a non-story.
  15. Squire wrote this one; giving Yes a whole new life. It's pop, but still pretty damn good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0fA-BHsdlI Great song.
  16. I'm posting a video with Yes solos. It's pretty amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju-ZFykgdC8
  17. On top of that, he sang high harmonies as well. An amazing musician; part of an amazing band.
  18. One of the best rock bassists ever. http://my.xfinity.com/articles/entertainment-eonline/20150628/b671235/ Check ot this bass solo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ln9T76ieaA
  19. Perhaps she could've stuck an aspirin between her legs?
  20. I disagree with that remark. Boobs, vagina, sex. I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?
  21. One scumbag down. I'm glad no children resulted from this skanky union.
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