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Everything posted by TJB

  1. How much of this has to do with the media trying to keep people afraid by increasing the amount of reports on murder? People who live in fear are easily manipulated.
  2. And you're not feeding into it? Most of these people have reasonable positions that you happen to disagree with. that's o.k.. We've all been guilty of saying things we shouldn't and this happens on most if not all sites like this one. However, I notice many on the right use inflammatory rhetoric and when it gets thrown back in their face, they accuse the liberals of being "ugly" and are among the first to run to the mods. If people talk sh*t, then they should be prepared to face what comes back at them. Outside of politics, I like Guard Dad and Stradial; they post funny things and I would prob
  3. I figured he died from a yeast infection.
  4. Stradial, perhaps he'd be like this. http://www.salon.com/2015/04/01/if_there_are_any_homosexuals_nearby_god_cannot_hear_your_prayers_conan_obrien_absolutely_destroys_anti_gay_indiana_law/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  5. I think the publication I used to counter your argument is more reputable than your source.
  6. Could you find a less biased link than the Heritage Foundation?
  7. Here is another link refuting your claims. As an aside, I looked into a lawsuit where I believe negligence on the part of my wife's doctor led to an exacerbation of her M.S.;. a major firm in Atlanta wouldn't even touch the case. These cases take years to resolve and most people don't want to go through the aggravation. http://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1107&context=yjhple
  8. Thanks. I would've liked another take on my vocals, but we were running out of time. I enjoyed meeting Pubby and the gang.
  9. I feel a priest and altar boy joke coming on, but I'll refrain.
  10. If he was a Republican, he'd take Viagra and go to the Dominican Republic like other Republicans and bang underage prostitutes.
  11. So if the naked man was flaccid, did the police claim it was assault with a dead weapon.
  12. He was a good man. More people should be like him. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/09/sam-simon-dead-fortune_n_6833452.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063
  13. Somebody once asked me what my golf handicap was and I replied; when I pick up a set of clubs.
  14. My cat(s) have done these things. Spot on.
  15. I thought this was a great quote.
  16. She was a woman far ahead of her time. She was also the first major TV character to be in an interracial relationship.
  17. He was an iconic actor in an iconic series. Lucille Ball approved the series which was far ahead of it's time.
  18. The only thing that keeps me going is if it was me in my wife's position, I would want someone to stick by me. My wife told me early on in her illness, if it ever became too much, she would understand if I needed to move on. It's pretty hard to walk away from someone who loves you that much. My wife might be the bravest person I know.
  19. I don't feel like a hero. There are days I want to crawl up in a ball and die. Nothing is more painful than watching someone you love having their life taken away and being powerless to stop it. People ask me how I'm doing and I tell them I only cry on days ending in y. Thank you for saying that though.
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