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Everything posted by TJB

  1. I'm so terribly sorry to hear this.
  2. TJB


    When I had to put down Our first dog, Tanner, I was heartbroken; he was my buddy. My vet called it helping out a friend; which you did today. Even though the friendship was short, at least he knew you cared and showed him love.
  3. TJB


    I'm sorry to hear this. It's terrible to see this happen to a beautiful animal.
  4. If it's taxed too highly and is too expensive, it will still be sold illegally and will do nothing to eliminate crime.
  5. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/ron-glass-dead-barney-miller-firefly-dies-1201927179/
  6. I'm sure the inmates will do fine without it. I'm certain he'll never have a normal bowel movement again.
  7. I'm sad .to hear this, he was a very good coach.http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/marty-schottenheimer-has-alzheimer%E2%80%99s-disease/ar-AAjw2ty?li=BBnbfcL
  8. TJB

    Old Friend

    I'm so sorry. I miss my dogs every day.
  9. You may want to look into an attorney specializing in elder law.
  10. Eight years ago, I would disagree with you but reserve judgment. However, this has long been put to rest and is now meant to delegitimize and disrespect our President. If you go back to Lee Atwater and his strategy to play the race card; Atwater talked of using coded language to stoke racism. The birther argument is a way to do that.
  11. Questioning the citizenship of Obama after all this time after its been proven he is a citizen is at best disrespectful and at worst racist. Stop pretending otherwise. When people stop posting racist bulls**t, I will stop playing the race card.
  12. And you are the perfect example of a Trump voter; bigoted, xenophobic and willing to resort to false information. Just because you repeat a lie long enough, doesn't make it true. The birther bulls××t is thinly veiled racism and more red meat for your base.
  13. When Obama's citizenship has been proven again and again and bigots continue to push the false narrative that Obama isn't a citizen and with no other President has this been an issue except the one with brown skin, then it comes across as racist. If the hood and sheet fit, wear it.
  14. This whole narrative was designed To delegitimize the President. After all this time, it's shameful.
  15. This bullsh*t was designed to play into the hands of the bigots and racists by saying he isn't one of us. What they really want to say is he's a ni**er.
  16. It's been obvious over the years she took his balls as well. Maybe he can get them back in the divorce. LOL Perhaps he'll get one and we can call him Lance Armstrong? .
  17. Scumbag Cruz loves this country so much that he voted against a medical fund for 9/11 responders.
  18. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I'm the big 50. I'm ready for my AARP and early bird special discounts.
  19. He's marketed himself brilliantly, but outside some of his real estate deals, most of his businesses failed. You're buying to right-wing bigoted and xenophobic talking points.
  20. If you believe Trump is qualified or interested in tackling the issues you're concerned about, you are sadly mistaken. Just so you know, I'm not enthusiastic about Hillary, but I think she's far more qualified than Trump. No presidential candidate has run with as little experience as Trump is. Reagan was governor of California, GWB was governor of Texas, Bill Clinton was a Governor and attorney general. Trump can't even claim he was a successful businessman. Trump is an elitist snob, playing the working class for fools. I understand your frustration, but Trump isn't the answer.
  21. I don't endorse anyone making a medical diagnosis without a medical examintion. However, there were people who believed Dr. Drew from celebrity Rehab.
  22. If Hillary's health is being questioned, then is Trump's health an issue as well. Given his age, weight, and diet, are questions about Captain Combover's health relavent? I believe they are; no legitimate medical records of Trump have been released.
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