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Everything posted by TJB

  1. I was happy to find out I share a birthday with the King.
  2. I saw him at Westbury Music Fair on Long Island. The venue has a revolving stage and I was three rows away. My wife got the tickets for me and wound up enjoying it as much as I did. In addition, Ruth Brown and Bobby "Blue" Bland were opening acts. Sadly, they are gone.
  3. I had the chance to see him in the mid 90's and he was terrific. RIP
  4. I think P-Com is an hour behind. I posted at 5.
  5. Mayweather is a skilled boxer, but he's avoided tough fights in his division like Paul Williams and Antonio Margarito when they were in their prime. Williams is now paralyzed from a motorcycle accident and Margarito was found with plaster in his gloves. I've been reading that Pacquiao had a torn right shoulder, but I guess he wasn't going to pass up a 100 million dollar payday.
  6. Damn, I'm thinking about it, but that's a hell of a lot of money. I've been waiting too.
  7. You're right. but I bet she'll never leave an animal in a hot vehicle again.
  8. These cars are specially designed with AC units that work while the officer isn't in the vehicle.
  9. I like this idea. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/25/cop-makes-woman-sit-in-hot-car-dog_n_7143950.html
  10. As some on p-com know, the last 6 years have been incredibly difficult for my wife and I; without our animals, it would be unbearable. One more critter. Our Pepper will be 17 in June.
  11. Here is one of my mutts. I'm not quite sure what he is, but he's my buddy.
  12. I heard from someone close to the trial, that the teachers who refused to cheat were fired. In a right to work state, there is little protection for whistleblowers or teachers in general. The pressure to cheat started at the top levels of state government and filtered it way down to the teachers. Many have blood on their hands in this debacle.
  13. I had this happen a few months ago. Contact the IRS fraud division.
  14. You've justified shooting someone in the back who was running away. The police officer was a punk and a coward; a perfect candidate to protect and serve the public.
  15. It's Joe Walsh. Sorry for the error.
  16. I saw the title and I thought someone had a weird fetish.
  17. If this man deserved to die because he owed child support, what should happen to Joe Walsh?
  18. I agree with you. Unfortunately, these cameras seem to be a necessary evil, but the cameras will protect the majority of cops who do their jobs.
  19. The pop singer Avril Lavigne, recently talked about getting Lyme Disease; she said she felt like she was dying. This isn't something to screw around with,
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