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Everything posted by NumberCruncher

  1. my brother-in-law had a staph infection that set up behind his kneecap. the er thought he was drug seeking and sent him home. we waited two more days to go to a bigger, better hosp. he was admitted and did the 10 days of iv antibiotics.....and had to have his kneecap removed and scraped. it was gross, and expensive, but he healed up ok. he's to your hubby not needing any surgical intervention. :candle: and here's to you not suffering any guilt for trying to help. :candle:
  2. oh shut up! you just added me back this week. i ain't gonna go diggin' 'round to see what the rest of yer friends been sayin' 'bout me. chillax!!! :screaming&laughing:
  3. i'd venture to guess that once it starts "stinking" it's no longer fit for my consumption.
  4. between the gastro guy and the r/a guy, we have no use for a primary anymore. easier to just go to one of them and have it all charted in the same place. trying to keep up with all those records gets confusing, and dangerous.
  5. please, please, please tell me that she has a special headband that they both attach to!!!!
  6. geen apple jolly rancher? i'm there!!!!
  7. i don't know who he's seeing now, but there's a whole group of gasterenterologists in that new bulding on bill carruth. i don't think i spelled that right.
  8. when coming out of the men's room..... wait til you hear someone in the hallway, then burst through the door, and draw both phones. wild west style.
  9. I can't find the right words, John. I love you and I'm sorry just don't seem to sound good enough.
  10. g'head and buy you a holster and wear one on each hip.
  11. look up in the right hand corner where your name and avatar are. there's a drop down menu. messages are there.
  12. hafta wear a sealtbelt in an suv. pickup trucks are exempt but passenger vehicles are not. suv's are considered a passenger vehicle. adults (over 18) seated in the rear seat of any vehicle do not have to buckle up, but kids (under 18) must wear a seal belt in any seat, even in a pickup truck.
  13. most welcome hun! i'm always on the lookout for good music sites, it's exciting to find one with good quality, and the songs you like.
  14. i've seen the commercial, so i'm guessing they'll have them.
  15. staples has a tb for 69.99 on black friday. don't know if $10 is worth it to them to get up at the crack of dawn.
  16. staples they open at 6am on friday radio shack they open at 5:30 on friday this is the cheapest one i can find. you'll have to decide how much space you'll need.
  17. how much info do you need to back up? i'll go look at the ads and post any deals i find. best buy they open at 7am on friday
  18. easiest fix is to back up all of your personal data, externally, then do a system restore. takes you back to factory settings. then you just load your personal stuff back into it.
  19. 8Gb ipod touch on sale now for 199.00 same as black friday price. lemme know if you want the link.
  20. pfft. hubby made a liar outta me. we had pork chops, stuffing, yam patties, mac & cheese, and corn. then he cleaned the kitchen for me!!!!
  21. heard zac brown's version? he mixes it in to his song 'free' just beautifully. lemme see if i can find a recording of it. song #15
  22. Ha! listening to the soundtrack to 'wicked' right now.
  23. check this out! i know pandora is great for creating a radio station to listen to, but you can't listen to anything 'on demand'. you tube has been my goto for any particular song i wanted to hear 'right now'. but they're quality is pretty poor if there's no studio sanctioned vidoe available. but this.... this is some cool chit right here. lala.com let's you type in the name of an artist, pull up their music, listen for free, or buy it for your ipod. itunes can kiss my butt!!!!!!
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