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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. That is what always kills me! It is really so far to drive, yet by the time you include air, over our budget.
  2. Sounds fantastic! No meat on Fridays here too, so I was just thinking about what to do for dinner tomorrow. If we do not go out we are going Surepip!
  3. I would think so. He is taking over running the BOE of the county. The call us for everything else.
  4. I am assuming you are an hourly employee since you said clock in and out. I would think an hourly employee would have to be paid for their time, though if the lunch is good I might take that.
  5. I think last night explained a lot about Richard which after all these seasons, and years invested, I was glad to see. I do wish it would have come sooner, but I don't know what is yet to come. You do now know; he was married, his wife died, he was born hundreds of years ago, and given eternal life by Jacob. (ha ha, my short version) I think instead of Hell we might be looking at a type of purgatory, but I have to agree with the parallel universe theory too! Since they choose the ending date, I would have to believe that they have an ending that would answer our biggest question of t
  6. Thanks, if I get a reply I will definitely let you know.
  7. I have absolutely nothing but good things to say about Cliff Cole. Now about the BOE in general.... Cliff was a great choice now, as he was a year and 1/2 ago. Why was he passed over at that time and the position given to someone who was in a position to retire shortly thereafter? I am sure that Cliff was as qualified then as he is now. Are there not procedures in place for looking for a new super? No feelers went out, no one was able to submit their application for the job. A position comes open and they fill it immediately? Is this how it is supposed to work? As stated, I like Cole, but I am
  8. If you were to turn in a paper to me that had a quote from someone else, not sited, and I found out the quote was taken from somewhere, you would be redoing a paper.
  9. LOL. Chalk it up to it probably helped your health by not adding salt to something that already had more then the daily recommended allowance of sodium! (and don't go back..the people of p.com already told you about the place )
  10. JMO but from what I have read, most commenting on the issue at hand are educated, supportive of their parties, and trying to make a difference with letters/ phone calls to their respective representatives. What more can they really do? This was not in our hands and while a majority of the country disagreed with it, it was done anyway. This board is a way for them to discuss and debate the issue. Even with it being a major change in history for this country it was shuffled off to the Political forum, so most are not even seeing it. (one I know was closed because it spoke of the dreaded A word,
  11. I was hoping it was not true. Prayers to the family.
  12. They haven't "heard anything" LOL... I would think we are not so big a county that if it did happen they would not have heard! Thank you for calling. I really do hope it is not true!
  13. clique? Thank you. Politics? None to be found here. Um, really you should check into this more. You would be surprised...... No...a lot?? (Though the word travel makes me cringe thinking about cost!)
  14. Why do you say that? I think cheer is the only thing that costs a lot! (Though I do not think that it is right, way too much money has to come out of pocket for that compared to the other sports)
  15. You really do seem to have an issue. Why attend if a FUNDRAISER that is OPTIONAL to participate in attempts to make money? The money raised was for an athletic field. People's choice has been run that way in the schools as long as I have gone to the pageants. (many at the different local schools for the last 8 years)
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