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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Anyone want to be my valentine? That heart shaped steak is too cute!
  2. Well aren't you just brilliant. Think of all the folks you just offended with that lame remark...
  3. Do you highjack threads often? I should change my screen name to Sweetlips...
  4. Cover her hair in thick coated vaseline. Put a shower cap on top of that and leave it on for an hour. Wash and dry all bed linens, hair accessories including brushes and combs. After an hour, wash her hair out with Dawn dish washing detergent...
  5. Tell them it is to buy him/her a subscription to the National Inquirer...
  6. It might not be the immediate need but these essentials WILL help in the long run. If I could, I would strip you of your toilet paper and see how you like that after a month. So buster, just what have you done for the Haitian relief beside make an ass of youself?
  7. The big toe is the absolute worst. I dropped a banquet table straight down from a stack of them on mine and I thought my toe was gone. After taking my shoe off and discovering it was still attached I was stunned, lol...
  8. LOL, this might be worth getting the sound on my computer fixed!
  9. Can I come in my jammies? lol Hope y'all have fun today...
  10. Turn this in to a poll with options...
  11. It is a no brainer to me. Why is this so difficult for people to understand?
  12. If you need someone to tell you how to start your own topic, PM me and I will be glad to help...
  13. Um, because I title of the topic specifically states: I need Pcoms help.
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