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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Sure wish I could ship my dinner to Haiti. Watching this footage is heartbreaking...
  2. I'm still watching it for the outcome. This is just SO sad what these folks are dealing with...
  3. WOW. I am so thankful I don't have to dig my way out of the house everyday.
  4. There is another thread going about chemo vs radiation. I am glad that poster felt comfortable enough to come here for additional advice. I don't see any difference in the two. No person in their right mind would take the advice of a message board over their doctors. I choose to think she is in her right mind...
  5. I feel quite certain her doctor is knowledgable and has given her good advice. Sometimes after an appointment we have additional questions. I am glad she feels like she can come here for additional advice and support... right back atcha
  6. Hopefully her doctor is her main resource and pcom is secondary...
  7. Some times pcommers can provide a wealth of information, as can doctors...
  8. RIP Teddy! It is great to see you posting Lowrider and I hope you are feeling MUCH better...
  9. Sad but VERY true... Someone PM Pubby and ask him to put her picture and the information on the pcom face page.
  10. My son just called me from out of town laughing and singing it...
  11. Dang I still don't know what comcast channel this is on...
  12. I thought the same thing. I kept looking for the baby...
  13. Is that her from Rockmart? Her name is holly...
  14. They sure are making the south look like a bunch of hillbillies...
  15. Rodney do you put MSG in your ranch dressing? Doesn't matter to me if you do or don't, I am just curious...
  16. Which is similar to profiling. Aren't you a cop?
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