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Everything posted by Combatboots

  1. Same as MrsHoward's, minus the cheeseburger!
  2. I'd go anyways & sell whatever I had to pay for it. That is NOT something to ignore. Your health & life is much more important than money. Period.
  3. Red beans and rice with andouille sausage.
  4. I had to get one for my son when he broke his collar bone, but his DR. gave him a prescription for one. We had to go to the offices in the little strip mall behind the Crazy Chicken restaurant in Hiram to get it. They had to fit him for it. Check with the pharmacy there in Dallas across from the hospital. They might have one. If they don't, they can give you the names of a couple places that might. I believe they gave me the name of a place across from the hospital in Villa Rica. Sorry, just can't remember the name of it.
  5. You know you just wanted some time to hide the cold one you were drinking & to put out the fatty you had.
  6. I agree with Deewee, go to Cedartown. He'll be in and out in no time.
  7. Apparently you are not a "respected" PCOM member. Then I'm sure it would have still been up.
  8. Actually this is called a Pig Pickin' cake. And it is fabulous!
  9. Not just any where at Berry College, go to the Possum Trot Church. Absolutely as beautiful and as rustic as you can get.
  10. I agree whole heartedly. Didn't say it was right, just said I wasn't surprised.
  11. You know what? I taint surprised. Jebus, some folks don't have a clue how to drive or know a damn thing about the rules of the road. Tis the only reason I don't carry a gun. I'm bound to shoot some of these stoopid asshats I encounter on the roads every single day. Every damn time I see a chick putting on her make up in the car, I wanna take that sheeze and shove it up her ass. Put the crap down & drive the damn car. And let's not talk about the folks who can't even do the speed limit in the left lane, or the ijits who don't know what the hell turn signals are, and on and on and on.
  12. Why would you want to git rid of them? They eat bugs. I love all the frogs at my place. I loove to sit and listen to them at night.
  13. Gee, I wonder if'n they let them have tables on the sidewalk.
  14. First off, thank your daughter for her service to protect our freedoms & thank you for the sacrifices you have made. Secondly, Home Depot has the 4 x 6 flags all the time. I go there about twice a year to buy a new one for the house when the old one gets ragged and torn and is ready to be retired.
  15. Thank you for your valuable input.
  16. Thanks, but I have already had my dump run this morning.
  17. I am going to ride down and put a WWII marker on my Dad's grave. Today is one year since he passed.
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