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Everything posted by Ronismom

  1. That place TOTALLY ROCKS!!! Can't wait to go back!!!
  2. I grew up in New Hope...You're smart for NOT looking out the windows at night! I will NEVER camp out "under the stars" again...EVER, no tent-just sleeping bags in the front yard of a friend, I wasn't the only one (there was a group of us 5-6 kids in the "hood") to see or hear the things we heard so I'm not totally certifiable yet! I was 3 when the plane crashed, probably the reason I'm deathly afraid of to ever fly...
  3. Hubby & I noticed this over the weekend. And yes the birds do have a different chirp, y'all ain't going certifiable crazy just yet!
  4. Overboard Dirty Dancing The Fast & The Furious, only the firt one. Hope Floats Practical Magic Carrie Christine Fireproof Letters to God Facing the Giants Flywheel Varsity Blues Bring It On...ALL of them...
  5. Just faxed my sisters resume.
  6. I came here trying to find information about Daisy. She's the little girl that got stepped on by her horse & I heard this is where I could find updates on her. She was in the same pre-k class with my mini me & she was constantly asking how she was. They were the best of friends for a very long time & we sort of lost touch with her family. I miss that little princess but I did talk to her mom about a week before Christmas & she is still doing wonderfully well!!!!
  7. The last time I saw her she told me I needed a psychiatrist (sp) and my daughter is terrified of her. LOL
  8. This was an article written about a very dear friend of mine who is currently serving in Afghanistan. I've known Larry since first grade & he's married to one of my best friends from high school. http://www.clarksvillenow.com/STRIKE---Rakkasan-Soldier-Works-with-Strike--Partners-with-Afghan-National-Army/7742064?pid=27788
  9. pre lit with colored lights...I add more lights to it & put our family ornaments on the tree that have been passed down to me from mom...there are some in there that were made as gifts, some that were store bought & some I made at school in first/second grade...I can't wait to get mine up this year.
  10. Tree looks great & I am fighting the urge to decorate already!!!! I didn't decorate at all last year (long story, foreclosure sort of puts a damper on things) so I'M READY!!!!!!!
  11. I'm tired of running everywhere both holidays...someone's feelings always gets hurt becuse we didn't make here or there, so I'm done...home it is...I've been threatening it for years. This will be my first turkey EVER so I pray it's edible.
  12. For the very first time we are staying at home, just my hubby, me & mini me, I'm cooking our entire dinner & we will enjoy no headaches or hassles or fights or arguments from ANY other family member. It has been stated that if they want to see us they have to come to us...it will be this way for Christmas too... I'M OVER FAMILY DRAMA!
  13. Thank you for posting that...I ALMOST stopped in the middle of the road to read the sign Friday but chose not to...
  14. I too still have my Atari & games...need to get it out & play some games.
  15. that's skeery right there...I always knew she twernt right! That bug drove me nuttier than normal.
  16. Some insurance companies will not cover an accident for non listed drivers...crazy yes, since insurance follows the car not the driver, but that's how some do it...
  17. Hubby's motto: "Brown is DOWN!" LOL
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