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Everything posted by browndog

  1. But Officer Henson does not say going in the opposite direction on a 4 lane road. Is there a printed law about it?
  2. Via a google search, you can find just about anyone! Looks like that is his parent's house. White Pages
  3. Just cut 2 days ago. A stack in the front and a stack in the back. Yours for the taking. You come, you load, you haul, you leave no trace of being here. PM for address.
  4. Love my new VW Passat TDi! Not an Audi or Benz, but fun to drive and great on fuel. Here is my mileage from here to VA and this was in some very heavy and sitting traffic when I hit unexpected snow and the highway was shutdown for a fatality. Also note, I went 619.8 miles and still had a quarter of a tank of fuel!
  5. Paulding County Parks and Rec offer many great camps and they are very cost effective. http://www.paulding.gov/index.aspx?NID=576
  6. I love doing this and then when it is done for me, I just feel warm all over!! I did it last month on the NY State Thruway at the toll booth and the person chased me down to beep and wave in thanks.
  7. I planted everything about 2 weeks ago and have had tight cheeks since. I was going away and knew the husband would not water the stuff I had started inside. Was a little worried about this weekend, but they have raised the lows to the 40's now. Hope I am in the clear!
  8. browndog


    Thanks for the warning. I am with you! Wear my gun in a holster everywhere with one in the chamber. Have a permit and am a very good shot! Scary crazy world.
  9. Just a warning, even with direct neighbors saying it is OK, those not right next to you (across or far behind) can still complain. Even neighbors that act OK with it today can change their mind and turn you in. Had it not been for 2 children that loved the chickens, I would not have fought the issue and had soup. I know surepip is a chicken guru, but I do not heat our coop or use artificial light in the winter. I let nature be nature and let our girls decide if they want to molt or keep laying.
  10. Hope this link works: My link Page 44 has the zoning laws. I am all for helping the County to realize that there is a difference in chicken houses and backyard flocks. I just do not have the time to commit to spearheading this effort. The City of Atlanta allows chickens, but Paulding County does not. Go figure!
  11. By ordinance you cannot. I learned this the hard way when an idiot neighbor not at all effected by my chickens turned me in. I had to pay a lot of money to have a variance granted to keep my backyard flock. I believe it is something this county is uneducated on. The is a difference between a chicken house and a backyard flock.
  12. Definition of INFLAMMATORY (from Merriam-Webster) 1 : tending to excite anger, disorder, or tumult : seditious 2 : tending to inflame or excite the senses 3 : accompanied by or tending to cause inflammation What I said was my personal choice. You took it and made it inflammatory towards your personal choices. I did not say your personal choices are wrong. I stated what I did for my situation. Completely different than being inflammatory. The same could be said in reverse for your statements as well. That I am not responsible, because I don't work. I have a track record,
  13. I said nothing inflammatory. Trust me, I looked at daycare and after the costs, I decided what was best for myself and my family as well. My kids are raised by my husband and I with our values. It is not being selfish to stay home. I made a HUGE sacrifice to be able to do this. It is not selfish to work. Both are a personal choice! With the hours the original poster stated, it seemed like a huge cost for the hours she was working. Most day cares or in home care givers require a set weekly payment, even if you are just doing a limited number of hours each week.
  14. You are very lucky to have the family choice for the other hours! I understand now. I worked hard for my MBA as well, but our closest family is 8 hours away and not an option.
  15. Really none of my business, but for those limited hours, why not just stay home with him full-time. I could not leave my kids and with no family close, I decided they were more important than the $$$. I don't kow the circumstances, but the first 5 years fly by and before you know it, you will be signing him up for kindergarten.
  16. Yikes!! I will be waiting to see if anyone chimes in!
  17. We are not in that district, but I have a friend that has 2 kids there and has nothing but praise for it.
  18. Thanks all. And BTW....had to open another box of cookies after this!
  19. If it is a guy from Villa Rica....STEER CLEAR!! Bought 3 chicks in desperation from him. (Lost 3 to a possum and my daughter was heartbroken!) All 3 had defects common in over breeding. We have 1 of the 3 still and she is still in a "boot" because of foot issues. I bought 2 others from a woman in Marietta that were pullet age and they are great and laying like clock work. I have several ordered from My Pet Chicken and they are due to arrive in April. I overbought, so if you are still looking when they arrive, I would be willing to sell you 2-3 just for the price they are on their sit
  20. Was anyone else approached by a youngish girl with a brown coat (I think it was a NorthFace), decent shoes and clothes today at Kroger? It was a little after 1pm. She followed me in and asked for money. Told her I don't carry cash. She wandered in the cart area then followed me into the store. Lost sight of her for a little while. Then saw her again dragging her coat and then saw her with a bottle of wine under said coat during my shopping. Then she was back out front when I left. It was so weird and a little spooky. My kids were a little freaked out! Just curious if anyone else saw
  21. Thank you all for the replies! Going to underwriting on Monday. Guess I can say no if I do not like the offer.
  22. Not the case when your property value has sunk so low. $11,000 in equity is not close to 20% of what is left on the note.
  23. If this topic has already been discussed, I apologize. Has anyone used the HARP Refinance Program? I was not looking to refinance, but my mortgage company sent me a letter saying I qualified and detailed out my savings. I called to get further details and hear the options. We have 12 years left on our mortgage. We can refinance the amount still owed for 15 years and go from a 5.88% APR to a 3.48% APR and save over $8500. Our monthly payments will also be lower, but we can choose to pay that savings towards the mortgage and save even more that the $8500. Seems like easy math to me, bu
  24. Remember my parents would buy a round trip ticket. They would put my sister on the plane. She'd enjoy a week with my grandparents alone. They would drive up with me stay for a couple of days and then take my sister home. I would fly home on the ticket after my week alone. Cannot do that now!
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