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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. You didn't understand my post. It has nothing to do with risk but that social security and a retirement account are not the same thing, don't behave the same and are not designed for the same purpose.
  2. I thought people were moving out of the city and away from the crime and that is why they don't want public transportation in Paulding.
  3. Terrible comparison. Social Security and a Retirement vehicle are two completely different animals. Social Security is a pension plan while a Retirement vehicle like a 401k is a variable package. That's like trying to compare a Universal Life policy to a Variable Life policy. Different animals completely. So while the numbers are correct, the premise is 100% incorrect. Social Security is a pension. The guarantee is for the government to give, not the person contributing to it. A variable retirement plan has no guarantees and the onus is on the individual to make it work. The proble
  4. You can do the Fair Credit Collection process but you have to do it to the letter. A Google search is helpful. Or give them the friend's cell phone number. Or give them the number of some attorney just for the hell of it. Or do like used to do. Call the 800 number and ask for the person who called you. Do it over and over and over and over. It costs them each time you call. Just tell them that you are sick of them harassing you and you will continue to call them just as are calling you. Worked for me.
  5. Could be out of anger. People do crazy things when angry and grieving. That's why we have many different counselors and chaplains to talk to patients and employees. Could be she "moved on emotionally" when she knew he was dying. Now she just wants to move on with her life. Could be any number of things. People do things while grieving that make no sense because they are not rational. Or it could be something that we all are thinking and we all hope is not true. Who knows. Her life.
  6. Are you serious? It got down to negative 5? That sounds like the winters we had in PA!
  7. I know it's only June but the National Weather Service issued an El Nino watch and that would mean a colder than normal winter. Just great. My link
  8. Fed Chairman Bernanke says the US economy is still prodding along in slow, steady growth mode. He did say the Fiscal Cliff coming next year is purely political and not economic but it could push us into a recession sooner than normal if politicians don't react positively. He said that if the Bush tax cuts all expire at once, and the huge spending cuts both hit at the same time, there will be trouble. My link
  9. For young people, the idea of home ownership is all but gone, brought on by few good job prospects and the high costs of ownership. Instead, many young people are choosing renting as a permanent option. My link
  10. I couldn't make it today because I had a meeting dealing with community kids with no food for the summer. Is a copy of this book available in the library?
  11. Power. Money. All the stuff that comes with it. And people are being manipulated like pawns in the political game.
  12. Golf carts would require planning and forward thinking to be used extensively. It is a Green Thing in most of the communities that think outside the box. Everywhere there are complaints about golf carts. God forbid someone talk about bike lanes or pedestrian friendly planning. Drill, baby, drill.
  13. Hardly. I just won't let myself be manipulated by someone else's money or spin in their quest for power.
  14. People who get caught up in all this are mere pawns of the powerful machines. Let the system work it out.
  15. You are trying to carry on a rational conversation with a brick wall.
  16. No, not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that I am willing to treat others the way I would want to be treated and give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a misunderstanding of the rules regarding residency and not just ownership or property. I just don't think it is fair to judge someone without knowing all the information, and we certainly don't. Until then, I think it is only fair to assume the best and not the worst. Same thing we do with anyone accused of anything. He's pulled out of the race so let's assume the best and just move on.
  17. Everyone gets the benefit of the doubt, or should. That's the way I want to be treated and think others should be treated the same way. I'm guessing it was an oversight of not exactly understanding the rules. I doubt seriously if he would have done it on purpose, knowing the ramifications if he tried to pull a fast one. No, I bet it was just a misunderstanding being a political novice. No harm. No foul. Time to move on, IMHO.
  18. Hickory Hut cheeseburgers and BBQ I grabbed on the way home.
  19. Got mine. Dropped $38k. Less tax to be paid. Guess that means Paulding will have to make up the difference with that Money Tree growing at the new courthouse.
  20. This is going nowhere. Have a good night.
  21. Do you understand what an accredited degree is?
  22. Again, you are confusing apples and oranges here. I want an accredited degree. The schools the article is discussing is from non-accredited schools that are more diploma mills than schools, do little if any teaching, and make outlandish promises.
  23. Again, I want employees with a demonstrated level of commitment to get there. I want to see a multi-disciplined employee that has shown me she is willing to work 4 years, in a classroom, interacting with a professor and classmates. If she is not willing to put in that effort, she is not hired. It isn't just me. The standard is a 4 year, accredited degree. No caregiver is hired without it. Period. That is standard by ALL the professional associations. It is reiterated each year with even tougher standards. That's why 2 year programs are no longer accepted. When it comes to other staffin
  24. If that is your view, fine. But I don't hire people without the accredited degree. The entire system doesn't hire without accredited degrees.
  25. The problem is with the fact that the schools are allowed to make false claims with impunity. The student believes those claims and takes out student loans based on those claims. The student is then forever on the hook and cannot discharge those debts nor go after the school for lying. We have laws against this in mortgage financing, housing, auto purchasing and financing, and to some degree in all contract arrangements, but not student loans? That is the shyster schools using the student loan program to enrich themselves by preying on people who are wanting to do better for themselves but may
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