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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. He may not have known. However, his attorney had to have known, or at least should have known. That's the lawyer's job. Either way, all this is up to legal system now. What we think is irrelevant.
  2. The jobs report was an awful beast. The economy added only 69,000 jobs in May. Those are awful numbers and couldn't come at a worst time with the unemployment benefits expiring for the long term unemployed. Some say the expiration of benefits will cause some to get off their duff and find work. Others say the number of jobs is so small and the competition so great that many just give up because there is no work for them to find and, without the safety net, many of them are in dangerous territory. Remember that things don't move straight up or straight down. We had these same sort of number
  3. Which shows you're not paying attention. It wasn't an NPR link but a USA Today link. Second, things don't go straight up. They move up and down. The numbers are awful. Terrible. Worst numbers in a year. And what does that mean? That a year ago we had terrible numbers and then we had good numbers. That is how it is supposed to work. Things are improving slowly and, obviously, not fast enough. If you're going to tout the bad numbers, you must also tout the good numbers. If you're going to say it is political when it is bad, then you must also say it is political when it is good. I,
  4. I didn't see that so I would like to see that link. Then again, he is a politician and is playing for votes. Anyone who says the president controls this stuff is ignorant or playing politics. Wrong again.
  5. House 1 looks like someone was either not thinking or just doesn't think. House 2 looks like they don't know how to properly contain their refuse. They need a lesson in neatness.
  6. Walmart is now the latest company to no longer support ALEC, the political activist organization that got the "Stand Your Ground" laws on the books in many states. My link
  7. According to the numbers, the days of the teenager working the summer job started washing out more than a decade ago. In today's market, those teens are competing with well trained and work-experienced college students or older, displaced workers. The idea that a teenager can get that job and make some money for college is pretty much going the way of the Sock Hop. My link
  8. The article is showing that more refineries and more domestic production won't lower gas prices. Also, the US now is a net exporter of oil. And the US is using less gas than we were in 2005. My link
  9. I would have to agree. The vocational programs are all but gone with the added requirements to push up test scores. With the push "back to the basics," the most electives are gone. We don't "track" students or have apprenticeship programs. I understand the reasoning because we place a priority on giving every student every opportunity to move beyond at every level. Unfortunately, that means we also allow the nar-do-wells and malcontents and those who don't care to slosh along too. That is a draw back to our system. But the socialist model has the same draw back since those students are
  10. Who cares? His life and career is ruined. The legal system works and sometimes we like it and sometimes we don't. Really. Who cares. There are many more important things to discuss. A politicians personal life is exactly that - personal. If he used his office for influence, that's another matter. If he used the money for pay off, then we can all gripe about it. But until there is a guilty verdict, we let the system work. My 2 cents.
  11. What you're describing IS the educational system in socialist nations. The idea of tracking and apprenticeship or vocational programs is the system used in socialist nations.
  12. You're describing the socialist system used in Europe.
  13. Not same thing. However, this is an example of why we do extra tests just to make sure. People complain about the cost of health care and the unnecessary things that are done, but those are done because sometimes, that one off the wall test will find something totally unexpected.
  14. Not the same thing. Accidents and negligence are totally different. The doctor has a legal duty to advise the patient what the patient can do. He didn't tell him and the didn't fulfill his obligation, nor follow established procedures in a standard of care that a medical provider KNOWS he is to follow.
  15. Whatever. A guy is dead because the doctor failed in his duty. Maybe it is no big deal to you. It is to me. And that is why I make every effort to make sure it doesn't happen in my areas of care because that next person that does something like this may just be a loved one of yours.
  16. The jury was right in the application of the law. This is drilled, drilled and drilled some more into every staff person. Tell the patient once, twice and then three times. Make them repeat it back what they are to do. Give it to them in writing and make them sign it. The duty of care is on the medical providers to explain what is allowable. What may be "common sense" to most people is not even considered by many, and THAT is why there is a legal standard of care.
  17. But we're talking about the legal standard of care. The trained medical staff has a higher level of duty to explain and make sure the patient understands what is allowable. If the patient does it anyway, fine. That is the patient's choice. But a layperson is not under that legal standard. Trained medical staff are. We go over that policy and procedure constantly. If the doctor doesn't follow the established procedures and fulfill the legal obligation and duty to his patient, he is fired. There is no excuse for not maintaining the higher duty as a trained provider.
  18. But the doctor didn't tell him what he could and couldn't do. This is common sense for any medical staff and I would have fired him immediately from working in any capacity for such negligence. That kind of stuff opens the entire system up to claims of negligence. It is standard procedure to detail allowable activities and if the doctor didn't do that, he is not working in my area any more under any circumstances.
  19. With the economic worries that threaten a drop in demand, oil prices fell again. That will mean lower gas prices in the future. My link
  20. No need to apologize. I just didn't think anyone would disagree with this since everyone knows that everyone is wired differently and that at some point, hopeless just starves any drive anyone has. Thanks for clearing your position up on this.
  21. Had he been cutting his lawn and this happened, would it have been any different? The activity is irrelevant. This shouldn't be an issue except that the doctor messed up.
  22. What? I do agree with you. That is MY worldview, too. Where in the world are you coming from? What I disagree with on is that not everyone can do this because not everyone is wired like that. Telling them to do that would be like telling someone afraid of heights to work on skyscrapers. Come on. That is when the cycle starts and intervention is needed to break it.
  23. Helplessness is a terrible master. I'm not disagreeing with you. I agree that some people with certain personality types and certain factors (nature/nurture) that make them who they are --- well, those people will move on and figure out a way to be OK. Others (for whatever innate reason), won't. Hopelessness takes over. And that traps the next generation without intervention, especially educational opportunity and success. Dave Ramsey talks about this very phenomenon with people who get into a money mess. No different here. It's not that they aren't smart or lack drive or don't hav
  24. I am going out on a limb and guess you've not taken very many courses in sociology or psychology, have you? Everyone is different. For some, the drive is there no matter the odds. For others, something inside them just doesn't work like that. Either way, when someone gets to feeling there is no hope, no amount of opportunity means anything because there is no choice for them. When we're talking about the lowest economic strata, the evidence suggests they are trapped and the successive generations are trapped. Sure, some succeed. But the the articles are showing that most don't and it has n
  25. You are terribly mistaken. I do not support Obama and don't plan on voting for him. Didn't last election either. But that doesn't mean the economy is not getting better. It doesn't mean he gets credit for it. It doesn't mean Bush got the blame for the crash either. Just like the president doesn't control gas prices, the president can't control the economy either. Anyone that says the president can do that is either ignorant or a partisan hack. I don't get it. When there is some good news out there, why do people not want to celebrate it and look to the better tomorrow instead of w
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