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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Paulding County is the 19th most conservative county in the nation.
  2. And who decides at the instant the law enforcement identifies themselves if the entry is legal or not? In the mean time, the homeowner may believe it is illegal and has a right to fire away.
  3. A Republican bill, I'm sure, designed to protect us from the evil government.
  4. You're a terribly patient soul and am in awe of your perseverance to carry on an intelligent conversation despite the overwhelming barriers to do so.
  5. Edited because this will go nowhere trying to have a conversation with this person.
  6. It sure does look like that's what you were saying.
  7. So you're saying the entire black community is not honorable and wouldn't "do the right thing" because they are black and that is what the culture does?
  8. The wife of George Zimmerman has been charged with perjury for making a false statement during the bond hearing for her husband. My link
  9. Except that as a whole, the minority communities are by far more poor. The point is that it helps break the cycle for the entire community, while the white community is, as a whole, more educated and wealthy.
  10. And reasonable people said that was wrong too. Only partisan hacks won't acknowledge that it is quite boorish to burn the president in effigy, though it is protected speech. Your statement is very homophobic too.
  11. Anyone may set stipulations on the scholarship award. If a group wants to award a scholarship to a minority student, that is their right and should be encouraged to help break the cycle of poverty and a lack of education in the black community. Good for him for doing the honorable thing.
  12. Here are some grilling tips for a lot of different types of food. I've bookmarked this one! My link
  13. Sounds like a certain political party.
  14. The FLA pastor that made news with his burning of the Koran is at it again, this time hanging Obama in effigy. The secret service is investigating. My link
  15. My grandparents said the same thing about my parents' generation (I have their diaries). My parents said the same thing about my generation. "I mean such things as these: when the young are to be silent before their elders; how they are to show respect to them by standing and making them sit; what honour is due to parents; what garments or shoes are to be worn; the mode of dressing the hair;deportment and manners in general." --- Socrates, in Plato's Republic, Book 4. (Lose translation by Kenneth John Freeman, in his 1907 dissertation about the ancients' view on this subject: The c
  16. This post proves you don't understand the differences with a pension plan and a variable plan. I'm sorry, but you're making the point for me that you don't understand how Social Security is designed to work, nor that a variable plan would not meet the goal for which Social Security was designed. One is for a soceity in total and the other is for an individual. You cannot compare the two. I don't know what else to say. As for Pozen, yes, he is a registered Democrat. And that proves you're still making POLITICAL arguments instead of addressing the real issue, just like Pozen said. Again, Poz
  17. Again, you have missed the ENTIRE point. The numbers are correct but your premise is entirely a political point and doesn't address the differences or reasons for both. No one - and I mean NO ONE - has ever claimed that a variable retirement plan will not work out better than a pension plan in terms of dollars in an average working lifetime. No one. NO ONE. To use that fact as a political point to begin phasing out social security is to, AGAIN, not understand the issue at all. Why? Because it doesn't work that way for everyone. In fact, it doesn't work that way many. And without the guaran
  18. Told you. You don't know the difference in the types of plans. The purpose, structure and goals of both are completely different. Already covered that once. It is also in your history book that covers why we initiated the social security program. I would suggest you get a high school history book down and read a few pages.
  19. Sorry, but you really don't understand the differences in a pension plan and a variable plan. If you did, you would not be making this asinine comparison. Bob Pozen even says the argument you're making is political and not a real argument. Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about.
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