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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I really think this is going right over your head. I'll just back out. You win.
  2. And that is the point Ms Morrison was making. The drivers license is not proof of citizenship meaning there are problems with the law as it is.
  3. Let's try this again. My comment is about the drivers license. You don't have to be a citizen to get a drivers license. The point I made is answering the false statement that a drivers license it's proof of citizenship. It is not proof of citizenship. Please read what is said and not add, modify, assume, take from, or otherwise make up something that I didn't say. Please keep up and follow the line of discussion.
  4. That's not what I said. Let me help you because you obviously have such a difficult time with reading comprehension. TNIamb said: A drivers license is proof of citizenship. To which I replied: Sorry, but a drivers license is not proof of citizenship. That is pretty common knowledge that a drivers license is not proof. Then you replied: The problem isn't really with the law; it's with those who really fail to understand what it says. A good example is yourself. The law doesn't say a driver's license is proof of citizenship. What it does say is this: Please try to keep up.
  5. Sorry, but a drivers license is not proof of citizenship. That is pretty common knowledge that a drivers license is not proof. 5 or 7. Come on. The point that is being made is that there is a problem with the law. Probable cause. DWH. Driving While looking Hispanic. "You were weaving. Lemme see your papers."
  6. Illegals are not eligible for WIC or other welfare programs. Children born here are American citizens and they are entitled to assistance but not the illegal aliens themselves.
  7. And they are paying the cost of public education since that is funded by taxes on property, that they pay directly for owning property or indirectly as renters.
  8. It is the new media form. Nearly all candidates are using social media to some degree. To say a candidate wouldn't use this sort of forum is to really deny the reality of modern campaigns.
  9. And we want to trust these large corporations to "do the right thing" with less labor protection and more corporate money financing elections? You are right on. We cannot trust the money machines.
  10. Bull. The only people that make an issue of it are those that wish to overturn the law of the land.
  11. So did God put Obama in office and mustn't that show God wanted him there? That's totally off the topic but I find it quite incongruous. My question would be about the state gas tax and Uncle Nathan's decision to not implement it, despite the price of gas being low. Looks to me like this would be the time to implement it so the impact won't be as great and we can begin holding onto those dollars to fund needed projects in the future. What is your position on the gas tax? Second, what is your stance on educational vouchers? Third, what is your position on planned, public transpor
  12. So you just have innuendo? Link please. Any link at all? And even if it were true, and I've not found anything to support that, wasn't Reagan a former Democrat? Just asking for an answer to the contradiction. All I know about the candidates is what I have on here. I'm looking at both of those running against the Embarrassment in there now, who is nothing but a tool for the local Americans for Prosperity and the people behind that organization. I want someone who will make good decisions, not populist ideology.
  13. Really? Then let's see your Google ink. Don't just make a statement, back it up. Please. I look forward to the link that we all can verify. The whole state needs a comprehensive plan for public transportation so we don't have as much congestion on the roads nor pollution in the air.
  14. I know it is a personal choice but I would never do that. Not in a million years. My childrens' health and the health of everyone else is more important than that.
  15. I know this is a topic that is somewhat mixed with bad emotions because we all know of those "just friends" situations that didn't turn out like the claim being made. So let me ask you to listen to the story on the audio link below and THEN vote in the poll. Audio Story My Link
  16. I did a Google search and it turned up nothing for "Melissa Morrison Democrat" or several variations. I am surprised people haven't figured out how to use search engines yet. aboortzion? Really? There is nothing a GA legislator can do about that and anyone who even makes it an issue is either a partisan hack or woefully ignorant. I would like to know Morrison's stance on transportation. We desperately need a better system of transportation and a means of paying for it. If the infrastructure crumbles, it costs more to rebuild and we lose those businesses that want to locate here. I
  17. Absolutely correct. But the point that I've been making is that we are vastly improved from where we were in 2009. It is growing, albeit slowly. It is not a race horse but a plow horse, as one of the economists I found and link to a good bit. While I am no PhD in this stuff either, I did take enough hours (what, 21 hours of so as required for community and public service certifications as part of the degree program) to know that I am no expert and to defer to the people that are. So when I hear non-partisan people all saying the same thing, I listen. I have also learned to not listen to t
  18. Right. There will always be those who are like that and just take advantage of everyone. Always has been. However, the majority of people are not like that and the overwhelming majority of people I know whom I know are honest, hard working people who desperately are looking but are having a VERY hard time right now. Corporations are cutting people. It's very hard to start a business right now. While small business account for a large number of new jobs, they also account for the large number of unemployment claims because most small businesses don't make it. And most small businesses fail
  19. If you say so. I'm sure you are more trained on these matters than the people with whom I'm linking. Obama owns the economy? Then surely you will give him credit for the vast improvement since 2009 when he took office, right? I look forward to your in depth analysis of why these numbers are wrong. My link Part III: The Great Recession Would Have Been Even Worse without Financial Stabilization and Fiscal Stimulus Policies GDP Would Have Been Lower Without the Recovery Act..
  20. In the political realm, that is not what it means.
  21. And this shows you really haven't been comprehending any of the links I've posted. None. Not a single one. No one is saying the economy is great. NO ONE. Not me. Not anyone. Every single link I've posted has said the economy is growing SLOWLY but it is growing. There are MANY problems in the economy but we have VASTLY IMPROVED since 2009. THAT is what every link I've posted has said and it is what I'm saying. It is improving over where we were. It is growing. The article you linked said the EXACT SAME THING. Did you notice it? It said things are SLOWING. That doesn't mean things are no
  22. And who was it that said I was wrong when I said $4 gas would be the high and gas prices would be going down? Yeah. You know soooo much more than the links I gave to back it up. So, so much more.
  23. Doesn't matter how many links I show you. You are more educated and know much more than the experts as evidenced in last nights conversation. You win and can have it.
  24. Maybe the Tan in a Can is not the safe alternative to the tanning bed as we were led to believe. My link
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