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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Remember that falling gas prices has to do with world wide demand and not just US demand. The world wide demand is what pushed the price of gas up and is what is causing it to fall now as that demand is falling due to a slowing world economy. All the stuff I'm reading says that just like the last three summers, gas prices have fallen. While we like cheaper gas, it means the world economy is not doing as well. My link 1 My link 2 My link 3 My link 4 My link 5 My link 6
  2. So some people don't know how to use the site and the site gets trashed for their lack of knowledge? Sounds like politics.
  3. That's already been covered and you still have not gotten the point that was made.
  4. Hubby is talking about hoping a plane to Toronto for a few days. If I can find a sitter for the boys, we may just go.
  5. Politics causes people to be so nasty. They sell their soul so their candidate can get elected because the "other guy" is so wrong and dangerous that we just can't chance him getting in there.
  6. Exactly. The bill was designed to play on the emotions of the naive. It was a political game to tell the constituents that GA is doing something about those illegals, when really it is just a means to get votes to stay in power. It is a game and judging by the responses here, a lot of people are willingly letting the politicians manipulate them.
  7. While discussing a bill in Michigan, a female lawmaker made the following comment. Apparently the use of the word "vagina" so upset some male lawmakers, that they barred their female counterpart from speaking to other bills because she was so "offensive." So I'm wondering, how is this word "offensive" in the context in which she used it? Is it offensive in general conversation? Seriously. This is almost prudish, IMHO. My link
  8. I think he has a huge compressor somewhere and flips the switch after 2 paragraphs to make sure the 1000 word virtual requirement is met. Readers Digest would never have hired him.
  9. Character and integrity only matter if the candidate you don't want, hasn't any. If your candidate has no character or integrity, it is simply explained away. Remember how awful John Edwards was to some people, but they supported Newt? Or how they blast Obama for using Executive Privilege but supported Bush when he did it. Politics. It's just disgusting. Really, I think politics shows the hypocrisy of the voter as much as it does that of the politician. Just a general observation. About Heath, I just think they guy is a dangerous right wing extremist. Not sure if the other guy
  10. I'm confused as to what part you would disagree with Ms Morrison since she plainly stated that illegals should be sent home. Her disagreement is in how the bill invites abuse of American citizens' Constitutional protections. Other than that, she is in agreement with the bill and what you've said.
  11. Not that hard to locate. Let me help you. My link Here are the links about it before the Supreme Court now. My link Pertinent to GA. My link Finally, about the AL law. My link
  12. And that is not the way it is being applied. It is why it is before the Supreme Court now.
  13. Same as in all the other threads. Someone will just make another one. I asked her my questions and got answers. I didn't like all the answers but at least I see where she is coming from. I didn't get an answer from the other guy. And Braddock is not on here for me to ask. So I am still undecided while I keep looking.
  14. You're missing the ENTIRE point. Again. There is no talking to you because you are not even listening but have already decided what the answer is. This is not just about a traffic stop. Or a drivers license. It can be for ANYTHING. If 2 people are together and are questioned for ANYTHING --- do you get that? ANYTHING. Whether they are guilty or not is irrelevant. ANYTHING. Stop and think about it. STOPPED FOR ANYTHING. --- if Bubba and Juan are together, which one will be asked for papers?
  15. Get it through your thick head. I answered the statement that said a drivers license IS PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP. Again, it is NOT proof. The bill simply says it will be accepted but it does NOT prove citizenship. And that is EXACTLY the point Ms. Morrison made in her post 143. The point is that if Bubba from Buchanan is questioned without a drivers license, will he be asked to show citizenship proof? But if Juan is questioned and he has no drivers license, but is a naturalized citizen, will he be asked to produce papers? How hard is it to see that it makes a CLASS of people immediately suspec
  16. Do what? If there is no drivers license, how is there ANY difference? Perhaps you should re-read her post 143. I will ask again. But in the absence of that license, will Bubba from Buchanan have to show papers? How about Juan, an immigrant from Mexico? Which class of person is presumed to be illegal in the questioning of papers? That was Ms. Morrison's point.
  17. That's really not fair. Making accusations like that may be how the political game is played but it really nasty and disgusting. Politics stains the very core of a person. I understand telling the dirt about lawsuits and judgments because that is all public record and stuff. But innuendo? That's just wrong.
  18. Will Salon Pure honor the spa contract from LaBella?
  19. Like I said, you really should read up on what the lower courts have said about the AZ law that GA based ours on. What Ms Morrison said is what the lower courts have said. But I'm sure you're advising the courts on all this, right? Now when the activists on the Supreme Court rule, I'm betting you're gonna be in the "right" since they have been much prone in the activist ways the last few years. But in the absence of that license, will Bubba from Buchanan have to show papers? How about Juan, an immigrant from Mexico? Which class of person is presumed to be illegal in the ques
  20. Point. You. Missed it again. Do you not agree that non-citizens can have drivers licenses? Do you not agree that the law says a drivers license is "good enough" to show citizenship? Now tell me how that makes ANY sense at all?
  21. And that was the point she was making and you missed it entirely. You're missing it even more here. If you don't get that, there is no way there can be any meaningful dialogue. You really need to read up on the court rulings thus far on all this. Really. You're waaaaay off base. Granted the activist right wingers on the Supreme Court will most likely let it stand, but the lower courts have all said you're wrong on this.
  22. "Illegal" as in the sense of non-citizen. One doesn't have to be a citizen to get a license but a license somehow lets everyone off the hook as being a citizen?
  23. Citing global an political pressures, Bernanke said he expected "slow progress on unemployment" and the economy has taken a downturn from the more positive trends seen earlier. My link — Bernanke gave a list of "head winds" facing the economy. Among them: The European situation is slowing U.S. growth. Most of Europe is likely in a recession and that affects U.S. exports. Europe has also concerned the markets. Slowing "global economic growth" has affected U.S. exports. Domestically, the housing market is still hurting. Bernanke said he wasn't criticizing austerity measures pu
  24. Yep. Right over your head. You missed the inconsistency. A drivers license can be granted to an illegal, but it is accepted as proof of citizenship? Yet, if Juan with an accent is suspected of being illegal, he can be asked to produce papers. If Bubba from Buchanan is accosted for any reason, will the police ask him to produce proof of citizenship? That was the point Ms Morrison made and you didn't even get it.
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