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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Exactly. Once fired, the employee has no job, no reference from that former employer, and no money to wage a fight for what is right.
  2. Sure. We also have morality but it doesn't stop the problems. The point is that employees have a right to an employment voice that speaks on their behalf against illegal, immoral or otherwise egregious action by an employer. It is not up to you to decide if another person should not be allowed to have that collective voice.
  3. I would hope we could all rise above the partisanship. Too late. It didn't work. Partisanship is the life blood of some.
  4. It happens ALL the time. It also happens with hiring, too. The job is yours if ... And it is not just low level companies but Fortune 500 companies have these cases all the time.
  5. No, I neither said nor implied that is a teacher's job to teach mortals and values. However, those teachers are role models for these kids that are not getting that sort of structure at home. Yet, we cut funding for education so the teachers we do have, have to do more with less, with more students and less time. Then we cut those extra programs like art, music, language and sports, and that is another set of students who miss out on that extra modeling. We all can name one or many teachers that modeled genuine and adult behaviours that lead to success. The number one factor in adult s
  6. The guy doesn't understand that Social Security and retirement plans for individuals are two completely different things, with different purposes and different structures. Of course, this is the guy that wouldn't listen when I said gas was going down over the summer, too. You'll have better luck talking to a rock.
  7. And the parents that didn't teach the moral lessons were not taught the moral lesson themselves. Yet we cut educational funding and the students that need the most coaching/help end up getting the least. We end up a permanent poor and crime ridden lower class, something that hurts everyone in the final analysis.
  8. Where did I say ANYTHING about government assistance? You are assuming waaaaaaaay too much.
  9. Problem is, that history has shown when there is an economic crisis, there is a reactionary move toward fascism, not communism. My link
  10. You are a very brave soul. The death will be swift and sure as the mob descends on your abode with pitchforks and torches. It was great knowing you. God rest your spirit.
  11. But they never gave a single ticket to the people that park along the curb in the Fire Lane (putting everyone at risk), the blue gore lines, or those illegally parked in the handicapped spots. I wish Dallas and Hiram would make an effort to write tickets for that for just one day and I want to watch while those people just can't understand the big deal.
  12. Except I see the larger number by far blaming the minorities and those receiving welfare, e.g., the Tea Party. My link
  13. Money. Power. That's what some want. And the voters are being manipulated to help get them there.
  14. I would say it goes the other way. When there is a serious crisis, an extreme reactionary group that blames a group or class will rise to the top, e.g., the group that blamed the Jews and gays for all their problems after WW 1. Or the segregationists after the economic panicsof the 1880s and early 1900s. Now we have a group that blames all our ills on unions and those that receive any form of welfare.
  15. zoocrew


    Rain? All I've got are sprinkles.
  16. Ask your primary doctor for a referral. The office will make sure the referral is on the insurance provider network.
  17. What part of Not impossible but the current situation is making it very hard on young families equals Young families (with/without children) should not have to scrimp, and save to buy a house. Seriously. Please tell me that you understand the difference in the language.
  18. No. That's not what I am saying. Again, LET ME HELP YOU. After reading the highlited portion below, please explain how you got anything near what you just said.
  19. Tonight I have a working dinner meeting with 5 of us (spouses are coming, too). Cookout. Burgers. Hotdogs. Grilled veggies. Cole slaw. Beans. Favorite part is we're all bringing desserts and my husband brought home a peanut butter pie he picked up at a bakery near his work in Cobb. WONDERFUL! And afterwards there will be lots of wine and beer and other spirits. Got a really nice Temperence Hill Pinot Noir hubby and I will share (this one is OURS and OURS ALONE). OMG it is good. The 2009 is now ready to savor. My link
  20. I use True Green and whatever-it-is they call that service. Costs me pennies compared to the money I used to spend on treating the yard. This post alone is worth every penny I pay to me a member here. That is the best idea I've heard in a long time! THANKS!!!
  21. I don't think many people read the article to understand what it was saying. No, they didn't. Had they read the article, they would have seen the article is not saying young people cannot buy a home, but that it is a dream they have to delay until they can save up enough money and have a higher salary to afford all that comes with home ownership. And don't forget this is GA where home prices are far, far, FAR lower than most of the nation. Had people read the article, they would also have noticed the article says communities need to adjust for the rising number of young renters, and they w
  22. Already did that. You obviously don't understand the content of the my post. You win. I'm going out to a working dinner and discuss plans to help the families in the community who have no health insurance but have emergent care needs, and ways to make sure their kids have food for the rest of the summer. Again, you win. Have a good evening.
  23. I'm sorry but you obviously have a problem understanding the issues at hand, and have to resort to childish behaviours when your political arguments are challenged. The two are not the same and to say they are is to show you really don't have a grasp on the issue.
  24. I'm sorry, but they are not the same. They are completely different, with different goals, different purposes and different structures. Again, as a society, we agreed to a minimum PENSION amount because we recognized the societal cost when those who don't or can't or won't make poor decisions. So we decided on a PENSION plan that everyone participates in. You are trying to make a political argument using a comparison with Social Security as the premise, a comparison that is fundamentally flawed. Even Bob Pozen said so.
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