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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Would you please provide a link to a non-partisan source that would refute the article? Thanks. I think we would all agree that a credible source is more valid than anecdotal evidence or personal opinion.
  2. How many of them have to move? If they don't have to move and they are making it, then we have a situation where they are can hang on until things improve. So you're saying since March of 2009, the Dow is up 78% and that is not a good thing and a sign that things are improving? Ooooook.
  3. Right. They short sell or whatever they have to do. I didn't say they had to do a short sell. I said if that is the only option, then it is the only option. The insurance is priced based on the value of the house when the insurance is taken out. That is the price paid in premium dollars. If you shop insurance around and lower the value of the house, then the premium would be lower. Or do we always do and get the replacement rider so the house is rebuilt regardless of the value. We even get earthquake coverage, too, but we like to make sure we are doing the right things. The value of th
  4. I guess you're just out of step with the rest of the nation and the experts on this stuff. You're entitled to your opinion. Gas is down for the third summer in a row from its Spring Time high.
  5. Nationwide, people are saying things are improving in most areas. We have a long way to go but consumers nationwide are more confident than they have been since 2007 when the recession started. My link
  6. I don't think Obama gets credit for the economic improvements just like he shouldn't be blamed for what happened, either. Same with Bush. He didn't create the problems. However, Bush and Obama did the right thing (the only option) to prevent economic collapse. To then blame either one of them on the ballooning deficit that had to be used to prevent complete economic collapse is partisan or ignoring the experts. On the other hand, things are getting better. Thankfully, they are getting better.
  7. Let's try it again. Here is my post. Existing home sales rose 3.3% and home values are climbing again. We have a long way to go but things are improving. I didn't say things were not still bad. I said they are improving. We just came out of the biggest, baddest, broadest recession since the Great Depression. It takes time. BTW, manufacturing is back to where it was in 2002. My link Also, the recession started in 2007, not three years ago. We came out of the recession in Summer 2009. My link
  8. That's the point I'm making. If one has to sell a home at a huge discount, that person is also buying another at a huge discount. The relative percentage is the same as if a person sells a home that has appreciated but then has to buy another at the same appreciated percentage. The math is the same whether there is depreciation or appreciation. Math is useful. And making smart decisions about finances go along way too!
  9. Please show me where I have said someone was an expert that didn't have the credentials. Please. Just one instance. I'm waiting.
  10. First, if they have to relocate, they just do. They short sell it if they have to and buy another home at a price discounted like theirs. Second, insurance rebuild cost is a non-factor now since the insurance is based on the value of the home when the insurance was taken out. Third, what about those people that DON'T have to relocate for a job change? I say there are more people in that situation. The same is true of people that buy new cars and then have an accident, lose their job or whatever. What about people that buy a home and then have to relocate a few years later? Home do
  11. No, it's not obvious whom I support. I don't support Obama. That is your assumption and it is very wrong. I am only saying that things are improving. That is not to Obama's credit but it is thanks to the common sense action of both of these men, instead of the political rhetoric that permeates the discussion. I think the information is very reliable. The problem is that most people don't believe it because it doesn't fit what they want the information to be. Instead, most people look to opinion pieces as fact, even if it is an opinion of someone who is not credentialed in the field be
  12. I didn't mention which candidate I support. That was your assumption. BOA messed up. Not government's fault. BOA messed up a lot of people. The Front Line piece is not an article but a 4 hour story. It has the economists and adminstration people from the Bush Adminstration and they flat out said there was no other option. Same from the business world, banks, Wall Street. They all said that the only way to avoid a world wide depression was to have the bailouts. I would like to hear your analysis as to why those experts are wrong in that assessment. As long as the people are making
  13. I didn't mention WHICH president, either. Quit being so defensive. I didn't make ANY political statement in this thread and you have no idea who I support for president. I would welcome your analysis of the Front Line piece as to why it is wrong. Bush said there was no other option and that he would do it again. Bush then said Obama simply continued the policy and it was the right move. My link
  14. It's a global market place. Our people compete with workers and companies all over the globe. My link
  15. That's not what I said. I said I don't understand all the ins and outs of economics. I admit it. I'm not an expert in that area. I admit that it is not my skill set. I do admit that I defer to the people who are experts in the field. So when I see most people who are like me and not experts in economics say things the experts in economics are saying is not true, who should we believe?
  16. I would suggest you watch the Front Line piece on the economics of it all. My link You'll see that both Bush and Obama did the same policy regarding the problem. Why? It was the only option. Bush even said there was not other option. I have no idea what the number is for underwater home values but it is irrelevant as long as the people in those homes are making it. The idea that home values increase is a fairly recent event. Only since the 1930s did home values consistently rise instead of due to depreciation. I think we need a President who is a good leader. The CEOs of most compan
  17. Exactly. How long it will be is a question we all ask but the last time we had something like this was in 1973-1974 and it took 8 years before the economic crap finally worked through. It doesn't matter who we elect either since the economy works itself through every time. It is getting better but it is not going to be like it used to be and the people that are being played politically by the machines to vote one way or the other are simply being manipulated. We need reform to hold big banks and Wall Street accountable so it doesn't happen again.
  18. The "middle class" is a fairly recent phenomenon. Sure, it first happened in Europe with a very tiny group but the Western idea of "middle class" that is not wealthy but not subsistence either is something that we've only seen since the industrial revolution. The idea of "middle class" that most of us have only happened after WW II when America was the only game in town. Now, our middle class is competing with the emerging middle class in the rest of the world and the American middle class is losing the competition. My link
  19. Jobs that require a high level of education and skill are still in demand and pay well. So are the jobs that require little to no skill and pay poorly. It's the middle that is being phased out. Technology and budget cuts are simply phasing out the middle class. My link
  20. I have a serious question for you. Do you understand how to read an article and analyze what it says? The reporter quoted the experts. Ellen Zentner, a senior economist at Nomura Securities, said home construction would likely contribute to overall economic growth this year for the first time since 2005. The article also contained info from Toll Brothers and the National Association of Realtors, and the Commerce Department. Are those not good enough sources? I have to question if you read the article since it wasn't an NPR article but the link was from the Detroit Fre
  21. Actually, no. Foreclosures are at 5 year lows. My link Nationwide foreclosures are lower but rising in some states. In all areas, short sales and other means of correction are taking place to prevent the foreclosure process.
  22. Call doctor or use an immediate med.
  23. Today at noon. I should be available! The only catch is my two boys and the last day of school. If they want to leave early from school, I won't be able to make it. We will see! What is the address? I'm coming from Hiram.
  24. What does being a taxpayer have to do with a kid having a job?
  25. They are experts because of their education and position they hold. If you have credentials that will challenge their ideas, I'm open to listening. For example, I often quote Brian Wesbury. Here is his bio. My Link I think it is impressive and certainly makes him an expert, wouldn't you agree? If you want to see what the experts are saying about net positive job growth, here it is. My link
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