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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I know. I was trying to make sure that no one thought differently since I've often been accused of holding a position I simply do not.
  2. Just like the 14th Amendment would require states to treat all citizens the same, e.g., some states prohibit gay marriage. That's the point. In the Citizens United Ruling, giving corporate entities a right to influence elections for the reason of profit is not exactly something The People should be happy about.
  3. Doesn't the legislative branch make the laws? How many presidential cycles have The Laws you're speaking of not been enforced?
  4. That's what it said and is what I put in the thread title.
  5. The several articles I linked above say it has less to do with supply than with demand. Second, the US gets most of its oil from Canada and Mexico, not OPEC. My link Thirdly, gas prices have gone down the last 3 summers for the same reason and it had nothing to do with an election. I never said GWB was manipulating oil prices. There is a hurricane in the Gulf right now. The price will only be affected if there is a real possibility of interruption in the process.
  6. The AL law that requires mandatory life sentences for juveniles convicted of murder was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. My link
  7. That is not the point Newsjunky/PastNFront was making.
  8. Guess all that "States Rights" stuff is just when it is convenient for the right wing extremist cause. Judicial activism at its finest.
  9. As part of the law PRIOR to the ruling. That is not in RESPONSE to the ruling in an attempt to circumvent.
  10. But what about their own citizens. Do they require it for them? How do they tell the difference? That is called a Straw Man.
  11. Are you sure you want to go there? Are you sure you want to rail against Executive Orders or even Signing Statements? Can you prove he will "go around this court ruling" when it is a future event? Where may I purchase one of those crystal balls, please. I do have this bookmarked so we will see if your prediction comes true. So you and Newsjunky are the same person????
  12. Commenting on her looks or how she dresses is low classs, IMHO. Her voting record is exactly what she has been instructed to vote by Americans for Prosperity. She is a puppet.
  13. Sorry, but the court said AZ was the one going around the laws here, not Obama. If you say so.
  14. And that is something your congressman or senators need to address. Exactly.
  15. So going to remind you of this when your hypocrisy arises again, just like out did when you blasted Fast and Furious but said you would have fine the same with Bush, but three links proved otherwise. Benefit of the doubt is only good when it advances your politics.
  16. Totally missing the point. That is not the topic the court was ruling. Three parts were struck down, a major victory for civil liberties.
  17. Do their citizens carry paperwork to prove their citizenship in foreign countries? Police state.
  18. Only one part was upheld. The other the parts were struck down.
  19. Justice of the Peace. Marry in a friend's house or public park. Nothing big. Sandwiches and colas.
  20. Look at the date. That is when the world economy was still demanding more oil. Second, you may want to read the article. It was a request in response to Iranian sanctions. The idea that the president can control gas prices is jsut wrong, even though many believe that. People believe in Bigfoot too. Thirdly, the article did not offer any evidence the request was to boost approval. Fourth, the request is moot since worldwide demand is down.
  21. Not what I said. Please try again.
  22. But they have fallen every summer for the last 3 years. How is this year an election ploy? Worldwide demand cannot be manipulated by the president who has no control over gas prices.
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