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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. +10 There is no perfect system. I have to wonder if this young lady would have reached her lifetime limit from such a rare cancer. I also wonder if a private health insurer would approve that particular drug in this instance (those insurance contacts have all sorts of exclusions, even limiting what physician and facilities have access). Using an anecdotal to castigate a system and make a political point is bad form.
  2. Asia is the super power. The West is in decline. Food and water wars. Shared global power among coalitions. Democracy spreads. Less terrorism. More global crises Basically, we have to get used to the fact that America and the West is no longer the power house. My link.
  3. I would simply disagree with the idea that preventative care and care from primary physicians are more costly than emergent care.
  4. Because the insurance coverage allows them to receive preventative care and care from the primary physicians, instead of immediate and emergent care, the latter of which is the most costly and least efficient means of delivery.
  5. So what's the price of a human life? The measure of a people is how it treats its weakest members.
  6. Hush! It's too easy for facts to be ignored. Nor do they understand how civic improvements benefit the community at large, including economically.
  7. You really should explore using a professional for finding a facility. The professional will be better able to match up all the needed criteria and knows what facilities are proper and which ones should be avoided. Moreover, trying to find one on your own is a great deal of time and, as you clearly understand evidenced by the title, you don't know what questions to ask. Contact your primary care physician, financial adviser, or elder care barrister and you should be able to find a reference.
  8. Should it be? This is the same discussion America had during the Gilded Age.
  9. Most private entities have the same rule. It is a Best Practice and, ethically speaking, it works best for everyone.
  10. US tax laws prevent unions or any professional organisations from contributing to an employer sponsored retirement plan. The only entity that may contribute to a 457, 403 or 401 are the employer (if elected as an option) and the employee. Many unions, trade associations and professional organisations do have pension benefits that are directly the responsibility of the organisation and the employee is prohibited from contributing to those as more than one tax deferred vehicle is prohibited. The American tax laws under ERISA are explicitly clear that what you're asking is a serious violation of
  11. We use the mobiles mostly but still keep a land line as a Plan B. I have a universal number and all calls not answered on the land line or my mobile are forwarded to it, which allows me to check my messages anywhere in the world with an internet access. That has come in handy since I travel for employer frequently and my husband and I usually holiday outside the country at least once a year.
  12. The local jails need books. I'm serious. Check with your area constable and see how the process for such a donation would work.
  13. I rarely wear jewelry, mainly because when I started doing patient care right out of university, it was (and still is) considered a Best Practice by many organisations to not wear it for patient and personal safety reasons since all sorts of bad stuff can live on jewelry. Now, I occasionally wear my wedding band and one of the other pieces I've purchased over the years. It comes down to preference. Do what you want. You answer to no one. We've come along way since the brave pioneers like Sanger and Anthony. We won't go back. So do whatever you feel is best.
  14. I understand. I don't know what to say about that idea that such voodoo would be promulgated, much less believed. Peeled onions kills influenza, viruses, cancer and even migraines? Will onions be the answer to Global Warming, too? I shouldn't be surprised that people actually believe such non-sense, but I am nonetheless. And, sorry that you had to do the Chemo thing. It isn't fun but it is one of the few things we have right now. Let's hope better treatment options are discovered in the near future.
  15. You're serious. Never mind.
  16. See, you read the details, details that (as you said) are easily refuted. The email is so shoddy in it construction that I'm surprised anyone would believe it.
  17. I recognise the sarcasm. You're much brighter than to fall for such non-sense. I know you wouldn't become a victim of this wive's tale.
  18. I received a chain email a few moments ago. Whilst I usually simply delete them, this one intrigued me because the FW: headline said that the lowly onion had all sorts of miraculous qualities, including the ability to cure all sorts of ailments and even prevent the dreadful influenza virus, all by simply slicing it open and leaving portions around the house. Of course, it is bollocks. Here is the email I received. The people disseminating such rubbish are simply playing a game, putting something totally silly out there and watching the easily manipulated clamor for it.
  19. This is simply not what civilised people say in such circumstances. Uncouth.
  20. Dreadful news. Let's hope we all learn that privacy has to be have a premium, even for the Royals. Many prayers shall be lifted for her family with lit candles in accompaniment.
  21. Use a private facility like 655 West and have it catered.
  22. I said it was my favorite. I didn't say I regularly purchase it.
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