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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I happen to have been to Arlington several times. The point I was making is the she simply didn't think. She simply forgot where she was. She simply wasn't thinking that it was THE Arlington. People do stupid things and not even realise what they are doing at the moment, but would never do something like that intentionally if they just stopped and thought about it for a second. That is the point I was making. In no way am I excusing her actions, but I am saying that her explanation is very plausible and, most likely, accurate. It was not something intentional but it was quite irrespon
  2. I didn't see where she was on a work trip. If she was on the clock, that is different. She and her friend did say they didn't even realize the fact that the sign was at Arlington. If we give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she didn't realize (or forgot or just didn't think), then it is a humours picture. But because it was at Arlington, there is a difference, whether it was on the time card or not. Disrespectful, yes. Termination reason? I would have to know more and consult with the house barrister first.
  3. Be careful with labour laws and the EEOC with that mindset.
  4. That's true. I would just hate to think she has no public face for her employer and becomes unemployed over a non-job related action. I certainly don't discipline my employees over their political affiliations or actions, nor their engaging in activities when outside the employment hours. People that are part of our Face, however, are in another category.
  5. Good. No holiday should be ruined by another, unless, of course, it is the local law enforcement agency coming from the motorway. That is not pleasant news at all.
  6. So now Hamas thinks it has more to avenge and they whip up the nationalist frenzy of emotions against the Israelis and do even more damage. The Israelis retaliate. Then Hamas backs down a bit and sees an opportunity to attack. Israel waits then sees an opportunity to avenge itself. The cycle just goes on and on, killing each other in the name of god, country and what is morally right. It's sickening.
  7. Poor judgement but I'm not altogether sure she should lose her job over it.
  8. This argument goes back 1000s of years. Israel is not completely innocent. Hamas is a terrorist group but both of them agitate and instigate attacks all the time. I'm just weary of the war and killing. Someone has to stop the retaliation and just seek peace, a novel concept the world celebrates in only a month.
  9. As many as has Israel. Both are in this. Neither is innocent. Israel is in this, too, and are not without sin in all this,.
  10. Let's hope the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas holds. There is too much fighting and killing in the world as it is. Put away the hate. My link
  11. It is a beautiful place, especially Costa Rica. Perhaps when I go on holiday in that part of the world I shall impose on you for a few days as a flat? Good luck to you!
  12. Sounds like fun! What part of the world shall you claim home?
  13. A 1986 Mercedes. Ran like a dream for a previously cared for auto.. Cried when I sold it for my first new car, a Volvo.
  14. Good for you! Best of luck to you in selling the one you're in now and finding a new dwelling. It is good news!
  15. I welcome your evidence that would refute the numbers in the article.
  16. The guess would be incorrect. The articles paint quite a different reason, e.g., growing economy.
  17. In another sign the US economy is gradually improving, the number of housing starts for October were the best since 2008 and up 3.6% since September. Slow growth, yes, but the economy is improving despite the impending political problems that will negatively affect the market place. My link 1 My link 2
  18. According to some ex-employees at one Budget Rental outlet, the chain would charge customer's credit card for damage but never do repairs, or the same damage would be charged to several customers. Let's hope this is an isolated incident and not indicative of the industry as a whole. My link
  19. Well, at least, that's a partial claim. A new documentary says there is evidence - and a confession - from a serial killer currently on Florida's death row that says Simpson told Glen Rogers to steal a pair of earrings Simpson had given Nicole Brown and to kill her if necessary. Rogers bragged about killing Nicole Brown but later says he was only joking. My link
  20. I didn't give any insight on it. I just found something and made a generalised comment.
  21. A brown bear has decided a local chalet is better than the Great Out-of-Doors. The bear took up residency for a weekend, ate all the food, and then started in on the owners vegetable garden. The bear may be cute to behold but this is not funny to the wildlife experts or the chalet owner. My link
  22. The article said he has changed his name to "Snoop Lion" but I had not heard that before.
  23. In another sign of a slowly emerging economy, the sale of US homes rose again in October. That's an 11% increase in one year. Coupled with an improving job market, it would seem as if the American economy is continuing the slow growth process of the last 4 years. My link
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