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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That is a valid argument from a logical point of view. The problem is that, from a real world existence, why do we have speed limits or laws against murder? The logical fallacy doesn't hold, iin my estimation. The point is that weapons exist for the sole purpose of inflicting harm. Now, the extent that harm become protection is a viable argument, but I think we can all agree that there are some weapons that are just too much for protection, and become too dangerous on a risk/reward basis.
  2. That is pointless. Just read this thread. When people won't even have a rational discussion about ANY weapons, about ANY mental health care expenditures, about ANY reasonable measures to prevent this sort of event other than getting people to go to church, THAT is total insanity.
  3. No. Not what I said. I said the American time for the discussion is at hand. Whatever the decision is, is fine. It just needs to be done and done reasonable and rational discussion. Money and rhetoric need to be left out. Lives are more important than to keep the insanity of the status qou going. We have some nice consolation prizes for you stage right. I'm sure there is a howitzer and a copy of Mein Kamph for your personal stocking stuffers.
  4. How about treat others the way you want to be treated? I'm sure those parents in CT would have a different take on this whole discussion. That is not the scope of my discussion. I'm saying there are people not even wanting to have the discussion about reasonable safety precautions and don't want any weapons out of the hands of the general public. That is insanity. The fact that people are not wanting to engage in a rational discussion that some weapons should be discussed is insanity.
  5. What part of AS DEFINED BY THE ONGOING DISCUSSION AND THE LEGISLATURES IN THE FUTURE do you not understand? Why so obstinate?
  6. No, I am not. YOU are saying I'm calling for such a ban. I am saying however America wishes to define what it needs to ban, let it happen. Which shows you don't understand teh American parliamentary system very well. Until there is a bill on the floor, voted upon, there is nothing to discuss with the other Congressional House on what to amend and agree upon. Goodness. Did you ever take US Government in primary school?
  7. No, that is not my point. You are jumping to a conclusion. I am simply saying that weapons that are more than for recreational purposes as defined by a legal, reasonable standard (up to the legislatures to define) should be up for discussion. I am not naming any particular weapon or type; that is not what I'm doing at all. If you would stop trying to put words in my posts and listen you might just hear what I'm saying.I am ONLY saying that it is time America has the discussion and realises there is a problem, and it needs to do something about certain types of weaons, however it decide
  8. I don't have to define an assault weapon. That is up to the consensus in the legislatures. The point is that it is time for America to agree it is time to have the discussion and that there are some weapons that shouldn't be allowed to the general public. Once Americans agree on the obvious, the details come later.
  9. You're jumping to a conclusion and making a point I never made. My point is that America has a violence problem and having easy assault weapon access whilst knowing there is a problem is insanity. Get real. The many rounds at one time? Puhleeezzzeee. At least your consistent in your absurdity.
  10. No, but it will stop some. That is the point. You don't keep dangerous household chemicals in easy access because some kid might figure out a way to open the locks where they are kept.
  11. But just maybe government should first do the immediate thing that is the most basic and begin the process of banning he assault weapons. Deal with the obvious and immediate. I'm all for mental health care. We have to raise taxes to do it. Will everyone support that? Who will sign on in agreement to have more taxes to fund mental health care? Anyone?
  12. But it may have worked in this case. You cannot prove a negative.
  13. The insanity in this thread is what the politicians prey upon: Crazy people who are easily manipulated to think these sort of weapons should be available to the public at large. No wonder America has a deadly crime rate and more incarcerated than any other Western nation. Insanity.
  14. No, because you can't. The philosophies are diametrical opposites.
  15. Would you please explain the philosophical views of Jesus and John Galt and how they are similar? Dissimilar?
  16. Anti capitalist? Liberal? No, shug. I'm very much a capitalist and am a conservative. You are on the extreme side of things and don't even realise it. I take my philosophical view point from someone other than a fictional character.For example, would you please explain the philosophical views of Jesus and John Galt and they are similar? Dissimilar?
  17. Extremes? And you didn't paint an extreme view of a society that, when challenged, fell apart under historical scrutiny? Your fantasy world didn't exist as you presented it. I presented it as it was historically accurate.
  18. I agree. I'm sure it was the same when Little Mary Phagan was killed and Leo Frank was wrongly arrested and hung by a mob seeking vengeance Or when the USS Maine exploded and America went to war killing people over a mere accident. Accidents happen. Bad people do bad things. It's the way of things. We have to learn to be better than this.
  19. I think the Atlanta Olympic bombings were like that, too. So was the reporting on the London Bombings in 2005.
  20. I agree. I don't find anything really strange about this, except that a reporter was sitting in his car park like a vulture.
  21. Dear Crossroads: Any on-line site that provides dictionary or thesaurus services would be a good idea to have bookmarked. My link
  22. I don't know. I hvaen't been following the story. I read the headline and scanned the article. It is a tragedy. That's all I care to know. The work is to figure out ways to prevent/minimize this event in the future.
  23. Or have a few drinks and a gun, and then have some bitch start stuff. Yep. A couple of shots and a gun in her purse and there may be lead flying. Lesson: alcohol is just as deadly in combination with driving as it is with owning a gun.
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