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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. It's a recording of bird songs from around the world. 10 pounds with the built in audio player and an illustration for each song. A bird lovers dream. My Link
  2. This is so sad. Trimark won't provide care for troops with brain trauma but a privately funded group by Bernie Marcus will provide the care. Worse part is that Marcus went to the VA and they shrugged him off. The troops deserve better. My Link
  3. Yes, but I'm not telling anyone about it. It was mine and while I wish I could have video taped it for everybody to see, I think this one was best left to me, my husband and God. That's all I have to say about that. No PMs about it will be answered, neither.
  4. If anyone knows a Holocaust victim who is not on the database, the opportunity is available to make sure they are not forgotten. My Link
  5. It's not their "problem" but their "right" since no Federal law supersedes it.
  6. A bottle of 2006 Clos de Betz Red Wine along with various cheeses and several variety of crackers.
  7. Getting the nuclear plant that is cleaner and more efficient than other power plants to help the environment is a good idea. It's like taxes that go to good things and no one minds paying for those.
  8. In NY, that is the case but it will depend on how the law is written and if adults are included in other states. I was speaking broadly and not specifically.
  9. Sure, but I was pointing out that "incest" does not always mean an unacceptable level of risk, as in the case of cousins. "Incest" is a broad term. The myth is that close relatives will produce abnormalities and that is not true. With kids and parents, there is a problem. This is sick but they are adults and can do what they want.
  10. The Civil Rights Act is not the end of all civil rights struggles. It was not the end of all civil rights legislation. Women still fight for civil rights because sexism still exists. Just because gays were not specifically written into the 1964 Act doesn't mean their struggle today is any less a civil rights issue. Parsing words on this is silly. It's about civil rights. If you want to say the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was only about race, well, that's wrong too because a search engine shows there were other things in there too. The fight for equal rights for the gay community is a continua
  11. Natural disasters always happen but 2010 is when Mother Nature told us she is pissed off. We've got fix the problems we're causing with the environment. My Link
  12. The theme for the White House decorations this year is Simple Gifts. The link has several videos and pictures of the decorating of the White House. My Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT9NlybyByA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgPFI564yYk
  13. A power plant with no green house gases. America is so far behind on things like this. My Link
  14. That's not what the science says. That is a myth.
  15. Anyone can see this is NEWS and not about politics. My goodness. I posted it because it is news and we can discuss it. If you just want to discuss it, don't open the damn thread.
  16. It is civil rights. If you or anyone else want to distort history and say the 1964 legislation was only about race, go ahead. It doesn't change the wording in the legislation that included much more than race (sex, religion, ethnicity and nationality) and has been applied all these years to all other civil rights of other groups. All you have to do is use a search engine and it is all there. Your choice.
  17. How many whites were promoted over blacks in the 50s only because the soldier/airman/sailor/marine was white? There are reasons lawsuits happen.
  18. Let's look at some history. The only reason gays were not included in the 1964 Act is because gays were still thought to be unworthy of civil rights, but they are just as worthy of the protections as of the act as I am as a woman, as someone of another religion or ethnicity or national origin. 1964 Civil Rights Act
  19. I believe you are mistaken. The act also included sex as part of the civil rights legislation. Saying it is only about race suggests you might want to read up on it a bit. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 also included religion, nationality and ethnic background, including Native Americans.
  20. As I understand it, there were several possible routes and Paulding to Floyd was one of the routes. Paulding flat out said "hell no."
  21. People of color do not have a corner on the market of civil rights. To your friends of color, I would invite them to speak with my friends of color; friends who happen to be gay; friends who happen to be disabled; friends who happen to be of a different religion. All of these friends of mine believe civil rights means rights extended to everyone, of all religions, of all colors, or all nationalities, or all ethnic backgrounds and of all abilities.
  22. Finally! Gay Americans can serve their country without having to deny who they are. This is a long time coming for civil rights for another segment of Americans. My Link
  23. I wasn't born or raised here, having only been in Paulding about 15 years, but I was told Paulding / Dallas was the first option for I-75 and the county / city leaders flatly refused. That's why Cartersville / Bartow got I-75. If that's true, Paulding / Dallas had some real dumb asses running this place in the 50s-70s.
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