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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. OMG! New research finds that even babies are overweight. And the number of overweight kids has tripled in the last 30 years. The study also confirmed what what we all know - overweight kids tend to be overweight adults. We need to change our eating habits and start making exercise a priority. That means we can't afford to take phys ed out of schools but that's another topic. My Link
  2. I don't like the payments. When the wheels can't be held on with bubble gum and duct tape any longer, then I'll buy another. The rise in energy costs might drive more research and better innovation in the electric and small vehicle market. Hope so.
  3. Two American companies have gotten regulatory approval to begin stem cell experiments that could help us with Parkinson's disease, paralysis, diabetes, heart disease, and maybe even the ravages of aging. My Link
  4. More good news on the economy. Best in 28 months. Things are certainly getting better. My Link
  5. There is some dispute whether Billy the Kid was promised clemency from the territorial governor. Either way, the publicity over the possibility of a pardon garnered international attention. Bill Richardson refused the pardon and Billy the Kid is still an enemy of the state. And dead. My Link
  6. About 150,000 vehicles, and most of those are in Canada, are being recalled due to an electrical short problem that can cause an auto flambe. My Link
  7. Science education is causing us to go on a down slide?
  8. Production is increasing but sales are low. Until these vehicles have more power and distance capability, sales will be low. Until the American consumer demand these, sales will be low. But at least there is enough demand to get the technology in the infancy stages. Europe and Asian countries will, IMHO, drive the real demand on these. My Link
  9. Especially with the ability to map the genome, we're just this year realizing our ancestors comingled and that we have 4% Neanderthal DNA. Some people have more than others, obviously.
  10. I didn't even notice that. Good catch. I just thought it strange that the virus could jump like that and all of a sudden we see it. Or has this been happening all along and we're just now finding out? Either way, it just shows to go you that living things make adaptations all the time.
  11. We didn't evolve from apes. That is not what evolution says.
  12. Things are getting even better. New applications for unemployment dropped. Factory activity in the Midwest is the best we've seen in 22 YEARS. Sales of previously owned homes are up, as are retail sales and trade. Things have improved immensely since January 2009. My Link
  13. In 2009, two hunters in two different states nicked their index finger while dressing deer they had killed. Both hunters developed a lesion on their finger and the culprit is a previously unknown virus. The lesions did heal after a few months but there is lingering pain. No problems have been found with the men otherwise. My Link
  14. The newest Gallup poll says that only 40% of Americans now believethat life appeared directly by the act of god only 10,000 years ago. That number is the lowest percentage yet of Americans believing in strict creationism. 38% of Americans believe that evolution is true but that god guided it. 16% said that evolution is true but that god had nothing to do with it. The survey showed that those who graduated college tend to accept evolution. Republicans and weekly church goers tend to believe in strict creationism. My Link
  15. Tetnus shot first. Joint when you get home from the ER. Drinking won't make danger go away but it will make you forget about it for a few hours. Amputation is overrated. Yes, worry. Get the shot.
  16. That's easy. La Cocina restaurant. Matt Ryan Tony Gonzalez Plenty of Jose cuervo And my computer.
  17. Sometimes, the jury and evidence is wrong, as in the case of Todd Willingham and those other innocent people who were executed or died in prison. Maybe you're OK with putting innocent people to death. I'm not. Or I could have titled the thread that the innocent people on death row won't be executed by a mistake of the state. The title of the thread was about the number of executions being down because of the short supply of the drug and the number of death penalty sentences. That is something we need to address as a society if we are going to continue the executions. You made it about
  18. 135+ people since 1973 would beg to differ with your view. What about the innocent people the government executed? Had they been in prison instead of dead, we could have rectified a wrong. Hope you're never wrongly accused. Yes, it is much less of a cost to keep them in prison than to carry out a death sentence. Death penalty automatically starts every appeal process that the government has to pay for, because our laws always want to give the benefit of the doubt to the prisoner JUST IN CASE he is innocent. So the costs to defend the death sentence is VERY expensive because the st
  19. You keep talking about the victims as if everyone on death row is guilty. I'm not questioning what they did was terrible and they don't deserve punishment. In fact, quite the contrary. I'm saying that we've made too many mistakes in the past where INNOCENT people were executed. How about that mistake? How about knowing the state EXECUTED AN INNOCENT PERSON? What if you were the one on death row and really were innocent? I'm saying that new science and new techniques and new evidence is removing people from death row all the time. We cannot fix a mistake if we've executed innocent peopl
  20. That is not true at all. Solitary confinement sends them looney after a while.
  21. He's the Ag boss. It's his prerogative. Just like when W fired all those attorneys and everyone knew it was crappy and political but it was W's right as president. These pictures show a part of the past that needs to be in a museum, not a current building of government. It is very offensive and very poor taste. No one thought anything of it 50 years ago when the overwhelming majority of GA was voting for George Wallace and wanted to bring back segregation. Times have changed, thank god. Take those pictures down, put them in a museum and move on with the business of government.
  22. I can't type it more slowly. Re-read my post. It is in your quote of my post. Re-read it.
  23. And people wonder how the label "self righteous" gets attributed.
  24. Please re-read my post before you respond. Do you just automatically assume things?
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