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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. A new study says that the consumption lot of wine, fruits, vegetables, legumes, olive oil and fish, and limiting the red meat, is good for the body and the mind. The information is that people who have this sort of diet score as if they were younger on cognitive tests. For the New Year's resolution you might want to consider this sort of diet. My Link
  2. A wild duck was found to have died from a lethal strain of bird flu, the H5N1 virus. Two chicken farms have been confirmed to also be contaminated. Let's hope they get this under control. My Link
  3. When does the mother have to tell the doctor she wants this done?
  4. From the title, I thought you were talking about our GA politicians.
  5. We know that chickens used to be dinosaurs but I still like to eat the eggs and the chicken.
  6. But if he was promised a pardon, shouldn't the state follow through? If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it teaches by example that there are two sets of standards. I don't care either way but I'm just saying the history sure looks like he was promised a pardon. We've pardoned many criminals before. It is the NM governor's right to do as he wants but I have to wonder if this was more about revenge on Billy the Kid (who acted as a deputy in some of those instances during the "war") than doing the right thing. Just thinking out loud.
  7. I'm not so sure about this. I remember reading articles back in the 80s about pythons and boas in the Everglades and how they were a danger to our ecosystem. But I did a search and couldn't fund anything from the 80s, though there were a lot of articles mid-90s and above. Andrew was in 92 so you may be onto something.
  8. That's exactly right. But the article wasn't giving us the math of 5 years ago but from 2 years ago. Over the last 2 years the DOW is up 40%. That's the point. The recovery is definitely here. It takes time to recover all of it but we are well on our way.
  9. In 2008, 40% of the revenue of Arcade, GA, came from fines and forfeitures. There have been three investigations by the Georgia State Patrol over the town having speed traps. Now there is a Federal lawsuit against the town. AJC Link
  10. Health insurance premiums are up 48% since 2003. These cost increases are related to increased costs related to chronic illnesses like diabetes and problems with obesity. Since Southerners tend to be more obese, the costs have gone up in the South more than elsewhere. It's New Years. Time to make a resolution. Let's get healthier, eat right and start exercising. My Link
  11. If they would take it to the wildlife area and then transfer the ownership to another responsible owner, I think that will work. If my husband would help in the kitchen a little bit I would have to pitch a hissy fit every few months either. If people behaved responsibly, we wouldn't need regulations at all. But we need to do something to prevent this sort of danger to our ecosystem going forward.
  12. It's true that you're warmer with a hat on, but it is also true that you're warmer with pants on too. That is what the study showed. It's not the hat but an exposed body part - any exposed body part will make you feel only half as warm.
  13. I think a permit might not solve the problem since "it died" is an easy out, when really the snake got thrown out of the car into the swamp. But I don't know. Just talking out loud.
  14. We have the same problem with idiots who release boa constrictors and pythons in the FLA Everglades. Maybe we should ban these sort of exotic animals for private purchase. For the good of our environment and economy.
  15. I'm not sure there is enough room in a high schoolers schedule to take another required class. Most insurance companies will pay for parenting classes. At least all my insurance has, and that was for both my husband and myself, including the child birth classes. Really, though, I don't have a problem with requiring the class in high school but with so many requirements now, adding another might be a problem. Why don't we do like some European countries do and add another year of formalized schooling? Maybe require one more year to get all that college prep stuff in OR they are required
  16. The old saying is that half your body heat is lost through your head so that is why you should wear a hat when outside in the cold. Then there is the old wive's tale that sugar makes kids hyperactive. These are not true and scientists have debunked them. My Link
  17. I plan on improving my health. I am going to have a definite starting point for 2011 so there is nowhere to go but up. I am not so sure about a parenting class in high school. Maybe we need a required life skills class. Or teach this in the health classes. Make it a requirement to get a drivers license. We still need more exercise by adults and kids.
  18. People released these exotic fish into the wild because of whatever reason, but it is not smart. Those fish are not native to these parts and with few natural predators, they are now labeled as one of the Top 15 threats to global biodiversity. So the best thing to do is convince people to eat the lionfish. Supposedly it is really good eating. My Link
  19. We can't ignore this any more. The climate change is real and we have to start immediately to take the necessary steps to minimize the impact. Time Magazine Link
  20. Well, if crawling is good exercise, Jose Cuervo and I are going to be triathletes tonight.
  21. I meant that we as a culture tend to overeat so we over feed the kids too. We don't exercise enough so we don't make sure the kids (toddlers included) get enough exercise either. As generations pass, the problem will only worsen unless we identify the culprit (us) and fix it (like you said, education). Then we have to just do it. Nike is more than a commercial. We can't afford to not make phys ed for kids (of all ages) as important as learning to cipher or explain evolution. It is what being an informed, well-rounded person (pardon the pun) is all about.
  22. These are embryonic cells, cells that are discarded after in vitro fertilization. Link
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