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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. There is HUGE difference between historical narratives and historical fiction, the latter of which this miniseries is judged to be by the History Channel. As for the other shows, those are out there as exactly what they are and only a complete buffoon would recognize the UFO shows as 100% factual information. The Lumberjacks is a reality show, another animal entirely.
  2. zoocrew


    We can say the same thing about the Muslims too, can't we? Just checking.
  3. zoocrew


    Yes. Creepy. Extremists.
  4. No. Because we all know that when tempers flare, stupid things happen. Two people. Two tempers. Two guns. Chances are big that someone might do something stupid. Or be able to bully more people. Would you stand up to a bully with a gun? There are reasons to have a gun but arming everyone is crazy.
  5. A reasoned answer like this will be met with much vitriol. No. If everyone carrying guns was such a great idea, the wild west would have continued and spread across the nation. It didn't work then and it is beyond crazy to think something like that would make us safe.
  6. Or maybe they are teenagers who are just trespassing. Do we want to kill someone and then ask if they were illegal? Nope.
  7. You're right. People would be afraid to go out because of fear. How would you know if someone were an illegal?
  8. Wine and all the chic-flicks I can get from Red Box.
  9. I stopped looking for work after my job was downsized, so I feel ya. But unemployment is not the same as the economy. It's a different animal.
  10. Yes, it is getting better. We have to have 125,000 new jobs every month just to account for new people entering the work force. When there is a net decrease, it is also accounting for those new people too. It balances out. But the economy is getting much, much better and has been since March 2009. The recession ended in Summer 2009. The numbers don't lie.
  11. No. Criminals would just use more gang-type attacks and more people would get killed.
  12. The unemployment never includes those who stopped looking. Not now or when unemployment was at 4% either.
  13. They'd better not raise taxes. Due to the housing collapse, we seen income drop 60 - 70 % and to ask me to pay more in taxes is just insane. Half my siblings are teachers but should they be exempt from cuts? Nope. Should the BOE cut jobs? Yep. They are too bloated now. But in this economy, NOBODY is exempt. Will class sizes increase by one or two more students? yes. Will it effect performance/results? not really. My college classes were 200 in size and high school classes were 35 in size. Worked then and it can work now. Cutting spending on ALL levels is the only appropriate and long term solu
  14. No. That is not my solution. I only gave the reason why the editor changed the word. I didn't a word about my agreeing with it. I said that was the reason he did it.
  15. I've got to get mine cleaned before my husband and kids get home today but I'm still tired from Christmas!
  16. The reason the word was being removed in that edition is because of the many moves to ban books that have these references. This word is why many school districts have banned the book. So by removing the word, the reason for the ban is removed too. This is the same as those that want to ban Harry Potter, Of Mice and Men, The Victim, and a gazillion others. When people find books "offensive" they want to ban it. They do the same in places like Afghanistan or Iran. The same is true of art work or cartoons.
  17. I know a lot of people under 30 without their tonsils but that is because of our kids and we've talked when the kids had the surgery.
  18. The research doesn't say the vaccine causes autism. It's a personal choice but I prefer the better odds of beating deadly diseases than any reaction. The odds are good that a disease will be contracted but small that there will be a reaction.
  19. Until now, there were no guidelines on what was considered enough before a kid has the tonsils removed. Now, there are. Still debated but at least the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery have put together the plan that says yank them or leave them. My Link
  20. The only person I see defending the study is the original's author, not a group. Not many (that I can find) respected professionals accepted the original research and those that did based their info entirely upon that study, the best I can tell. Remember the author of the original study had his credentials revoked this sort of stuff previously.
  21. The newest issue of the British Journal of medicine says the study that linked autism to vaccines was beyond wrong: it was intentionally falsified the data. Do we now think it is safe to vaccinate our kids? My Link
  22. Thankfully auto sales are still strong despitewhat some said here on paulding.com
  23. And again you just ignore that ELC is holistic. The directives are far reaching. Please continue in your lack of understanding in this area.
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