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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Businesses make money off us because they know we respond to the emotions. That's why Christmas is not a religious holiday but completely the product of merchants creating the season, the gifts, the everything. They even created the commercialization around Easter too. Does anybody think Valentines Day is not a commercialized sales gimmick in the middle of Winter?
  2. And it should be one the doctor / team discusses each year because situations do change EVERY SINGLE year. But when the final time does come, it doesn't come in one year, usually, but over several years with a debilitating or progression of disease. That is something the holistic team should be doing every year.
  3. It's my experience with all my aunts and uncles and other relatives of whom I was executor / Power of Attorney. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.
  4. No. They don't. Not the full ELC conversation. That's what I've been trying to explain. ELC is more than a treatment option, it is the totality of the End of Life Care - from pain treatment, to diet, to counseling, to hospice, to meds, to paperwork, to everything. The doctor only discusses treatment of the primary problem, but the rest of the stuff is what is most expensive and overwhelming to people who are acting emotionally at the time. Isn't that a decision the family should make with all that information available? What is wrong with someone dying with dignity?
  5. I call BS on the "coercion" by doctors / staff. The doctors really don't care one way or the other about the final treatment options because it is the patient's choice. The staff / periphery specialists are the ones who actually do the counseling anyway. At my doctor's office there is on staff several educators (diabetes, dietician), counselors (mental health professionals) a geriatric specialist, a pain specialist who are all involved in the holistic care. The only thing the primary doctor did for my aunt and uncle was detail the prognosis and the progression, and from there the Nurse Practit
  6. Yes, they surged because everyone was getting them in that year instead of the next. The number would not have changed either way, be it in 2004 or 2005. You ignored the sentence that bankruptcies then starting climbing again after 2005. Selective reading to fit your agenda.
  7. The numbers are still down from the go-go years a few years ago, but auto sales INCREASED in 2010, up 11%. The auto makers are optimistic but rising gas prices may hamper sales in the future. This is still good news since a few on here predicted the Cash for Clunkers Program would crash 2010 auto sales. Let's hope the improving economy continues and we can get back to something better than what we've had. My Link
  8. You didn't mention that the bankruptcies in 2010 matched the record high in 2004 when unemployment was half what it is now and the economy was rocking on all cylinders. So naturally the "5 year high" is not bad considering how bad things were in the economy for 2 years, beginning in 2008. Bankruptcies don't happen over night but take a year or more to culminate. My Link
  9. The latest story of the TX parolee who spent 30 years in prison before DNA evidence showed him innocent is just one of many instances in Dallas, TX, where 21 others have recently been released with the same DNA findings. The reason is that the DNA there happened to have been kept and a new DA who used to be a prosecutor said the system was stacked against the poor in the area. So the new DA began working with The Innocent Project to investigate what the DNA evidence said. That meant political enemies for the new DA and the release of 21 innocent people who were convicted on eyewitness testimon
  10. You will have to show me where I did that. You won't find it because I didn't blame Bush and wasn't even on here then. Let's not let some facts get in your way.
  11. The worst thing that we can do is let legislators get involved with curriculum. That is beyond asinine.
  12. I'not a lesbian but that doesn't mean that an atmosphere of hostility against gays this sort of video can exacerbate is acceptable from the Navy.
  13. Looks like the rise in gas prices is much more complicated than we want to believe. My Audio Link
  14. Manufacturing and construction are up, showing more signs of an improving economy. My Link
  15. This wasn't a comedy movie but just pure making fun of gays. It was lewd and crude.
  16. What he did was wrong. It was beyond merely offensive. It was harassment. The crew may have liked it but it was just as wrong as racist or sexist jokes.
  17. I didn't realize this but it looks like the recovering economy means oil prices go up. That means things get better on one side, but that means we have to pay more for gas. They get us either way. My Link
  18. Scientists may be able to find a single cancer cell and develop a treatment of a chronic disease instead of an immediate / drastic treatment need. If this test can be done to diagnose cancer in the extremely earliest of time, this might mean a cure is around the corner. My Link
  19. The state brought the case. The jury only decides based on the evidence presented. Usually the legislature will authorize special funding for this sort of payment to a wrongfully convicted person, but the state does need to pay. The state doesn't have to, but usually it does, from what I can tell. Jurors cannot be sued for their verdict.
  20. The state of TX owes him big time for false imprisonment. The guy was innocent which means the state put an innocent man behind bars for 30 years. Thankfully he wasn't executed or we would have a big "ooooops" moment.
  21. Wait! I found an interpreter who agree with your version, dapandlap. The Marxists view the parable of the talents like you do. My Link
  22. But the master threw the last servant out into the place of "weeping and gnashing of teeth." Only god can throw someone into hell, no? Again, I'm just trying to find a single source that would interpret the parable was an employer-employee relationship, and I couldn't find one.
  23. I'm asking you what else it could mean since every link I looked at says it is god who is the master. So if you're the only one that says it is not, I think I will go with the traditional on this one. My link Read more: http://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Topical.show/RTD/cgg/ID/331/Parable-of-Talents.htm#ixzz19w5RgviZ
  24. So this was about an employer, nn employer who cast the employee out into darkness. That is not what I found any link to say. That's not what the traditional version of it has been either according to Wiki. So is that "weeping and gnashing of teeth" the unemployment line? I had always heard that was hell.
  25. So who was "master" if not god? Are you saying Jesus is not god?
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